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CPB Public Television Major Giving Initiative. PBS Development Conference Baltimore, MD MGI Curriculum Presentation October 3, 2006. Overview of the Day: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Welcome and introductions What we hope you will gain What you hope to gain! A Brief Overview of MGI
CPB Public TelevisionMajor Giving Initiative PBS Development Conference Baltimore, MD MGI Curriculum Presentation October 3, 2006
Overview of the Day: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. • Welcome and introductions • What we hope you will gain • What you hope to gain! • A Brief Overview of MGI • The 6 building blocks of the curriculum • Presentation, discussion, interaction • How the curriculum has been integrated into the work at stations • Summary and close
MGI Summary: CPB’s Major Investment in the Future • Most strategic approach to major giving for local public television stations ever undertaken • First priority response to McKinsey study’s identification of major giving as one of the key strategies for future sustainability of public television • Overwhelming participation by stations in the MGI signaled a turning point for public television: the curriculum is the centerpiece of the Initiative • Learning outcomes for the curriculum and the goals each station has set provide the platform for capacity building • Stations are already experiencing increased resources and impact in their communities
The 6 Building Blocks • Case, Mission, Vision, Values • Board Roles in MGI • Staff Roles in MGI • Prospect Research (Josh Birkholz) • Cultivation/Solicitation/Stewardship • Major Gifts/Gift Planning
Building Block 1 - Using Your Case for Support as a Major Giving Tool 8:45 – 10:30 a.m.
Defining Case: It Starts with Case Materials Kept Internally • “Case” is the sum total of all the reasons why someone should support you -- often called the “case for support” • It is the informational backdrop from which all development and fund raising materials are derived • Materials are tailored to respond to the interests and values of a potential donor • Case materials include all the information about your station that someone might want to know
What You Need to Create (or Find in the Files) to Build a Case - 1 • Mission statement • Vision statement • Values statement(s) • Goals and objectives from the station’s strategic plan • Description of your programming philosophy and your local and/or PBS or other programming
What You Need to Create or Find in the Files to Build a Case - 2 • Description of your non-broadcast outreach and programming in the community, and your community partnerships • Description of your facilities • Anecdotal and statistical evidence of your impact in your community/communities • Description of your system of governance including annotated lists of members
What You Need to Create or Find in the Files to Build a Case - 3 • Description and lists of your staffing, with resumes for key leaders • Financial information regarding sources of funding and allocation of funding • History of your station: the founding, the founders, the heroes, the lore • You have a checklist with these “items” -- put one or two people in charge of the hunting expedition; ask appropriate people to create missing materials
Why Do You Need All This? • To create a reservoir of case information that can be updated and drawn on easily and frequently • To create a primary resource for positioning your major gifts asks and your new community communication • Because “systems liberate” – if you do it right once, and keep it updated, it will be a tool that you can use over and over • Because it is really tiring to have to reinvent the entire wheel every time you have a major donor opportunity
What Do You Do With All This Once You Have it Together? • Dedicated file in the computer with password access • Hard copy in a centrally located binder so people can read, edit and use • You don’t have to make it “read” like a single document: it is intended to be a compendium of the bits and pieces you need for a variety of development purposes • Schedule updates for case materials based on timing, changes or accomplishments • Encourage use of these materials by marketing and outreach as well as by development
Mission, Vision, Values At the center of all case expressions
Mission, Vision, Values: Integral to Effective Case Expressions Mission = why you exist Vision = what your station wants to become or do, and what will happen in the community as a result of your station’s vision Values = shared beliefs within an organization and with donors and members that frame decisions, actions and the measurement of outcomes
Mission Plays a Key Role in Donor Motivation • Connects with donor values and guides internal decisions • The mission is often why donors feel the “click” • Measure mission alignment: premium-based membership drives often do not embody mission, leading to “donor dissonance” • “User emotion” + “Station functionality” = mission language • If you are struggling with your mission, work to complete the sentence: “We exist because…”
Mission Language (Direct Mail, Nashville Public Television) • “In an increasingly shallow, superficial and sensationalist media, NPT stands out with programming that respects your intelligence and adds value to your life. 365 days a year we provide commercial-free programs that appeal to everyone and give adults and children alike a calm place to learn, be entertained and grow as individuals.” • (From a high-end membership renewal letter)
WTVP Mission Statement Intellectual, creative and technological capacity is a requirement of an engaged democratic society. WTVP uses the power of public telecommunications to inspire, enhance and inform our community.
