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Physics Program of the experiments at L arge H adron C ollider. Lecture 4. Outline of this lecture. Physics programme: QCD jet cross-section and a s single top production WW , WWZ Triple Gauge Couplings. Process Events/s Events/year Other machines (total statistics).
Physics Program of the experiments at Large HadronCollider Lecture 4
Outline of this lecture Physics programme: QCD jet cross-section and as single top production WW, WWZ Triple Gauge Couplings
Process Events/sEvents/yearOther machines (total statistics) W e 15 108 104 LEP / 107 Tev. Z ee 1.5107107 LEP 0.8107104 Tevatron 1051012108 Belle/BaBar QCD jets 102 109107 Tevatron pT > 200 GeV Keyword:large event statistics Expected event rates in ATLAS/CMS for representative known physics processes at low luminosity (L=1033 cm-2 s-1) LHC is a B-factory, top factory, W/Z factory,.... also possible Higgs factory, SUSY factory, ….
Parton Density Functions and LHC Cross Sections //TFile Tau1P3PFile("tau1P3P_Ztautau.004807.Initial.root", "recreate");