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The Prison Epistles. Ephesians Colossians Philemon Philippians. Critique this picture…. Paul typically had a scribe write for him Paul was under house arrest (Acts 28:30-31). NT Overview (Paul’s Letters). Pastoral. Missionary. Prison. 38 124 39-41.
The Prison Epistles • Ephesians • Colossians • Philemon • Philippians Critique this picture… • Paul typically had a scribe write for him • Paul was under house arrest (Acts 28:30-31)
NT Overview (Paul’s Letters) Pastoral Missionary Prison 3812439-41 “To the remotest part of the earth” (Acts 1:8) Acts 9 13 14 15 16 18 21 27 28 Apr 48-Sep 49 1Galatia Apr 50-Sep 52 2Aegean Spr 53-May 57 3Asia Feb 60-Mar 62 1Rome Spr 62-Fall 67 4Spain Aut 67-Spr 68 2Rome May 57-Aug 59 DamascusAntioch May 57-Aug 59 Trials Spring 68 Expansion of Church Fall 49 The Council 35 48 49 50 52 53 57 60 62 67 68 95 Matt Luke Acts Mark John Gal 1 Thess 1 Cor Eph 1 Tim 2 Tim 2 Thess 2 Cor Col Titus Romans Philem Gospels & Acts Phil Pauline Epistles Pauline
What are the “Prison Epistles”? • Ephesians • Colossians • Philemon • Philippians Why “Prison Epistles”? • They refer to Paul’s bonds • Eph 3:1; 4:1; 6:20 • Col 4:3, 18 • Philem 1, 9, 10 • Phil 1:12-13 Jeremy Chew, East Asia School of Theology, Singapore
Who carried these letters? • Tychicus • He carried the Ephesian and Colossian epistles (Eph 6:21; Col 4:7) • He was accompanied by Onesimus (Col 4:9) • Onesimus • A slave to Philemon from Colossae • He probably carried the Epistle to Philemon when he returned to his master, though it is not specifically mentioned (Phlm 12) • Epaphroditus • A man from Philippi, he carried the Philippian Epistle back to his people (Phil 2:25, 28) Jeremy Chew, East Asia School of Theology, Singapore
What was Paul’s attitude? • In Philemon, Paul was hopeful (evlpi,zw= hope) that he would be released (Phlm 22) • In Philippians, Paul was confident (oi=da= know) that he would be released (Phil 1:25; 2:24) Conclusion • Written on 2-3 separate occasions • Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon are written around the same time (probably AD 60-61) • Philippians is written later (probably AD 62) Jeremy Chew, East Asia School of Theology, Singapore
Occasion for Prison Epistles • Paul was imprisoned in Rome and Epaphras was with him • They were joined by Onesimus, a runaway slave • Paul received news of a crisis in the Colossian church (heresy) • He wrote in response to the Colossian problems and sent Tychicus as the letter bearer • He also sent Onesimus with Tychicus with a letter to Philemon • He also wrote a general circular letter for several Gentile communities in Asia Minor (e.g. Ephesus) Jeremy Chew, East Asia School of Theology, Singapore
Some months later (AD 62)… • Paul was still in prison • The Philippian church sent Epaphroditus to minister to Paul • Paul found out from him problems in Philippian church: external opposition (3:17f.) and internal disunity (4:2) • Epaphroditus became very sick (Phil 2:26) • Paul sent him back with a letter to address problems of Philippian church Jeremy Chew, East Asia School of Theology, Singapore
Ephesians Authorship External Evidence: • The early church unanimously agreed with Pauline authorship. • Dispute from Erasmus (16th cent.) and radical German schools (19th cent.) make it the most disputed Pauline epistle today. Internal Evidence: • Paul identified as the author in 1:1 and 3:1. • The style and content is consistent with Pauline authorship.
Recipient Ephesians 1:1 • “From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus” • “In Ephesus” not found in the oldest and best manuscripts • No direct knowledge of recipients • No personal greetings General Observations • Written to Gentile believers • Makes no reference to any specific crisis or problem • Presents a positive Pauline gospel The most general and non-situation specific epistle. Probably a circular letter for churches in Asia Minor.
