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COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS CONNECTIONS FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH. Sara Russell Tahoma Junior High School Ravensdale, WA Sally Dieringer Pioneer Middle School Wenatchee , WA. Workshop Objectives.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS CONNECTIONS FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH Sara Russell Tahoma Junior High School Ravensdale, WA Sally Dieringer Pioneer Middle School Wenatchee , WA

  2. Workshop Objectives Participants will learn strategies for supporting the Common Core State Standards in their health and fitness curriculums. Participants will identify CCSS Connections to the AAHPERD National Standards.

  3. Share One, Get One

  4. Chart for Common Core State Standards (CCSS)English Language Arts (ELA)

  5. How to Read the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards Strand—Grade Level—Standard Example: RI.10 = Reading Standards for Informational Text/Grade 6/Standard 10

  6. Unpacking the Standards

  7. Speaking and Listening

  8. Activity

  9. Speaking and Listening Standard 6.4 Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

  10. SL: Speaking and Listening Pg. 8

  11. Physical Fitness Song

  12. Speaking and Listening Standard 6.1 Engage effectively in range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

  13. Guided Practice

  14. W: Writing Standards Pg. 8

  15. Skill Related Fitness Video

  16. Writing Standard 6.1.c Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. c. Use words, phrases, and Clauses to clarify the relationship among claims(s) and reasons

  17. WHST: Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Pg. 10

  18. WHST 6.10: Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes and audiences.

  19. Guided Practice

  20. RST 6.4: Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Pg. 9

  21. RST 6.4: Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.

  22. RST: Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Pg. 12

  23. Jigsaw Divide students into 5-6 person group. Divide text into 5-6 segments. Assign each student in group one segment to learn. Give students time to read over section to become familiar with content. Have one student from each jigsaw group join with students assigned to the same segment and rehearse presentation they will share with their group. Bring students back to their jigsaw group. Ask each student to present their segment to the group. Encourage students to ask questions for clarification.

  24. RST 6.2: Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Determine the central ideas or conclusion of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

  25. What Now?? • Template for your use and planning • Look at the sample activities we’ve created and make it work for you! • Add in your own state standards. • WAHPERD (SHAPE Washington) website • Resources/materials for your use. • www.wahperd.com

  26. Things I Learned Things I want to try Question I have

  27. Contact Information Sara Russell: Tahoma Junior High Ravensdale, WA srussell@tahomasd.us Sally Dieringer: Pioneer Middle School Wenatchee, WA dieringer.s@mail.wsd.wednet.edu

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