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Team 9: Appraisal

Team 9: Appraisal. Vesa Mikkola Suvi Skippari. Agenda. Purposes for Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal System Job Specific Appraisal Reducing Errors.

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Team 9: Appraisal

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  1. Team 9: Appraisal Vesa Mikkola Suvi Skippari

  2. Agenda • Purposes for Performance Appraisal • Performance Appraisal System • Job Specific Appraisal • Reducing Errors

  3. Developmental- Provide performance feedback- Identify individual strengths/weaknesses- Recognize individual performance- Assist in goal identification- Evaluate goal achievement- Identify individual training needs- Reinforce authority structure- Allow employees to discuss concerns- Improve communications- Provide a forum for leaders to help Administrative- Document personnel decisions- Determine promotion candidates- Determine transfers and assignments- Identify poor performance- Decide retention or termination- Decide on layoffs- Validate selection criteria- Meet legal requirements- Evaluate training program/progress- Personnel planning- Make reward/compensation decisions Purposes for Performance Appraisal

  4. Reasons why BPC needs formal appraisal BPC should use a mix of both developmental and administrative appraisal practices: • Support promotion from within policy • Ensure that training programs are effective • Motivate employees to perform better • Objective way of judging performance • To provide documented employee performance history

  5. Performance Appraisal System • System should comply to performance standards:- Strategic relevance: System must align organizational needs and goals with individual needs and goals- Criterion deficiency: System to include entire range of employee activities and responsibilities- Criterion Contamination: System should consider both internal and external factors that may affect outcome- Reliability: Consistent system that provides reliable data

  6. Management by Objectives (MBO) Philosophy • MBO underlying philosophy for BPC’s appraisal • Upper management sets strategic vision & goals, MBO filters these ideas down the organizational ladder, where the goals turn into individual performance targets • MBO and Balanced Scorecard techniques used • All employees’ objectives in line with organizational goals due to MBO

  7. Job Specific Appraisal • Interns – Development Purposes • Management Trainee – Development Purposes • Center Manager – Compensation and Development Purposes • Country VPs – Compensation Purposes • Heads of Key Functions – Compensation Purposes • CEO – Compensation Purposes

  8. Interns • Type: Supervisor Appraisal • Level: Management Trainee • Method: Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) • Frequency: Once at end of internship • No salary increases or bonuses offered • Excellently rated internship will help candidates in selection process

  9. Management Trainee • Type: Mix of Manager & Peer Appraisal • Level: Center Manager, Other Management Trainees • Method: Balanced Scorecard • Frequency: Quarterly • Promotion and salary increases as appropriate • Training according to evaluation

  10. Center Manager • Type: 360-Degree Appraisal • Level: Subordinates, Domestic Peers, Domestic VP, Customers • Method: Balanced Scorecard • Frequency: Every 6 months, Customer feedback continuously • Promotion and salary increases as appropriate • Training according to evaluation

  11. Country VPs • Type: Manager Appraisal • Level: CEO, Heads of Key Functions • Method: MBO • Frequency: Every 6 months • Promotion and salary increases as appropriate • Performance based bonuses according to organizational development

  12. Heads of Key Functions • Type: Manager Appraisal • Level: CEO • Method: MBO • Frequency: Every 6 months • Performance based bonuses according to organizational development

  13. CEO • Type: Manager Appraisal • Level: Board of Directors • Method: MBO • Frequency: Yearly • Performance based bonuses according to organizational development • Stakeholders should have some influence

  14. Reducing Errors • Training of appraisers in proper evaluation techniques will minimize rating errors • Appraiser training reduces all rating errors, mainly similar-to-me error and contrast error • Standardized appraisal system based on job mean that leniency/strictness error and recency error minimized • Appraiser evaluation history assessed on occasion, which reduces error of central tendency among others • Evaluations may be viewed by managers one level above appraiser to ensure reliability

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