Mission Expression:2003 Holiday Greeting CardCommunity Idea Stations – Richmond, VA • Cover: a photograph of Fred Rogers, in his red cardigan, and this quote: “Through television we have the choice of encouraging others to demean this life or to cherish it in creative, imaginative ways.”
2003 Holiday CardCommunity Idea Stations - Richmond • Inside, the card read: • “At the Community Idea Stations, everything we do on television and radio, in the community and classroom, reflects the philosophy of an unassuming man in a red sweater. As 2003 draws to a close, we are grateful for his wisdom, his kindness and the inspiration he continues to provide us. • And we are grateful to have you as our neighbor. • Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday, • And for a peaceful and prosperous new year.”
Vision: The Bridge from Membership to Major Giving • Donor growth goes through four stages: impulsive = new member habitual = renewed member thoughtful = donor careful = major/planned donor • Donors need to get excited about a vision in order to move up that ladder • Shared vision grows members into investors and is the “glue” for the relationship
WTVP Vision Central Illinois is reinventing itself as a learning-based community. WTVP will use its technology, facilities and creative talent to play a leading role in our region’s educational, medical, economic and cultural transformation
Vision for Public Television (February 2004) • Public television, through its community-based programming and services, will be a unifying force in American culture, a lens through which we can view and understand our diverse nation and the world.
Maine Public Broadcasting: DTV Campaign Brochure Vision More Connected, More Maine • “In this new era, Maine Public Broadcasting will be able to do what no other media will do: provide programming created solely for the benefit of the community. MPB will have the power to better fulfill the promise of public broadcasting as a place where all can come together to rediscoverand preserve the sense of community that makes this state a remarkable place to live…Help us connectMaine.”
Values Basis of Major Giving • Values are the shared beliefs that lead to long term investment • People only give to, ask for, join or serve organizations whose values they share • Values are the basis of issues, and issues drive 21st Century philanthropy • We uncover and develop shared values through our messaging, stewardship and outreach/interaction with members and donors • Shared values are the basis of donor loyalty and retention
“Connecting the Dots” • TRAC Media’s findings on viewers’ core values and the meaning of public television “in a nutshell:” • “People trust public television to telecast uninterrupted programs of quality that engage the mind and spirit and that promote personal growth and lifelong learning. People also want Public TV to be a safe haven for children and their programming. The values of honesty, fairness (balance), tolerance, ethics, civility and so on lie within these core values. • The norms of living in a civil society are deeply associated with the core values for Public TV.” • TRAC Media
Leaders and storytellers Independence from political pressure Belief in the strength and future of the community Pursuit of knowledge Uplifted and inspired by the arts Collaborations and partnerships Lifelong learning Nurturing and safe media environment Innovative application of technology Strength of mind requires both serious discourse and enjoyment and excitement WTVP Values
Benefits of MVV Approach in for Case Development: A Review • Attracts members and donors for the right reasons (the true premium is the experience) • Helps retain members and convert them to donor-investors • Develops common language points among all fund raising and marketing programs and allows tailoring to specific needs or audiences • Gives a consistent message to the community about your station and its impact
Next Step: Translating Case Materials into Case Expressions Taking the Case to Major Donors and the Marketplace in General
Case Expressions (Case Statements, Proposals, Brochures, etc.) • Consistent messaging (from “entry to exit” and through the pipeline) is a major goal of MGI • All messages are drawn from the internal case materials • They are tailored for specific purposes or audiences but have the same core theme and positioning • Case expressions are written to meet the interests and needs of the audience or purpose • In pledge it is on-air, in direct mail in a letter, at a special event in the PR and information provided, in major giving, this is often a proposal or a presentation; in planned giving, this may be a brochure
Case Expressions: The Message Framework - 1 • Focus on results/impact, not station needs • Emphasize investment opportunity, not obligation to give • Convey the idea that a gift to you is really a gift through you into the community • Promote social investment and values-based return, not premiums provided in exchange for a gift
Case Expressions: The Message Framework - 2 • When “urgency” is part of the message, it is the urgent need to provide community outreach, an independent media voice and excellent programming – not the urgent need for money • No apologies (or guilt trips) when asking for money; instead reflect pride in the way the station is meeting community needs and providing quality programming for children and adults
Case Expressions: The Message Framework - 3 • Consistent messages throughout all parts of the station: from on-air to direct mail to the website to special events promotion that each embody the messaging shift • Purpose of outreach and materials shifts from making a sale to building a relationship: your station will change from being a vendor to being a strategist and facilitator in building long term investor relationships • Refresher: The 3 Stages of Development
