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Facebook Project – Amy Fisher, Brooke Baker, and Rebecca Payton

Facebook Project – Amy Fisher, Brooke Baker, and Rebecca Payton. You can complete one or more of the following pages on a historical figure. Insert the historical figures picture and name on each page you select to complete. INFO - Fill out as if you were that historical person.

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Facebook Project – Amy Fisher, Brooke Baker, and Rebecca Payton

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  1. Facebook Project – Amy Fisher, Brooke Baker, and Rebecca Payton • You can complete one or more of the following pages on a historical figure. • Insert the historical figures picture and name on each page you select to complete. • INFO - Fill out as if you were that historical person. • FRIENDS – Type in the name of the people who would have been involved with the historical figure. Put a picture or symbols for each friend. This could include people who were not their friends. • WALL - This should be a time line of some important event. Pick one or more of the historical figures friend to set the time. It can be in years. Great place to use people who did not agree with them. • PHOTOS –Use different pictures that illustrates aspects of their lives – family, important sites, etc. • NOTES – Copy of a speech or short explanation of something that was important in their lives. Facebook can help you connect and share history of people’s lives. All about Me Museum: This could be use by students to document their lives and likes. Contact Debbie.schweitzer@jefferson.kyschools.us if there is a problem with this file.

  2. > Info Birthday: I am: Education: Hometown: Work: Interested in: Philosophy: Places I have traveled : Other : October 25, 1881 (1) Male • my father was an artist and taught me most of what I know, studied classical art at Instituto da Guarda in La Coruna from 1892-1895, studied at La Lonja Art Academy in Barcelona in 1895 (2) Málaga, Spain (1) painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer, one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century and the creator (with Georges Braque) of Cubism (1) Painting, drawing, sculting, and ceramics (1) "There is no abstract art. You must always start with something.“ (3) Pablo Picasso Barcelona, Paris, La Coruna, Madrid (1) My full name is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso. (4)

  3. > Friends Georges Braque (5) Henri Matisse (6) Joan Miró (7) Jacqueline Roque (8) Francoise Gilot (9)

  4. > Photos (12) (13) (14) (16) (17) (15)

  5. > Wall (10) “Drink to me, drink to my health, you know I can’t drink anymore.” April 8, 1973 Chicago Picasso was revealed today…I’m so honored. 1967 How dare you marry her, you *(@*$#*%(!!! 1961 War is hopeless. Check out my newest painting… “Guernica” 1932 Check out my newest painting! Stop copying my work! ;) 1932 is thinking that things are not always what they seem. Check again. 1909 I’m your first friend. You know you’re the most important to me. 1907 Just got back from Paris…lost many of my best works because I just needed heat to stay warm. Max was a great friend during this time. 1900

  6. > Notes October 25, 1881: ·Pablo Ruiz Picasso born in Málaga, Spain October, 1892: ·Enters classes at the art school in La Coruña, Spain 1897: ·"Science and Charity" wins a gold medal at the Exposición de BellasArtes in Málaga June 24, 1901: ·Picasso's show opens at the GalerieVollard Winter, 1901: ·Blue Period begins November 15, 1902: ·Picasso's show opens at the Berthe Weill gallery Spring, 1903: ·Begins painting "La Vie" Summer, 1906: ·Begins carving wooden sculptures February, 1917: ·Goes to Rome with Cocteau, working on Parade, meets Koklova July 12, 1918: ·Marries Koklova 1921: ·Paints "Three Musicians" and "Three Women at the Spring," two versions of each February 4, 1921: ·Birth of Paul October 5, 1935: ·Birth of Maïa January, 1941: ·Begins writing Desire Caught by the Tail May 15, 1947: ·Birth of Claude April 19, 1949: ·Birth of Paloma March 2, 1961: ·Marries Roque April 8, 1973: ·Dies (11) Timeline of Important Events

  7. Bibliography http://www.biography.com/articles/Pablo-Picasso-9440021 http://pablo-picasso.paintings.name/biography/ http://www.govhs.org/vhsweb/gallery.nsf/Files/Thinkers+Who+Shaped+the+Twentieth+Century:+Picasso/$file/art.html http://www.neatorama.com/2008/10/25/10-fun-facts-about-pablo-picasso/ http://www.georgesbraque.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Matisse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Mir%C3%B3 http://www.thru.org.za/philosophy.html http://www.vincentmanngallery.com/francoisgilot.asp http://www.buzzle.com/articles/pablo-picasso-biography.html http://www.sparknotes.com/biography/picasso/timeline.html http://top-people.starmedia.com/art/pablo-picasso_64381.html http://echostains.wordpress.com/2009/10/25/happy-birthday-dear-pablo-picasso/ http://www.mimifroufrou.com/scentedsalamander/scented_thoughts/index5.html http://www.arthistoryarchive.com/arthistory/cubism/Pablo-Picasso.html http://www.famous-painters.org/Pablo-Picasso-paintings/Woman-Seated.shtm http://www.thewestindiannews.com/picasso-originals-to-be-exhibited-in-cuba/

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