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Informačný deň ICT. Môžme byť úspešní v rámcovom programe? František Uherek MLC Bratislava. Bratislava, 28.10.2010. Treti a Monitorovaci a správ a o 7. RP (FP7 Monitoring report). Za prvé 3 roky 7.RP (2007-2009):
Informačný deň ICT Môžme byť úspešní v rámcovom programe? František Uherek MLC Bratislava Bratislava, 28.10.2010
Tretia Monitorovacia správa o 7. RP(FP7 Monitoring report) Za prvé 3 roky 7.RP (2007-2009): • bolo vyhlásených 170 výziev, na ktoré prišlo viac ako 55 000 návrhov projektov • 40 000 z nich bolo hodnotených • z nich 9 000 (asi 50 000 účastníkov) dosiahlo úroveň "vyjednávania" a bolo financovaných vo výške približne 15 mld € (SK iba 29,3 mil €) • priemerná úspešnosť projektov bola asi 22% • úspešnosť SK cca 20% (počet projektov) • úspešnosť SK cca 12,5% (objem prostriedkov)
Ako byť uspešný? Úspešný projekt 1 – SMASH Kontakty na konzorcium – základ v predošlých úspešných projektoch, 5.RP a 6.RP Dobré osobné kontakty s rozhodujúcimi osobami Schopnosť ponúknuť aktivity a skúsenosti zaujímavé pre konzorcium Schopnosť dohodnúť sa na výške financií a ľudských kapacít
Smart Nanostructured Semiconductors for Energy-Saving LightSolutions S M A S H Large-scale integrating project proposal NMP FP7-NMP-2008-LARGE-2 NMP-2008-2.2-1 Compound semiconductors for electronics and photonics Coordinating Institution: OSRAM, Germany
S M A S H • List of Participants: • 1 Osram Opto Semiconductors GmbH OSRAM Germany • 2 Universita di Roma .Tor Vergata. UTV Italy • 3Eidgenössische Technische HochschuleZürich ETH Switzerland • 4CEA-LETI, Minatec CEA-LETI France • 5 University of Bath UoB United Kingdom • 6Oxford Instruments Plasma TechnologyLtd OIPT United Kingdom • 7 Technical University Braunschweig TUBS Germany • 8 Universidad Politecnica de Madrid UPM Spain • 9 Paul-Drude-Institut Berlin PDI Germany • 10 CRHEA-CNRS CNRS France • 11Obducat Technologies AB OBDU Sweden • 12 MacDermid Autotype Ltd. MA United Kingdom • 13 International Laser Centre ILC Slovakia • L-up SAS LUP France • University of Kassel
Objectives: The overall goal of SMASH is to establish new materials solutions and process technologies basedon nanostructured compoundsemiconductors, i.e. GaN, for low-cost, power-efficient light sources for the general lighting market. Realising the objectives of SMASH will result in knowledge about growth mechanisms as well asproperties of GaN-based nanorod systems, going far beyond the present state-of-the-art. Exploitation of these results will lead to a new era of affordable, energy-efficient solid state lightsources for the general lighting market and will advance the LED lamp and the SME drivenluminaire business in Europe. Výskum a výroba nových typov LED na nanoštrukturovaných substrátoch s nanostĺpikovými emitormi pre novú generáciu energeticky úsporných svetelných zdrojov.
Role of ILC: In the project ILC will participate mainly to WP1 (Analytics) concerning the nanostructural and optical analysis essential to the development of the nanorod templates prepared by various nano-enabled growth techniques on sapphire and silicon substrates (WP3), characterizing nanorods, nanorod emitters and Nano-LED epitaxial structures (WP4 and WP5), and electrical and optical characterization of nanorods/Nano-LEDs demonstrators (WP5). ILC will also be responsible for organising the first workshop (WP7)
WP 1: Analytics WP 3: Nanorod Templates WP 4: Nanorod Emitters ILC, PDI, LETI UPM, TUBS, PDI UoB, CNRS, UPM Growth of nanorod emitters: High quality growth Growth on sapphire, Silicon Control of Indium content Core-shell structures Multi-colour approaches Growth of nanostructured templates: Growth on silicon, c-plane sapphire, non-polar substrates, Growth of free-standing GaN WP 2: Modelling UTV, ETH, OSRAM WP 5: Processes & Device Fabrication OBDU, MA, OIPT, OSRAM, LETI, UoB Nanoimprint technology; Etching processes, Contact technology, Chip technology S M A S H - structure
SMASH v číslach 15 partnerov Rozpočet 11 947 tis. EUR Príspevok EÚ 8 300 tis. EUR MLC Rozpočet 394 tis. EUR Príspevok EÚ 297 tis. EUR
Ako byť uspešný? Úspešný projekt 2 – LASERLAB EUROPE II Kontakty na konzorcium – osobná iniciatíva cez Photonics21, e-mail, ... Dobré kontakty s rozhodujúcimi osobami cez konferencie (Laser Physics, ECONOS, ...) Schopnosť ponúknuť aktivity a skúsenosti zaujímavé pre konzorcium (publikácie, prednášky, iné aktivity, ...) Schopnosť dohodnúť sa na výške financií a ľudských kapacít
LASERLAB-EUROPE II is a Consortium of Laser Research Infrastructures from the majority of the European member states,forming a FP7 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative. Given the importance of lasers and their applications in all areas ofsciences, life sciences and technologies. The main objectives of the Consortium are: - To form a competitive, inter-disciplinary network of European national laser laboratories; - To strengthen the European leading role in laser research through Joint Research Activities (JRA), pushing the laser concept into new directions and opening up new applications of key importance; • To engage in the Transnational Access Programme in a co-ordinated fashion for the benefit of the European research community. • To increase the European basis in laser research and applications by reaching out to neighboring scientific communities and by assisting the development of Laser Research Infrastructures on both the national and the European level.
LASERLAB-EUROPE II Project title LASERLAB-EUROPE - The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures II Project number 228334 www.laserlab-europe.eu Call (part) identifier FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2008-1 Funding scheme Combination of CP & CSA
Projekt Laserlab Europe II „The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures II„ Konzorcium 27špičkových laserových výskumných centier z 22 krajín, rozpočet 10 mil. Eur www.laserlab-europe.eu Attosecond Laser sources and Applications; Design and INnovation (ALADIN)High Average and Peak Power lasers for Interaction Experiments (HAPPIE)LAser Plasma Acceleration TECHniques (LAPTECH)Advanced OPTical Techniques in BIO-imaging and Bio-processing (OPTBIO)Sources of Femtosecond ultra-INtense X-rays (SFINX) • MLC ako Národný kontaktný bod pre Laserlab Europe II, • účasť na výskumných aktivitách (OPTOBIO) – priama väzba na domáce projekty • koordinácia školení pre nových užívateľov v rámci celej EÚ • rozpočet MLC 97 154 EUR
LASERLAB-EUROPE II is a Consortium of Laser Research Infrastructures from the majority of the European member states,forming a FP7 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative. Given the importance of lasers and their applications in all areas ofsciences, life sciences and technologies. The main objectives of the Consortium are: - To form a competitive, inter-disciplinary network of European national laser laboratories; - To strengthen the European leading role in laser research through Joint Research Activities (JRA), pushing the laser concept into new directions and opening up new applications of key importance; • To engage in the Transnational Access Programme in a co-ordinated fashion for the benefit of the European research community. • To increase the European basis in laser research and applications by reaching out to neighboring scientific communities and by assisting the development of Laser Research Infrastructures on both the national and the European level.
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