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Penghu. http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/6tourplan/index.htm. 必備用品. 換洗衣物 clothes 泳衣 swimming wear 防晒乳 color-controlling base 照相機 camera 隨身藥物 medicine. Transportation Information. http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp.
Penghu http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/6tourplan/index.htm
必備用品 • 換洗衣物clothes • 泳衣swimming wear • 防晒乳color-controlling base • 照相機camera • 隨身藥物medicine
Transportation Information http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
You can take Tai Hua Shipping ferries departing from 1st Wharf of Kaohsiung Harbor to Makung Harbor. The voyage takes about 4 hours. One-way tickets cost NTD600 to NTD1,300, and round-trip tickets cost NTD1,080 to NTD2,340 • 海上交通可從高雄七號碼頭搭台華輪至馬公港,航行時間約四小時,全程票價單程600元~1300元,來回1080~2340元,端看乘坐哪種艙等。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
TransportationInformation http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
目前開闢台灣─馬公航線的航空公司有立榮、復興、遠東、華信達三十餘班,分別從台北、台中、台南、嘉義、高雄起飛;每天上午七、八點左右就有飛機飛往馬公,票價從1350~1700元不等。觀光旺季或年節,還會視旅客需求增加班http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp次。 目前開闢台灣─馬公航線的航空公司有立榮、復興、遠東、華信達三十餘班,分別從台北、台中、台南、嘉義、高雄起飛;每天上午七、八點左右就有飛機飛往馬公,票價從1350~1700元不等。觀光旺季或年節,還會視旅客需求增加班http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp次。 • They provide some 30 flights departing from Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Chiai, and Kaohsiung every day, which the earliest flight to Makung is about 7 to 8 o'clock am. The ticket fare is around NTD 1,350 to NTD 1,700. Flights will be increased in the periods of tourist seasons and national holidays.
Windsurfing • . http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Every year as the wind season comes, good windsurfer from all over the world, such as Europe, America, Japan and Hong Kong, arrive here, challenging the uniquely and calmly strong winds • 每年當風季來臨時,來自世界各地的風浪板愛好者,包括歐美、日本、香港等地風浪板好手,都以朝聖的心情挑戰罕見而穩定的強風 • http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
SkinDiving http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Penghu has clean, unpolluted water. Thebeautiful and abundant sea has hidden incredible coral reefs and thus attracts m any colorful tropic fishes. 有無工業污染的清澈海水。美麗豐饒的它,不但蘊藏了瑰奇多變的天然礁石及珊瑚礁,亦吸引了各式各樣五彩繽紛的珊瑚礁魚類及底棲魚類遊棲佇足。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Chasing waves along the beach http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
They encounter the deep blue sky and azure ocean, the sky will melt into the ocean and the sky and ground will be linked together. That marvelous scene ry just makes people open their mind once again and feel like in the paradise! • 再讓他們遇上湛藍的天空和蔚藍的海水,那海天一色、天地相連的盛景,會讓人連心胸也跟著開闊了起來。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Net Dragging Gu http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
You can put the net down in the sea, and then everyone has to work hand in hand dragging the net of fish from the sea, thereby experiencing the joy of working together, the traditional way of catching fish, and the joy of harvest with your partners. • 在背風的西南海域,找個海底平坦、潮水緩和的地方,先在海中灑下漁網,再由海中灑下漁網,再由沙灘上的人齊心協力地將網中的魚兒拉上岸,感受一下眾志成城、合作無間的樂趣,並且體驗傳統魚技滿載而歸的喜悅 • http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Shih-Fu stone http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
It uses coral reefs and basalt rocks to build a stone wall that functions as a trap in the tidal area to catch fish. • 是利用玄武岩及珊瑚礁在海岸築成的石牆,也是一中海中陷阱。漲潮時魚兒游進牆裡,潮退時歸路受阻,因而身陷石滬之中。 • http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Boxy Net Farming case has WðB's bone http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Tourists can not only admire fish swimming in the water but also have fuin catching fish. • 遊客不僅可以欣賞悠游於往中的魚兒,還可以享受撈魚之樂趣。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Mutou Island http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Blue and limpid, the waters between Chipei and Mutou Island is about one meter in depth, like a natural aquarium where you can see light blue tropic fish swimming among coral reefs. • 海水碧綠清澈,水深常在1公尺上下,穿梭在珊瑚礁間,淺藍色的熱帶魚歷歷在目,彷若一個自然水族館。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Chipei Island http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Basalt terrace plains and an extended desert are both featured in the topography of this island. The Shawei bay in the southwest side of Chipei is famous for a golden sand beach extending several kilometers. • 地形兩大特徵是平坦的玄武岩方山和大片的沙漠。尤其西南方的白沙尾沙灘,柔白細緻,適合潛水、游泳。吉貝嶼的沙尾海灣尤是名聞遐邇,一道長達數千公尺的金黃色海灘 • http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Baisha Island • . http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Baisha Island is situated to the north of Bird Island, and preserve its original island feature. It is an excellent place for swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing • 小白沙嶼位於鳥嶼北方,為一處保有原始海島風貌之島嶼.它是游泳、玩潛艇和日光浴的好地方。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Bird Island • http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
