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The Cost of Money (Interest Rates)

Explore the factors influencing interest rates and their effects on economies. Learn about risk premiums, inflation, and theories explaining yield curve shapes. Discover how interest rates influence stock prices and investment decisions.

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The Cost of Money (Interest Rates)

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  1. The Cost of Money(Interest Rates) Chapter 5

  2. The Cost of Money • Interest rates represent the prices paid to borrow funds • Equity investors expect to receive dividends and capital gains

  3. The Cost of Money • 1. Production opportunities • returns available within an economy from investment in productive assets • 2. Time preferences for consumption • the preferences of consumers for current consumption as opposed to saving for future consumption

  4. The Cost of Money • 3. Risk • the chance that a financial asset will not earn the return promised • 4. Inflation • the tendency of prices to increase over time

  5. Interest Rate Levels • Supply and demand interact to determine interest rates between capital markets • Demand typically declines during business recessions, shifting the equilibrium rate down

  6. Interest Rate Levels • Financial markets are interdependent

  7. Interest Rate Levels • Financial markets are interdependent • Shifts in risk premiums, inflation rates, supply, and demand affect segments of the market differently

  8. Determinants of Market Interest Rates • Quoted interest rate = • k = k* + IP + DRP + LP + MRP • k=the quoted or nominal rate • k*=the real risk-free rate of interest • IP=inflation premium • DRP=default risk premium • LP=liquidity, or marketability, premium • MRP, maturity risk premium

  9. The Real Risk-Free Rate of Interest, k* • The rate of interest that would exist on default-free U. S. Treasury securities if no inflation were expected • Ranges from 1 to 4 percent in the U. S. in recent years

  10. The Nominal Risk-Free Rate of Interest, kRF • kRF = k* + IP • The rate of interest on a security that is free of all risk, except inflation • Proxied by the T-bill rate or T-bond rate • kRF includes an inflation premium

  11. Inflation Premium (IP) • A premium for expected inflation that investors add to the real risk-free rate of return

  12. Default Risk Premium (DRP) • Difference between the interest rate on a U. S. Treasury bond and a corporate bond of equal maturity and marketability • Compensates for risk that a borrower will default on a loan

  13. Liquidity Premium (LP) • Premium added to the rate on a security if the security cannot be converted to cash on short notice and at close to the original cost

  14. Interest Rate Risk • Risk of capital losses to which investors are exposed because of changing interest rates

  15. Maturity Risk Premium (MRP) • Premium that reflects the interest rate risk • Bonds with longer maturities have greater interest rate risk • Reinvestment rate risk

  16. Term Structure of Interest Rates • Relationship between yields and maturities of securities • The graph is a yield curve

  17. 1 5 10 20 Years to Maturity Yield Curve Figure 5-4

  18. Yield Curve • “Normal” Yield Curve • upward sloping yield curve • Inverted (“Abnormal”) Yield Curve • downward sloping yield curve

  19. Term Structure Theories (Explanations) • Expectations theory • shape of the yield curve depends on investors’ expectations about future inflation rates • Liquidity preference theory • lenders prefer to make short-term loans rather than long-term loans (all else equal)

  20. Term Structure Theories (Explanations) • Market segmentation theory • each borrower has a preferred maturity and the slope of the yield curve depends on the supply of and demand for funds in the long-term market relative to the short-term market

  21. Other Factors That Influence Interest Rate Levels • Federal Reserve policy • Level of the federal budget deficit • Foreign trade balance • Level of business activity

  22. Interest Rates and Stock Prices • Higher interest rates increase costs and thus lower a firm’s profits • Interest rates affect the level of economic activity and corporate profits • Interest rates affect investment competition between stocks and bonds

  23. End of Chapter 5 The Cost of Money(Interest Rates)

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