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Bible Prophecy. “The night is far spent…”. Presentation Contents. Jesus Will Come Back. Presentation Contents. Jesus Will Come Back. Signs of His Return. Presentation Contents. Jesus Will Come Back. Signs of His Return. Some Timing Issues. Bible Prophecy. Jesus Will Come Back.
Bible Prophecy “The night is far spent…”
Presentation Contents • Jesus Will Come Back
Presentation Contents • Jesus Will Come Back • Signs of His Return
Presentation Contents • Jesus Will Come Back • Signs of His Return • Some Timing Issues
Bible Prophecy • Jesus Will Come Back
Mark 13:26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with power and great glory.
Matthew 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His father with his angels; and then shall he reward every man according to his works.
Acts 1:11…this same Jesus, which is taken from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
2 Thessalonians 1:7 …when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord….
Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, when they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Rev 1:7 Behold he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.
Presentation Contents • Jesus Will Come Back • Signs of His Return
Bible Prophecy “End of the Age”, etc Jesus: Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21 Paul: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 & 2:1-12 1 Timothy 4:1-5 2 Timothy 3:1-7 James: James 5:1-8 Peter: 2 Peter 2:1-3 & 3:all John: 1 John 2:18-27 The Revelation (all 22 chapters!) Jude: Jude 18-19
Presentation Contents • Jesus Will Come Back • Signs of His Return • Some Timing Issues “The night is far spent…”
Bible Prophecy The night is far spent… 1347 1789 1796 1797 1805 1815 1870 1917 1918 1928 1945 1948 2001
Bible Prophecy But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Matthew 24:36
Bible Prophecy Then I saw in heaven another significant event, and it was great and marvellous. Seven angels were holding the seven lastplagues, which would bring God’s wrath to completion. Revelation 15:1 (NLT)
Revelation 16 Angel 1 - “foul and painful ulcers (sores)” Angel 2 - “the sea... became as blood” Angel 3 - “the rivers... became blood” Angel 4 - “power was given to scorch men with fire” Angel 5 - “darkness... upon the seat of the beast”
Revelation 16 Angel 1 - “foul and painful ulcers (sores)” Angel 5 - “darkness... upon the seat of the beast”
Revelation 16 Angel 1 - “foul and painful ulcers (sores)”
Angel 1 1347 “a noisome and grievous sore”
Angel 1 “...and foul and painful ulcers (sores) came on the people...” Rev 16:2 (Ampl.) • Infected lymph node swells and abscesses forming a bubo; from Latin “a bump” (hence “bubonic” plague) Cutaneous Hemorrhages
Angel 1 Modern scholars estimate that between one half to two thirds of the entire population of Europe died from the initial outbreak between 1347-1350. Citizens bury plague victims at Tournai
Angel 1 Few received proper burials. The dead were left outside houses in piles. Most were simply thrown into mass shallow graves.
Angel 1 Once the disease was contracted there was a 90% death rate. Death usually came within 3days.
Angel 1 England lost 70% of its population. It dropped from 7 million to2 million in 1400AD
Angel 1 The largest death toll from any known non-viral epidemic in history.
Angel 1 • The same disease is thought to have returned to Europe every generation with varying degrees of intensity and fatality until the 1700s. • Notable later outbreaks include: • the Italian Plague of 1629-31, • the Great Plague of London (1665–66), • the Great Plague of Vienna (1679), • the Great Plague of Marseille (1720–22) • the Moscow Plague (1771).
The Black Death led to cynicism toward religious officials who could not keep their promises of curing plague victims and banishing the disease. No one, the Church included, was able to cure or even explain the plague. • The Black Death hit the monasteries very hard. • This resulted in a mass influx of new clergy members and further abuses by the clergy in years afterwards resulting in an even greater deterioration of the position of the Church in the eyes of the people. Monks with the plague being blessed by the priest 1360-1375
Angel 5 Angel 5 - “darkness... upon the seat of the beast” Rome!!!
Napoleon I The Seat of the Beast Collapses Angel 5 1796-1870
The Seat of the Beast Collapses Napoleon I • 1789 French Revolution • 1790 De-christianisation of France • 1796 Napoleon invades Italy and conquers the Papal States • 1797 General Berthier takes Pope Pius VI prisoner • 1808 France re-invades Rome • 1870 Italy’s King Victor Emmanuel II conquers Rome and makes it Italy’s capital • 1870 > Popes become “virtual prisoners” End of the Popes’ Temporal Power • 1928 The tiny Vatican City is recognised
Revelation 16 Angel 1 - “foul and painful ulcers (sores)” Angel 5 - “darkness... upon the seat of the beast” 1347-1722 1789 -1870
Revelation 16 Angel 1 - “foul and painful ulcers (sores)” Angel 2 - “the sea... became as blood” Angel 3 - “the rivers... became blood” Angel 4 - “power was given to scorch men with fire” Angel 5 - “darkness... upon the seat of the beast”
1588 Angel 2 “Sea became as blood...” Sir Francis Drake Battle with the Spanish Armada Elisabeth I
Angel 2 1805 “the sea... became as blood” Battle of Trafalgar
1789 Angel 3 “Rivers turn to blood...” Napoleon I
Ca 1811 Angel 3 “Rivers turn to blood...” Napoleon’s Empire Overwhelms Catholic Europe
1812 Angel 3 “Rivers turn to blood...” Napoleon I at the Battle of Borodino -near Moscow (Largest known military battle fatalities ever in one day: 66,500+ dead)
Angel 3 “Rivers turn to blood...” Duke of Wellington
1815 Angel 3 “Rivers turn to blood...” Close of Battle of Waterloo
Ca 1320> Angel 4 “power was given to scorch men with fire”
Revelation 16 Angel 1 - “foul and painful ulcers (sores)” Angel 2 - “the sea... became as blood” Angel 3 - “the rivers... became blood” Angel 4 - “power was given to scorch men with fire” Angel 5 - “darkness... upon the seat of the beast”
How the Catholic Church was Overrun Plague weakened society and the Church’s grip France conquered Rome • Great Sea Battles • Great Land Battles • Gunpowder (1320s> in Europe) Britain conquered France and freed Europe 1347-1722 1796~1870 1805~1815
Angel 6 • Euphrates dries up • Kings of the East come in • Three unclean spirits like “frogs” • Armageddon
1918 Angel 6 “the River Euphrates...dried up” Ottoman (Turkish) Empire Collapses
Angel 6 “that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared...”
Angel 6 “that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared...” 1919 1936 1932 1919 1925 1923 1932
Angel 6 “that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared...” Shah (King) Reza Pahlavi King Faisal of Iraq 1921-33 King Amanullah Khan of Afganistan King Abdullah I of Jordan King Abdul Aziz Bin Saud