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Teaching Grammar

Teaching Grammar . Agenda . Pre Task Presenting grammar What approaches can be used to present new language structures? Presentation of grammar in textbooks Planning a grammar lesson. Discussion Questions .

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Teaching Grammar

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  1. Teaching Grammar

  2. Agenda • Pre Task • Presenting grammar • What approaches can be used to present new language structures? • Presentation of grammar in textbooks • Planning a grammar lesson

  3. Discussion Questions • Imagine you are trying to learn a new skill, which approach do you prefer: (to be told how it works- to be shown how it works- to read about the skill in a reference book- to try using the skill- a combination of these) • What is 'grammar'? What is the role of grammar in language teaching? • Do learners need to be able to describe language to be able to communicate in that language? • What are your lessons learned when you teach grammar? Tips for new teachers? • What are the best approaches to teach grammar? Inductive or deductive?

  4. Presenting Grammar • Watch the trainer presents grammar in three different approaches. As you watch, comment on the following points • What the approach is? • Use of visuals to convey meaning? • Sentence or discourse level grammar? • Meaningful or communicative?

  5. Using Visuals to present grammar

  6. What approaches can be used to present new language structures? • Visual/oral contexts • Texts • Short dialogues • Deductive/inductive approaches • Test-teach-test In pairs, discuss the following: • How does the approach work? • When is the approach useful? • What are the disadvantages?

  7. 1A. Direct Inductive • Situation Examples Practice/Test • Good for: - early levels • presenting basic (oral) functions • presenting new structures where the concept is difficult e.g. present perfect. • Why? • the language is in a situation which demonstrates meaning and generalizes the new item. • the students are not confused by explanations but see the language in use.

  8. 1B. Direct Deductive • Examples Rules Practice/Test • Good for: - intermediate levels • presenting new structures where the form is the priority e.g. reported speech.. • Why? • Students like the approach. • Economical in terms of time. • Rules are clearly stated from the start.

  9. 2A. Text Based Inductive • Listening/Reading Comprehension • Generates examples • Practice/Test • Here a text generates the new language (e.g. a series of disasters generates the 3rd conditional) • Good for: - all levels • new structures/new functions • revision of structures/functions

  10. 2B. Text Based Inductive • Listening/Reading Comprehension • Highlight examples • Rules • Practice/Test • Here the text contains the language item. • Better for revision/remedial work on structures/functions previously introduced as, if the language is new, students may be thrown by it. Good as the language is in a natural context which illustrates its use (concepts and forms).

  11. 3. Test / Teach / Test (pretest- posttest) • Test (usually in exercise Teach Re-test • Good for: - higher levels • revising structures and clarify problem areas. • comparing/contrasting different tenses, for example present perfect vs. past simple. • Why? - it is economic, showing you what they do and don’t know. You • can base the “Teach” stage on what they don’t know.. • It shows the students what they don’t know and makes them more amenable to revising something they feel they have already learnt.

  12. Presentation of grammar in textbooks • Examine a textbook for the presentation/practice activities in terms of: • repetitive: ( there is built-in repetition, the activity gives learners opportunity to use the new language item on several occasions) • Contextualized (the grammar is presented in a clear and sufficient context that makes form/meaning/use clear) • Interactive (the activity entails learners’ interaction in pairs or groups) • Communicative • Personalized (the activity can be extended to include personal needs of the learners) • Fun and ennoble

  13. Planning a grammar lesson • See worksheet

  14. Resources for further readings • Gover, R., Phillips, D. & Walters, S (2001). Teaching practice handbook. Macmillan. (Chapter 6 introduces a number of approaches for presenting and practice new language.) • Thornbury, S., & Watkins, P. (2007). The CELTA Course. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 7, 8, and 12 present ideas on practicing new language. • Harmer, Jeremy.( 2003). The practice of English language teaching. 3th ed. Pearson-Longman. (P 55-58). This section covers the stages in language learning with focus on differentiating non communicative from communicative activities. Also chapter 6 on 'introducing new language structures ' covers a variety of techniques in presenting and practice new structures.

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