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Crisis? What crisis? Mitigation?. Exercise: Bird disease Civil protection system Oresund Region. Niels Johan Juhl-Nielsen Head of division Safety and Emergency City of Copenhagen. The Danish Emergency Act.
Exercise: Bird diseaseCivil protection system Oresund Region Niels Johan Juhl-Nielsen Head of division Safety and Emergency City of Copenhagen
The Danish Emergency Act • At least one time during an electional periode the city council must decide a total emergency plan for the city. • (In Copenhagen it is the Fire Brigade who are responsible for coordinating a proposal for en emergency plan. The rescue commander is responsible for setting-up an administrative staff if needed).
Preparednesscenter The Danish Emergency Management Agency 14 COUNTIES 275 MUNICIPALITIES
Emergency Control Centres in Denmark • 9 Emergency Control Centres managed by the police • 1 Emergency Control Centre is managed by Copenhagen Fire Brigade after agreement with The County and the city of Frederiksberg and Copenhagen.
Copenhagen Municipality 500.000 inhabitants More than 650.000 in total 88 square kilometres 7 Fire- and ambulance stations
Greater Copenhagen 1.2 million inhabitants 3 Counties 20 Municipalities 1 Emergency Control Centre 20 Fire Brigades 1 Police Control Centre
Municipal Preparedness Area Firestation
Co-oporation in a scene of accident • The Police has the responsibility of coordinating • The Fire brigades has the responsibility of technical management • The Health authorities (hospitals) has the responsibility of the Prehospital Preparedness (ambulances and medical staffs) The coordination position of the police indicates that police is responsible for leading the regional coordinating staff, activating at a major incident.
Participants in emergency co-oporation • Police • Copenhagen Fire Brigade • Prehospital Preparedness • Assisting Forces from neighbour Fire Brigades • Volunteer Forces • Preparedness Centre (Danish Emergency management Agency) • Supporting Centres Police coordinates at the regional level, Fire Brigade only for the internal municipal level (the administrative staff).
Copenhagen – a Danish capital in the Oresund Region • The framework for emergency planning in the region: • A bridge between Denmark and Sweden • A national vulnerability rapport followed up with a national emergency policy (and legislation) • The EU-project ”Civilsafety in the Oresund Region” • Challenge: designing an emergency architecture for Copenhagen as a part of the whole Oresund Region!
Main task according to article 1 in the Danish Emergency Act The task of the rescue service: Prevent, reduce and relieve damage on persons, property and the environment But how can fire service contribute in case of an epidemic???
Basic principle for Civil protection EU context: Civil preparedness or civil protection is a matter of internal national affairs
Danish national emergency policy • Denmark has no special emergency policy for cross border activity with Sweden (and Germany) • Other platforms for trans-national emergency • Support to a EU-platform concerning civil protection • Two nordic Agreements on respectively rescue and health
EU-project ”Civilsafety in the Oresund Region”2002-2005 Participation from counties in the region, municipalities and hospitalsector. Aims: To contribute and create preconditions to civil sector preparednes in the Oresund Region. The participants do this work without guide-lines from the EU or from their governments.
Conclusions: Two nations – to cultures? • Denmark • Top-down • The police coordinates • Vertical sectoral responsibility • Local rescue based risks and prevention • Sweden • Law determined buttom-up • Geografically and municipallity based responsibility – risks and prevention • Political structures dominates
Cross border exercise: bird disease in the Oresundsregion A two days exercise at the regional authority in Sweden. 70-80 participants from municipalities, police, rescue, specialists Focus: cross-border, vertical ctr. horizontal, different crains of experiences. Purpose: How can Geographic Information System (GIS) contribute to prevent and mitigate for those who are in charge in a disaster? The emergency actors should know about the possibility of the GIS – the scenario was tested!!
Information about the exercise • How to find the participants? • Common exerciseroom with diff. groups • A decisionmaking-group • 9 in-puts • Separate and a common report and a conference in the end • Information for relevant authorities and research • The exercise report will be included in the final EU-project report
What happens? • Children and old people goes to the hospital (influenza?) • Some hens and ducks dies (60 km away) • On the island in Oresund birds were found dead • In Sweden the same But it takes some time before these information are coordinated. Any connections between them? If? What is the diagnosis?
9 in-puts I. 20% of the birds dead on a farm – the authorities asked for advice. II. The hospital have some cases of influenza III. Test showes the birds are infected of bird disease. IV. More farms reports of dead birds. V. Bird disease type H5 N1 An elderly man visit the hospitals in Landskrone (Sweden) maybe with influenza. More citizens arrive to the hospital with the same symptoms Worried parents contacts the schools and ask if the children should stay at home.
