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Seasons. TRUE or FALSE ___ Seasons are caused by the Earth’s distance from the Sun. Reality: Seasonal variation is a result of the Earth’s alignment on its axis and the changing angle of sunlight.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Seasons

  2. TRUE or FALSE ___ Seasons are caused by the Earth’s distance from the Sun. • Reality: Seasonal variation is a result of the Earth’s alignment on its axis and the changing angle of sunlight. ___ Earth orbits the sun in an elongated elliptical path and this is what causes Earth’s distance from the sun to vary enough to cause the seasons. • Reality: Earth’s orbit, while elliptical, is nearly a perfect circle. The changing angle of sunlight striking Earth’s surface as it revolves around the sun causes the cycle of the seasons. ___ The hemisphere that is tilted toward the sun experiences summer because it is closer to the sun. • Reality: Earth is so small compared to the sun, and so far away from it, that the difference in distance between the two hemispheres and the sun is inconsequential. • Harvard Students- YouTube • Misconceptions

  3. Rotation • Spinning of the Earth on its axis • Spins counterclockwise • Like a top • 24 hours • Causes day and night

  4. Revolution • The movement of the Earth in its orbit around the sun. • 365 ¼ days (1 year) • Orbits counterclockwise

  5. Seasons • Caused by the tilt of the Earth as it revolves around the Sun. • The earth is tilted 23 ½° on it’s axis

  6. Seasons • The angle of insolation is a measure of how high the Sun is in the sky.  • INcomingSOLarradiATION • This affects us daily as well as seasonally.

  7. Seasons • Summer is warmer than winter because the sun is at a higher angle (more direct). • The sun can be directly overhead (90°) in the tropics during winter and summer. • The sun is directly over the equator in the beginning of spring and fall.

  8. Seasons • March 20th or 21st: Spring Equinox • Equal day and night • Days begin to be longer and nightsshorter. • Sun is directly over the equator.

  9. Seasons • June 21st or 22nd : Summer Solstice • Longest day • Sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer

  10. Seasons • September 22nd or 23rd: Autumnal Equinox • Equal day and night • Days begin to be shorter and nightslonger. • Sun is directly over the equator.

  11. Seasons • December 21st or 22nd: Winter Solstice • Shortest day • Sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn.

  12. BrainPop

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