When the tide recedes, Guayu Isletof the north coast is connected to Bird Island by a land bridge. Fishing is the major ind ustry of inhabitants; growing some economic plants on slopes is supplmental. 退潮時可與北方的南面島嶼連線;島上居民主要以漁業為生,山坡上則間植些許經濟作物。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Datzan Island http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Datzan Island is situated inside the huge bay encircled by the islands of Penghu, Baisha, and Yuweng islands, and is surrounded on all sides by large expanses of intertidal zone. • 四周受澎湖、白沙、漁翁諸島拱護,彷如海內之珠。沒有現代化的商店,也沒有車輛喧囂,淺攤豐富的魚蝦為其他島嶼所無。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Hsienchiao Island http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Divers here can enjoy coral coral reefs and schools of tropical fish to their hearts content. The beachesare wonderful for playing in the water. • 全島均由沙粒及珊瑚礁碎屑堆積而成,沙灘潔白如玉,海水澄碧似藍,四周海域熱帶魚及珊瑚群相當豐富,是浮潛、戲水的天堂。 • http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
General island http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
The giant rock on Sailboat Island to the east takes the shape of a sailboat, a magnificent view that can be seen from a great distance. • 東側海岸之船帆嶼。巨石高聳,形如帆船,遠眺近觀均各俱風采。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Cat Island http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Viewed from afar, it resembles two crouching cats floating on the sea, and thus named accordingly. The islands are surrounded by lofty wonder of cliffs and perfect habitats for seabirds. • 遠眺恰似二貓伏臥於海上。該島上無任何設施,遊客可搭乘遊覽船於附近海域上觀賞其特殊風貌暨飛翔之海鳥身影。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Trans-oncean Bridge • . http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
View fromdistance, it is like a rainbow hanging on the Taiwan strait. It is of great value to tourism and transportation • 是 此 一 海 上 長 虹 的 註 冊 形 橋 門 , 是 此 一 海 上 長 虹 的 註 冊 商 標 。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
The Penghu Marine Aquarium http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
The Penghu Marine Aquarium contains interesting displays that illustrate traditional fishing equipment, aquaculture farms, life in a simulated fishing village, the evolution of fishing vessels, the undersea world of the future, various types of fishing activities in the islands • 最有趣的是你還可以在這裡看到縮小版的傳統漁村,裡面栩栩如生、維妙維肖的聚落,傳遞出澎湖在地濃厚的鄉土文化。http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Tienhou Temple http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Tienho Temple is the earliestestablished temple of Machu-the guardian goddess of fishermen The temple was built by famous architects from the Tangshan area. It is the utmost artistic presentation of styling and sculpture. 天后宮主祀媽祖,建於明萬曆二(1592 年,是全台灣最古老媽祖宮,典雅古樸,唐山名匠之手,有深具藝術造詣的各類雕塑。 http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Shiyu East Fort http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Built by Mingchuan Liu, the fort divided into two towns- internal and external. The construction of defence and the scale differ from Shiyu West Fort, but the disposition is more completed than Shiyu West Fort • 為清代劉銘傳所修之砲台,其規模有內外兩城,營防建築與規模與西嶼西台有些不同,但其配置上較西嶼西台完整。http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/English/frame.asp
Gains from learning • I think that Penghu is a great place for traveling. There are primitive landscape and a lot of natural resource. You can not only go to play the aquatic sports,but also to see the beautiful view. The most unforgetable view is the Tienhou Temple of Machu.It was the earliest temple. • That was utmost artistic presentation of styling and sculpture.If you want to go traveling,I will recommend you "Penghu".
ferry 渡過 depart 起程 simulated 假冒的 disposition性格 • presentation 贈送 aquaculture 水栽法 Fromdistance始於 crouching蹲伏 cliffs懸崖 habitat棲息地inhabitant居民 strait峽窄的 coral珊瑚 reef碓 encircled環繞 uniquely 獨特地 abundant大量的 azure 蔚藍 admire欣賞 marvelous 非凡的
The end http://penghu.phhg.gov.tw/tourism/6tourplan/index.htm