Date Paul wrote this Ephesians during his first imprisonment in Rome, AD 60-61. Special Characteristics • Ephesians has the longest sentences of any NT writing and 8 lengthy sentences total (1:3-14, 15-23; 2:1-7; 3:1-13, 14-19; 4:1-7, 11-16; 6:17-18) • Of all NT writings,Ephesians gives the fullest explanation of the unity between Jews and Gentiles
The Temple Most Holy Place Holy Place Main Temple Temple Courtyard Court of Priests Court of Israel Court of Gentiles Court of Women
Warning Text for Gentiles Ephesians 2:14 “For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall” “Let no foreigner enter within the partition and enclosure surrounding the temple. Whoever is arrested will be responsible for his death which will follow.”
Message of Ephesians Ch 1–3 The unity of Jews and Gentiles in the church who are equal positionally. • Blessings in Christ as equal to predestined Jews (1:3-23) • Experience of salvation and reconciliation with Jews in the body of Christ (Eph. 2) • Growing knowledge and strength (Eph. 3) Ch 4–6 The walk of the Christians that shows their Jew-Gentile unity through love as a testimony to the world. • Unity (4:1-16) • Holiness (4:17—5:20) • Submission/ headship (5:21—6:9) • Reliance upon God (6:10-20) • Love (6:21-24)
Summary & Applications Summary Statement Paul instructs the Colossian church in the supremacy and deity of Christ and exhorts practical outworking of this doctrine in order to fight a syncretistic heresy threatening the life and ministry of the church. • Applications • Do you mix Christian belief with other worldviews? • Avoid legalism & asceticism
Ephesians 5:18 NLT Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, 19singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. 20And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life.
Key Word Unity (Exaltation in Christ) Key Verse Ephesians 4:1-3 “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Summary Statement Paul explains God’s mystery—the unity of Jews and Gentiles in the Church who are equal positionally—to exhort these two groups at Ephesus to live worthy of this calling through a unified love for one another as a testimony to the world. Application Do you really believe you are equal with other members of the body of Christ? How do you express your unity with believers who are different from you?
Author External Evidence Early Christian writers attributed authorship to Paul. 1. Early support for Pauline authorship comes from Justin, Marcion, Irenaeus, Tertullia, & Clement of Alexandria. 2. Unquestioned acceptance of Pauline authorship prevailed until the 19th century German scholars denied it based upon internal factors. Internal Evidence Many factors support Pauline authorship: 1. The letter claims to have been written by Paul. 2. The similarity of Colossians to Ephesians argues for Pauline authorship as they were written at about the same time. 3. Colossians has many affinities to Paul's letter to Philemon, of which the authenticity is impeccable.
Ephesians & Colossians Similarities: Ephesians Colossians Written in prison, carried by Tychicus Written in prison, carried by Tychicus Stresses wisdom, knowledge, fullness, & mystery Stresses wisdom, knowledge, fullness, & mystery First half—position Second half—practice First half—position Second half—practice Similar passages: Similar passages: “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins…” (1:7) “in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (1:14) “to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ” (1:10) “and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross” (1:20) Characteristics 189-190 These twin epistles can be compared and contrasted in many ways:
Ephesians & Colossians 4:1 (masters) Characteristics Ephesians Colossians Similar passages Similar passages 1:15-17 1:3-4 1:18 1:27 1:19-20 2:12 1:21-23 1:16-19 5:22-24 (wives) 3:18 (wives) 5:25-33 (husbands) 3:19 (husbands) 6:1-3 (children) 3:20 (children) 6:4 (fathers) 3:21 (fathers) 6:5-8 (slaves) 3:22-25 (slaves) 6:9 (masters)
Ephesians v. Colossians Differences Emphasizes the Church as the Body of Christ Emphasizes Christ as the Head of the body General, universal Specific, local Peaceful, calm Polemic, concern Reflective, quiet Spiritual conflict Ephesians Colossians
Circumstances Date Colossians was written during Paul's first imprisonment in Rome (Acts 28:30). The best evidence suggests a specific date of autumn 61. • Origin/Recipients • The epistle mentions Paul's many associates, especially Tychicus, who carried the Colossian and Ephesian letters accompanied by Onesimus with the letter to Philemon. • This provides evidence that the Ephesian, Colossian, and Philemon letters all had the same origin. • Therefore, Colossians must have been written to Colosse from Rome.