Three Stages of Development Formative Normative Integrative WhoVendor Facilitator Strategist WhatProduct Relationships Growth Partnerships Skills Sales Marketing Building/Maintaining Relationships Results Making Building Assuring continued a Sale Relationships growth
A Donor-Centered Universe • We have to meet donors’ needs even while they are meeting ours. • We have to shift our world view from what we see in our mirrors to what we see through our windows. • The shift in case positioning is designed to provide more obvious messages with which donors can connect. Anecdotal research done in 2000 for High Impact Philanthropy provided this information about 21st Century donors:
Donor Centered Universe - 2 • Donor-investors invest in organizations where they see or find: • Issues (they care about that reflect their values) • Involvement (to the degree they want to be involved) • Impact (the difference you are making and how you measure it – transparency and accountability are no longer optional)
Donor Centered Universe - 3 • Ideas (what are you doing that’s new? Can you solve the problem or provide the resource? What is your vision?) • Investment (high return on their values; great management of their social investment)
Internal and External Messaging • Internal markets • Messaging within the station is as important as external marketing • Be sure there are not two levels of commitment to the new way of looking at the message and the market (internal and external) • External markets • Members, donors, community partners, institutional funders and other social investors in the station
Tailoring the Case • Process driven by special or on-going need (e.g.) • Annual report • Proposals • Website updates • Brochures for campaigns or giving programs • Process involving staff and volunteers • Gain consensus by committee, but have a single writer • Volunteers, with guidance, can be very effective helping you in the development of case expressions
Articulating the Case for Support To Attract Donor-Investors • Start with key management staff and the board or other lead volunteers mastering the new messages • Integrate into on-air and mail programs to begin changing the perception of your station • Evaluate your current published materials and devise a plan if they need changing as budget and other resources permit
Articulating the Case for Support To Attract Donor Investors - 2 • Check the messages you post on your website: are you communicating the mission, vision and values you want people to share? • Evaluate your “boiler plate” foundation proposals and grant applications: are they consistent with the new messaging?
Articulating the Case for Support To Attract Donor-Investors - 3 • Focus on MVV in your personal interaction with prospective and current donors in cultivation and stewardship activities (More on this in Building Block 5) • Stay “on point” with MVV when making solicitations (don’t backslide to presenting the needs you have rather than the needs you meet) (More on this in Building Block 5)
Evaluating Your Case Expressions • Windows, not mirrors: review case regularly to ensure consistency with community needs • Implement a system for keeping case materials current and case expressions lively and on message: invite honest internal and external feedback • Involve donors in the feedback: this strengthens relationships • Revisit values with board and staff at least annually and then compare what they generate as key values with what you are communicating to the community
Impact of New Messaging on Stations: Change is in the Air • Shift in case positioning signals a shift in the way the station views its members and donors (as investors) putting a new priority on longer term relationships and investments • The vision incorporated into the case also conveys certain changes that are taking place throughout stations as major giving resources are increased and strengthened • All messages should convey the excitement and impact that additional resources will generate for the station
Summary of Key Points:Curriculum Building Block 1 • Case expressions are varied and tailored; they are drawn from internal case materials • Case materials and expressions need to be reviewed and updated regularly • Mission, vision and values are the platform for all case expressions • Nearly all case expressions within the MGI evidence new messaging • Involvement of staff and board in creating, evaluating and articulating the case is key
CPB Public TelevisionMajor Giving Initiative Curriculum Building Block 2 – 10:45 – 11:30 a.m. Engaging Board/Volunteer Leadership in Major Giving
What We Will Cover • The importance of board and non-board volunteers as primary community relationships • The role board and other volunteers play in creating and sustaining your culture of philanthropy
The Value of Board and Non-Board Volunteer Leaders Getting Volunteers Engaged at Your Station
What Engaged Board and Non-Board Volunteers Do - 1 Aside from the legal requirements for volunteer advisory or governance boards, we also engage volunteers because they…. • Represent community interests and needs to which the station must ultimately respond • Are willing to do many things to be part of public television (on air, behind the scenes, etc.) in addition to governance or advisory roles • Willingly form Friends and other kinds of support groups to get your message out to others
What Engaged Board and Non-Board Volunteers Do - 2 • Leverage limited station development personnel resources • Bring experience from more traditional nonprofits and effective major giving models • Provide the model or mirror for developing long term donor relationships
What Engaged Board and Non-Board Volunteers Do - 3 • Give more and more often than others and many will be or are already major donors • Provide peer-peer linkages in major giving and knowledge of the constituency • Objective overseers, whether they advise or govern, of your “double bottom line:” financial health and return on (values) investment to donors