VI. Destruction of birds in each country VII. The elderly man is infected with type H5 N1 VIII. How to inform the public?Special groups? IX. The elderly man dies and you have more cases in each country
Items – from the rear-view mirror • Set-up – crisis management architecture in the two countries • GIS – from tools to basic platform • A uniformed press strategy • Cross border cooperation • Destruction of the birds • The bodies • Information for the citizens and the staff • Specific medicine items
Items – set-up • The utilities has the sectorresponsibility • The geographical area responcipality is not defined in Denmark • The ownership for the accidens will change • First contact cross border through the Sector autorities • Primary emergency platformes: Specialist autorities, municipalities, police, the doctor institution
Items - GIS • GIS-people and crisis management people live in ”two worlds” • Lack of simultanious GIS- models • The ownership of ”the crisis” change during the crisis: what about GIS? • More exercises with the application of GIS!
Items – press strategy • Niveau 1: separate • Niveau 2: separate but now contact • Niveau 3: common
Item - destruction • Different guide-lines in the two countries • Destruction-infrastructure og capacity • Capacity of keeping and burial
Conclusions • Geografic Information System is useful for those who are in charge of the emergency management • A public databank will be useful for the GIS • For the information of the citizens GIS was a useful tool • Besides: the exercise made it possible to build new network • Lots of problems with the security and information • Distance between the politicians and GIS-people
Visions and reality • After opening the bridge – there har been no progress in establishing a cross-border and cross-sectoral cooperation in the Oresund Region. • A task force recommends: • an agreement including all emergency actors in the Oresund Region, • a total ressource list • exercises for all emergency partners.
Problems? • Different emergency architectures/cultures in the countries • Vertical contra horizontal • Experts-politicans • Local responsibility – police/firebrigade • A generel – but flexible – model for crises management? • Change in coordination-position during the proces.
Critical moments in the exercise process • In general: the mental preparation (who cares?) • Early warning and the point of time for the diagnosis – vertical and horizontal • When denying your kids to go out-side? • Change in responsibility for the coordination (starting with the specialist authorities and then giving it to the police in Denmark and the regional authorities in Sweden) • Acceptance of the special dynamic in developing of the scenario.
Conclusions Results: • The exercise showed that it is needed in advance to define the emergency architecture • GIS contains benefits for the decisionmakers in the Region, but we need a generel information and implementation • Careness about GIS innovation? • Sufficient available datas in a crisis • Probmel with interoperability • Exercise, exercise……… • Networking is always useful !!
General recommandations Because the two national governments have not finished their integration decisions the EU-project recommends: With representatives from all emergency partners establishing of an Oresund Emergency Board Purpose: information-sharing, conferences, up-dating, focus, contact. Condition: a budget
New basic conditions? • Different kind of structured knowledge in learning processes (generalists/specialists, practioneers/academics) • Chain of experiences (health, municipality, police) • Need of new structured competences free of the hierarchy top-down tyranny • Need for a new kind of leadership
Thank you! njohan@112.dk
The Building and Construction Committee Management Secretariat IT office The Copenhagenfire service Planning &Architecture Building & Housing Road & Park City Church yards Parking Copenhagen KTK RIA Basic unit Contract-managed unit
Fire Brigade Organization Management Secretariat Service Dept. IT-Dept. Personnel Dept. Medical Dept. Fire and Rescue Dept. Ambulance Dept. Alarm and Control Centre Dept. of Fire Prevention Fire-Station D Fire-Station F Fire-Station H Fire-Station Ø Fire-Station T Fire-Station V Fire-Station C
Fire Preparedness today • 7 fire stations • On 24 hours alert : • 78 Fire Fighters including • 8 Pioneers and two Fire Officers on duty • 12 Ambulances • 2 Medical teams on wheel
Fire Preparedness today • 800 employees • 600 fire- and ambulancemen, full time
Information! A new administrative structure for the Municipality of Copenhagen will function from January 2006. Copenhagen Fire Brigade (Safety and emergency) has elaborated a proposal for establishing an independent department ”Security and Emergency” placed in relation to Copenhagen Fire Brigade or in a more central position in the municipal administration.
Operative Services • Fire service • Smoke-divers with special circuit breathing apparatus • Pioneer (rescue service) • Rescue-divers • Accompanying damage fighting • Alarm Centre • Ambulance service • Patient Transports • Medical Ambulance • Psychiatric turn-out service • Syringe Buss “kanylebus” • Safety-services • Emergency planning