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When THINGS Go WRONG # 2. It's easy to be positive when things are going right. What about when everything is going wrong from every angle in every area of your life? What if no matter what you do, the hits keep coming?.
It's easy to be positive when things are going right. What about when everything is going wrong from every angle in every area of your life? What if no matter what you do, the hits keep coming?
Sometimes things go wrong. And it's so easy to let our minds take over and take us into a downward spiral as we indulge in feelings of self-pity. We start to think things like "Why me? Poor me? It always happens to me..." etc. Any of that sound familiar?
Well imagine you are a tennis player... and you screw up a shot. Do you have time to sit around and lament about how you should have done better... Or you got a bad bounce or whatever? The answer is….No!
You have about 30 seconds to pull yourself together and then get ready for the next point! Otherwise they are very quickly going to spiral downwards, perform badly... and invariably lose the match.
Take note of everything you said today. Did you talk about things that went right? Did you focus on the good?
Do you know the type of people that complain all the time? You don't like talking to these people so don't be that person. Don't give energy or power to what you don't want. Talk about and give energy and power to what you do want.
"Either change it, or accept it, but for goodness sake stop whining about it." So if it wasn't in your power to change, you had to accept it and let it go.
Sounds easy... three words... "let it go". This can sometimes be challenging to do. If all you're going to do is complain about it, obsess about it, stress about it, cry about it, then LET IT GO!
Emotions are a choice! So you’re not saying don't be human and don't have emotions, but you are saying take responsibility for the choice. By saying you have a choice, that presupposes you also have a choice to 'stop' doing them, and choose a different, more resourceful emotion in the future.
Growing means you will be forced out of your comfort zone. You will make mistakes and you will have setbacks. Nothing worth doing was ever easy!
My mentor says "I have an amazing opportunity to grow right now" to any problem that just presents itself. The thing is, when problems arise how do you view them? Do you think "oh oh", or do you get excited?!?
Whatever it is, when our world crashes, we feel it is just that - a crash! Looking back however, it was the crash we needed, to change something in our life in order to grow and become more.
When you consider on all the lives you've affected, you’re reminded of your purpose. You’re reminded of the responsibility you have to walk in your personal greatness. You’re reminded of the joy and satisfaction you get when you see lives transformed. Your purpose is greater than your problems or challenges!!!!!!!
When we stay focused and determined, we stay connected to our purpose. We stay connected to doing whatever it takes to get the outcome we strive for.
You have to stay hungry for what you want. Otherwise, you are just going through the motions with no real commitment, no emotional connection to the actions being taken. And you will soon tire from frustration and exhaustion and give up.
Are you determined enough to keep going even when things go wrong? I am. And I hope you are, too, because someone needs what you have to offer. Don't be a disservice to yourself and to others by giving up.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit. It's when things go wrong that you must not quit!!!
The only thing is.... how long do you stay in 'pity land'? How long can you have a 'pity party'? My personal rule is one hour. Really, what a waste of time - just get on with it.
But ok if you want to shut out the world, have a cry and feel sorry for yourself. Do it! Do it really well! After that hour, get up and get on with it. As they say "Cry a river, build a bridge and... GET OVER IT!"
As you go through life, things will go wrong. Minimize the time you spend wallowing in what could have been and why things didn't go according to plan... and instead focus on the key word "NEXT!" Thank You Very Much Sompong Yusoontorn