Argument • Paul writes the Colossian epistle to deliver the church from a serious heresy threatening its very life since it is attacking the deity of Christ. • His response to this cult takes a two-pronged approach. He first establishes the supremacy of Christ as God in order to deal with the theological basis of the false teaching (chs. 1–2). • He then provides practical instruction in light of the deity of Christ which, when followed, will put the enemies of Christ to shame as they see holy living in the church (chs. 3–4).
What was the Colossian Heresy? • Asia Minor was the seedbed for what developed into 2nd century Gnosticism. Paul’s counterattack tells us this about the heresy: • Jewish—legalism of following OT laws and ceremonies (2:16-17) • Greek philosophy—followed a so-called “deeper knowledge” revealed only to a special “elite” (2:2b-4, 8-10) • Worshipped angels as mediators between man and God (2:18) • Denied the deity of Christ (1:15; 2:9), & thus His supremacy (1:15b, 17a) & ability to create (1:16) & sustain the world (1:17) • Ascetic nature had a low view of the body (2:20-23) • What was the Colossian heresy? The above shows it was a syncretistic Jewish-Greek-Ascetic-Pagan cult. Paul's method to fight the heresy is to emphasize the deity & supremacy of Christ.
Colossians Key Word Deity (Church’s Ascended Head) Key Verse “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form” (Colossians 2:9).
Philemon Authorship Paul refers to himself three times as author (vv. 1, 9, 19) Recipient Philemon, a wealthy Christian slave owner in Colosse, is the primary addressee, but others in his church are included as well (v. 2) Date During Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome, AD 61.
Philemon Occasion • Onesimus, a slave of Philemon, probably stole some money and ran away (18) • He became Paul’s convert (10) • Paul wanted to return him to Philemon (12) Purpose • Appeal for forgiveness and reconciliation (17) • Appeal indirectly for the services of Onesimus (13-14, 20-21) • Request for a guest room (22)
Key Word Forgiveness (Pardon of Onesimus) Key Verse Philemon 17-18 “So if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcome me. If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me.”
Summary Statement Paul requests the Christian slave owner, Philemon, to forgive his runaway but repentant slave, Onesimus, whom Paul led to Christ and sent back to Philemon to be received as a Christian brother and to teach forgiveness. Application Whom do you need to forgive a wrong done to you? Whose forgiveness do you need to request?
True Koinonia (Fellowship) • “Fellowship of your faith” (v. 6) • Fellowship involves participation • Participation in Christ involves sharing and involvement with each other • True fellowship means mutually participating in Christ forgiveness and reconciliation • True fellowship promotes the good of everyone • It involves changing perceptions and acting accordingly • This letter has a good example: • 3 outstanding debts • Powerful reversals • Outcome Jeremy Chew, East Asia School of Theology, Singapore
3 Outstanding Debts • Onesimus’ Debt: • He owed Philemon whatever he stole • He owed Philemon his life • Advice: return to owner for due punishment • Paul’s Debt: • He owed Philemon value of each day’s work lost • Advice: charge any debts Onesimus owed to my account, I will pay it • Philemon’s Debt: • He owed Paul his new life in Christ (19) • Advice: welcome the runaway slave as a brother; but do better than that—return him to me Jeremy Chew, East Asia School of Theology, Singapore
Powerful Reversals • Property beloved brother • Inferior equal • Useless “useful” (Onesimus, v. 11) Fellowship in Christ overturns all distinctions created by social structures Jeremy Chew, East Asia School of Theology, Singapore
“Did Philemon Forgive Onesimus?” 1. Philemon preserved this epistle & allowed it to be circulated & copied—this would be highly unlikely if he did not forgive Onesimus! 2. Paul expressed great confidence that Philemon would do more than even forgive Onesimus (v. 21)—perhaps free him? 3. Ignatius addressed the bishop in the nearby church in Ephesus about AD 115—and his name was Onesimus!
