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What’s the Point of Getting the Flu Shot?. It’s That Time of Year Again…. October to April is generally considered flu season in Canada.The flu is easy to catch and easy to spread during this time.That’s because we spend more time indoors where we work and live in close proximity to one another.
It’s That Time of Year Again… • October to April is generally considered flu season in Canada.The flu is easy to catch and easy to spread during this time.That’s because we spend more time indoors where we work and live in close proximity to one another.
What Is the Flu? • The flu, or influenza, is an infection in the upper respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus. While most people recover fully, it can lead to more severe and life-threatening illnesses, such as pneumonia.
Sudden high fever (38 – 40° C) Headache Loss of appetite Severe muscle aches and pain Extreme fatigue andweakness Chills Dry cough Sweating Sometimes a sore throat,runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing (not to be confused with having a cold) Flu Symptoms Typically, the flu causes the following symptoms:
How Can You Prevent the Flu? • Although having a healthy lifestyle, such as eating well, being active, and getting adequate sleepall help to protect you, it may not be enough to prevent you from catching the flu.
How Can You Prevent the Flu? • The best way is to receive an annual vaccination. A different flu vaccine is developed every year because the common flu virus changes over the course of a year.
Protect Yourself and Protect Others • As more people are vaccinated, the influenza virus has less chance to multiply and circulate. Protecting yourself can also benefit those around you who may be at risk of severe complications from influenza.
Flu Vaccine Safety • The flu vaccine is very safe. But, like any medication, there can be side effects. Some may have soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given. Less common side effects are headaches and muscle pains. • As a precaution, people are asked to remain at the clinic for 20 minutes following vaccination to assess any side effects that may occur.
Flu Vaccine Effectiveness 70-90% • The flu shot is very effective. As with any vaccine, vaccination may not protect 100% but it has been shown to prevent illness in approximately 70-90% of healthy adults and children.
Does the Flu Vaccine Cause the Flu? • The flu vaccine cannot cause the flu because the vaccine contains inactive virus. However, some vaccinated people may still get the flu but usually with milder symptoms, or they might get another strain of influenza that the vaccine was not made to protect against.
Who Should Get the Flu Shot? • The flu shot is recommended for almost everyone. It is especially important for persons who have or fit the following conditions: • Chronic heart or lung disease • Diabetes or other metabolic disease, cancer, kidney disease, or a weakened immune system
Who Should Get the Flu Shot? • Six months to 18 years on long-term treatment with acetylsalicyclic acid (ASA) • Lives, works, or volunteers in a nursing home, chronic care facility, retirement home, or other healthcare setting (including children) • Emergency service workers • Travelling to places where the flu virus is likely present
Important Notes • Anyone over the age of 6 months can be immunized. • The flu vaccine is safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Who Should NOT Get the Flu Shot? • People who have had an anaphlylactic reaction to a previous dose. • People who have a severe allergy to eggs (chicken eggs are used to produce this vaccine). A reaction can be hives, swelling of the mouth and throat, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, and shock. • Children under 6 months of age because the vaccine does not work well in this age group. • People who have a fever on the day scheduled for a flu shot should wait until the fever has gone.
Flu Shots in Windsor-Essex County • In Ontario, flu vaccines are free to all residents. • To receive your free flu shot, contact your physician or attend one of the community flu clinics that will take place in late Fall 2006 in Windsor-Essex. • The schedule for flu vaccine community clinics will be posted on the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit website in the near future. • www.wechealthunit.org
In addition to getting an annual flu shot and staying healthy,you can play an active role in preventing the spread of the flu virusas well as many other germs, by doing the following:
Wash Hands Frequently • Fifteen to twenty seconds of handwashing with warm water and soap helps remove germs. Remember to wash: • before and after eating • after using the bathroom • after coughing or sneezing • after touching surfaces that may have been contaminated by other people.
Cover up When Coughing or Sneezing • Use a tissue or cough and sneeze into your elbow or arm, not your hand. • This significantly reduces the number of airborne droplets and helps keep your hands clean.
Keep Shared Surfaces Clean • Regular cleaning and disinfecting of these surfaces at home and at work can help reduce the spread of germs: • Telephones • Keyboards • Desk surfaces • Kitchen and bathroom counters • Doorknobs • Light switches
For more information on the flu vaccine (including the differences between the seasonal flu and the avian or bird flu), immunization, and reducing the spread of disease-causing germs, visit the following websites:
Key References • Public Health Agency of Canada. (2002). Canadian immunization guide, 6th edition. Retrieved August 30, 2006, from http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/cig-gci/index.html#toc) • Canadian Coalition for Immunization Awareness and Promotion. (2006). Influenza. Retrieved September 26, 2006, from http://www.immunize.cpha.ca/english/influen.htm
Latest HealthIssues newsletter • Infection Protection • Latest brochure • Washing Your Hands of Germs • Other electronic presentation • Misconceptions About Vaccine Safety
Windsor-Essex County Health Unit 360 Fairview Ave. West, Suite 215 Essex, Ontario N8M 3G4 519-258-2146 x 3100 www.wechealthunit.org Windsor Office 1005 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario N9A 4J8 Leamington Office 215 Talbot Street East, Leamington, Ontario N8H 3X5