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Physics Program of the experiments at L arge H adron C ollider

Physics Program of the experiments at L arge H adron C ollider. Lecture 4. Outline of this lecture. Physics programme:  QCD jet cross-section and a s  single top production  WW , WWZ Triple Gauge Couplings. Process Events/s Events/year Other machines (total statistics).

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Physics Program of the experiments at L arge H adron C ollider

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Physics Program of the experiments at Large HadronCollider Lecture 4

  2. Outline of this lecture Physics programme: QCD jet cross-section and as  single top production  WW, WWZ Triple Gauge Couplings

  3. Process Events/sEvents/yearOther machines (total statistics) W e 15 108 104 LEP / 107 Tev. Z ee 1.5107107 LEP 0.8107104 Tevatron 1051012108 Belle/BaBar QCD jets 102 109107 Tevatron pT > 200 GeV Keyword:large event statistics Expected event rates in ATLAS/CMS for representative known physics processes at low luminosity (L=1033 cm-2 s-1)  LHC is a B-factory, top factory, W/Z factory,.... also possible Higgs factory, SUSY factory, ….

  4. QCD processes at hadron colliders

  5. QCD processes at hadron colliders

  6. QCD processes at hadron colliders

  7. QCD processes at hadron colliders

  8. QCD processes at hadron colliders

  9. Can as be measured in unbiased way?

  10. Parton Density Functions and LHC Cross Sections //TFile Tau1P3PFile("tau1P3P_Ztautau.004807.Initial.root", "recreate");

  11. LHC reach in jet physics

  12. Di-jets at 300fb-1

  13. Direct photon production

  14. Vector Boson production and Drell-Yan processes

  15. top quark: the king of the fermions

  16. top quark: production

  17. top quark: cross-section

  18. Single top quark physics

  19. top quark: single top production

  20. top quark: single top production

  21. top quark: single top production

  22. top quark: single top production

  23. top quark: precision measurement

  24. Triple gauge boson couplings

  25. Charged triple gauge boson couplings

  26. Neutral triple gauge boson couplings

  27. Characteristic of the triple gauge boson couplings

  28. Triple gauge boson couplings from Tevatron

  29. Triple gauge boson couplings from Tevatron

  30. TGC & NTGC : global results

  31. Radiation Amplitude Zero in Wg

  32. Higher order corrections

  33. Backgrounds and events selection

  34. What we can do if we observe anoumalous couplings??

  35. Radiation Amplitude Zero with ATLAS

  36. Wg production at LHC

  37. Wg production at LHC

  38. WZ production at LHC

  39. WW production at LHC

  40. Extracting confidence interval

  41. Systematics

  42. Triple Gauge Boson couplings: results

  43. ZZ  llnn production at the LHC

  44. Extracting confidence limits for NTGC

  45. Zg production at LHC

  46. Extracting confidence intervals for NTGC

  47. Summary on TGC’s

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