Perspectives • Paul's short letter to Philemon demonstrates both the importance of forgiving offenders & also being forgiven as necessary decisions for walking with God. • This views the letter from the perspective of both Onesimus and Philemon. • The letter was not simply a personal correspondence to Philemon alone. It addresses others in the church and the uses the plural “you” in verse 25.
Philippians Q: What is the theme of Philippians?
Book Chart Results of Imitating Christ’s Attitude Philippians Joy Humility Protection Peace Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Joy (5x) Joy (7x) Joy (1x) Joy (4x) Attitude (1x) Attitude (7x) Attitude (8x) Attitude (4x) From Indulgence 3:17-21 Suffering Submission Salvation Sanctification Salutation 1:1-2 Thanks & Prayer 1:3-11 In Prison Ministry 1:12-30 Exhorted 2:1-4 Exemplified 2:5-30 From Legalism 3:1-16 With People 4:1-3 With God 4:4-9 Always 4:10-20 – Greetings 4:21-23 Rome Early Spring AD 62 (first Roman imprisonment) 181
Characteristics Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Deity (God) 2:6 Pre-eminent (Lord) 1:2, 20 2:9-11 3:20-21 Returning in Power 1:6, 10 2:10, 16 3:20-21 4:5 Sacrificial (Cross) 1:29 2:8 3:18 Savior 3:20 Glorified Body (Resurrected) 3:10, 21 Incarnation (man) 2:6-8 Humble 2:6-8 Obedient 2:8 Selfless Interests (Servant) 2:6, 21 Has a Ministry Plan 2:21, 30 Provider of Needs 4:19 Helper via the Spirit 1:19 Answers Prayer 1:19 Gives Faith to Believe 1:29 Gives Privilege of Service 1:1, 14-18, 22 Gives Ability to Glorify Him 3:3 Christ is Prominent in Philippians
Characteristics Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Gives Affection for Others 1:8 2:29 Gives Righteousness (Saints) 1:1, 10-11 3:9 4:21 Gives Encouragement 2:19 Gives Knowledge of Himself 3:8, 10 Gives Glory to God 1:11 Gives Grace 1:2 4:23 Gives Comfort to Us 2:1 Gives Comfort for Others 2:1 Gives Purpose for Ministry 2:16 Gives Life 1:21 Gives Ability to Do Everything 4:13 Gives Joy (Contentment) 1:18, 26 2:29 3:1 4:4, 10-13 Gives Confidence (Ability to Stand) 1:13-14 2:19, 24 4:1, 19 Gives Peace 1:2 4:2, 7 Gives Suffering 1:13, 29 3:10 Gives Rewards 1:21, 23 3:7-8, 14 Gives Humility 2:5 Gives Unity 1:15-17 2:1-2 4:21-22 Gives New Bodies (Resurrection) 3:11, 21 Gives Christlikeness (Exalts Himself in Us) 1:20, 27 2:5 3:10-14 Christ is Prominent in Philippians
Theme Imitating the Attitude of Christ Key Word Attitude (Priority of Unity) Key Verse “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus”(Philippians 2:5).
Summary Statement Paul exhorts the Philippian believers to imitate Christ’s attitude that they may experience joy, humility, and peace to be protected from false teachers and disunity in the church. Application How do you need to show a more Christ-like attitude during difficulty?
What is the attitude of Christ? Humility
Other examples of Christ-like humility • Paul served with humility (2:16-18) • Paul spent his life for the Philippians (“poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice”) • Timothy served with humility (2:19-24) • Timothy showed genuine interest in their welfare, not his own interest • Epaphroditus served with humility (2:25-30) • Epaphroditus risked his life to serve Paul