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Grandson, son, father . . .Father was a Methodist minister . . .. Public schools
Grandson, son, father . . .
Father was a Methodist minister . . .
3. Public schools“National whipping boy” Education Hell: Rhetoric vs Reality tells the story
Sputnik to Apollo 11 to Berlin Wall
ANAR to the struggling Japanese Economy
NCLB—USA vs China/India. . .
5. What grade do you give to your oldest child’s school? A/B 77%
6. What grade do you give to your local schools? A/B 49%
7. What grade do you give to the nation’s schools? A/B 18%
8. So what’s the problem?My community thinks our schools are doing pretty good!Why rock the boat!?!
9. There are alwaysmore people“out there”than there are at home—and they think your schoolsare lousy!
10. Nation-wide support for public schools must start with school leaders in the local districts!
11. To maintain our schools we must have . . . Political Skill
Public Support
(From Good to Great for the
Social Sectors)
12. Political Skill comes from your state and national associationsWe need their voices!
13. Public Support . . . Happens one community at a time!
You are responsible for yours.
14. You must be the political voice
for your students because
they have no vote!
15. “The greatest power we have as educational leaders is the power to determine the conversation!
16. Crucial Conversations The Talk, the Truth and the Crucial Conversation on . . .
Achievement Gap
Charter Schools
Pay for Performance
Turnaround Schools
17. The Talk:
Too many of our high schools are dropout factories—and no progress is being made to turn this around.
18. The Truth:
Schools and school districts are making changes that are making a difference—graduation rates are rising!
19. The Crucial Conversation
How can we identify struggling students early and provide the ongoing support and remediation needed to keep them on track?
20. The Talk:
Schools are not closing the achievement gap
21. The Truth:Gaps still exist in most schools, but there is strongevidence that they are narrowing
22. The Crucial Conversation Poverty is the greatest common factor among low-achieving children.
We have a Poverty-Learning Gap!
How do we negate the ill effects of poverty, dysfunctional families, and unsafe communities?
23. The Talk:
Some schools are so bad you have to clear out the staff and start over!
24. The Truth:
Some low-performing schools may need staff replacement, but many have been turned around with existing staff
25. The Crucial Conversation How do we re-create the principalship, provide teachers the time and support to improve, and develop school and community enthusiasm for change?
26. The Talk:
Charter schools do a better job educating kids than regular public schools.
27. The Truth:
There is no research that charter schools as a group are more effective than regular schools.
28. The Crucial Conversation Almost two-thirds of the public supports charter schools—but they don’t know why!
How can we bring this flexibility to all public schools without undermining accountability and support for teachers?
29. The Talk:
Kids suffer because poor teachers make the same pay as good teachers
30. The Truth:
There is no research supporting increased student achievement with performance pay.
31. The Crucial Conversation Three out of four Americans support merit pay for teachers—it’s part of the American dream.
How do we develop an affordable system that rewards excellence, but maintains the team spirit required for successful learning communities?
32. More False Talk! Schools are not safe anymore
Schools are not internationally competitive (Yong Zhao)
SAT scores are dropping
You need the facts . . .
33. What is ERS? Non-profit founded to be the independent research service supporting school leaders
Get the book, Crucial Conversations About America’s Schools at Booth #445 (just past NASSP section) on sale for $10!
Use “WD50” code to get ½ price on all ERS purchases at www.ers.org!
34. School Leaders HaveToo Little Time andToo Much Information!
36. ERS focuses on two tasks: Info that school leaders need to know
Tools that school leaders need to use
37. What’s Happening? US is becoming more urban, grayer, browner, debtor nation (Fertilizer, Pills and Magnetic Strips)
Arizona and Florida are the trend leaders
Problems are Ignorance and Separation which result in . . .
Discrimination and Inequality!
Education and Mutuality are the solution!
38. Why is public misperception about schools so prevalent? Only man-made object large enough to be seen from space . . .
Business man in Las Vegas, woman buys him a drink . . .
Halloween candy—apples with . . .
Made to Stick-Chip and Dan Heath
39. The “TLC” Formula Think and talk about what you believe and why you believe it
Learn to use language that reframes the issues
Connect your community to your students using stories
40. Think and Talk About What You Believe! If a nation expects to be ignorant and free . . . It expects what never was and will never be.
Thomas Jefferson
41. Think and Talk About What You Believe! Upon the subject of education . . . I can only say that I see it as the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.
Abraham Lincoln
42. Belief is contagious . . .Spread yours around!
43. Think and Talk About What You Believe! Every child deserves a quality education regardless of parents or location
Standardized tests are just one measure of learning—creativity, self-discipline, persistence, imagination, enthusiasm are equally important!
44. Think and Talk About What You Believe! All children can learn—but at different rates with different strengths
The overwhelming majority of educators are good people who care about children
45. The “TLC” Formula Think and talk about what you believe and why you believe it
Learn to use language that reframes the issues
Connect your community to your students using stories
46. What makes the joke funny? A priest and a nun rode together to a three-day, spiritual retreat . . .
47. Godless, government schools
Selfish, union employees
Leaving little children behind Caring, community schools
Sincere, dedicated professionals
Every Child Every Chance Learn to Use Language that Reframes
48. Use Language that Reframes! If students get a good education they become productive members of society.
Most Americans who have worked their way out of poverty . . .
Healthy communities need strong public schools.
49. Use Language that Reframes! Without free public schools problems like crime and welfare...
Public Schools are the engine of opportunity for all Americans.
Miracles happen everyday in public schools!
50. Use Language that Reframes! Education
51. Learn to Use Language that Reframes
52. We have the “Curse of Knowledge” We know how many wonderful things happen in our schools!
We need an IEP for that new ADHD, LD boy, ASAP!
Answer Stage/Sharing Stage
You don’t know what it is like NOT to know what you know!
53. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
54. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
55. The “TLC” Formula Think and talk about what you believe and why you believe it
Learn to use language that reframes the issues
Connect your community to your students using stories
56. Connect your Community to Your Students Using Stories that Bridge the Gap . . . Think Higher on Maslow’s Ladder
Mission motivates—routine bores
Teaching is a job—but saving lives through education is a mission
“If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.”
57. Connect your Community to Your Students Using Stories that Bridge the Gap . . .
Challenge Plot Stories—David and Goliath, Alamo, Seabiscuit
Connection Plot Stories—The Good Samaritan, Brian’s Song, Blind Side, Gran Torino
58. Be a Story Seeker! Remember Bob Ocwieja?!
59. Connect your Community to Your Students Using Stories that Bridge the Gap . . . It is no longer enough to invite the community in . . .
Second graders/Senior Citizens
Sixth graders/Elderly neighbor
Ninth graders/business research
Seniors/Mock Court/City Council
60. I am now on Facebook. In the 80’s I taught a small, rural school in Alabama. I had a student named Teri Baker. She recently contacted me on Facebook.
62. When you share stories . . .
You overcome the Curse of Knowledge
You convince without confrontation
You communicate the importance of public schools without argument
What are your school’s success stories?
What stories touch your heart?
63. If it were not for you I would not have had the courage to get help, and I would not be here today-- I had planned out every detail of how to end my life so that I did not have to deal with the pain any longer. You may not remember me and that is ok, because I am not the kid in your science class anymore anyway. I am a mom, wife, sister, and friend. I am an advocate against child abuse. I am many things, but I am no longer a victim, thanks to you!Sincerely,Teri Baker Watson
64. Miracles HappenEverydayIn Public Schools