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Genesis 50. Ingenooi deur God. Ons raak bewus van ons diepste behoeftes, vrae en vrese en gee ons oor aan God. “… I thought I had it, but suddenly I remembered all the others I’ve missed, and the past got in my eyes.”.
Ingenooi deur God Ons raak bewus van ons diepste behoeftes, vrae en vrese en gee ons oor aan God
“… I thought I had it, but suddenly I remembered all the others I’ve missed, and the past got in my eyes.”
Die wonder van die lewe begin as ons ons vyand deur ’n skoner lens, met God se bril van liefde, sien
Ingaan in God se tyd Ons betree God se wêreld en gaan in God se vrede in
Luister na God se Woord Ons luister dieper na die Woord en ontmoet God
Luister na mekaar God maak ons ’n luisterende gemeenskap en praat ook deur ander mense met ons
Luister na ander en die tye Ons stel onsself oop om God van onverwagse kante af te hoor
Luister weer na God se Woord Ons fokus op die Gees se beweging in ons hart en gedagtes
50:20 visie “Julle wou…, maar God wou…
“O.K, your plan was to do me in. But God’s plan was to do me good and have me do good...” (Gen 50:20, Word on the Street)
“… that with this God called Yahweh, the seemingly worse things were never the last things. God always seemed to have something else that God was able to do”.
“I began to trace through Holy Scripture how again and again, when it seemed like people were at the absolute end of their ropes, that this Alchemist God had a way of doing something even with the worst that human beings had done, and bring out growth and bring out redemption.”
“There is no situation so chaotic that God cannot from that situation, create something that is surpassingly good. He did it at the creation. He did it at the cross. He is doing it today.” Handley C. G. Moule
Moenie dat dooie punte jou doodmaak nie! Moenie dat doodloopstrate jou in jou spore stuit nie!
“There are two great days in a person’s life - the day we are born and the day we discover why.” William Barclay
Laat toe dat die Alchemis die lood in jou, in goud verander!
“In hierdie vreesaanjaende oorlog, in hierdie onmenslike chaos wat in die wêreld heers, sal die een wat heel eerste begin om te vergewe op die einde die oorwinnaar wees.” Semyon Frank
“No bombs, not even atomic bombs, none of the cruelties of war cause so much destruction of normal conditions of life or are the cause of so much ruin and evil as the spirit of hatred.” Semyon Frank
Fokus op wat God nou doen Ons fokus op wat God nou doen en waarheen God ons lewe rig
Antwoord met ons lewe Ons besluit op ’ngepaste reaksie op wat God gegee/ gedoen/ gesê het
“I guess the answer to that question is another question: Where is the church when it hurts? If the church is doing its job — binding wounds, comforting the grieving, offering food to the hungry — I don’t think people will wonder so much where God is when it hurts. They’ll know where God is: in the presence of his people on earth.” Phillip Yancey
Volgende week Filippense 1:21-30