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Toru Iijima / Nagoya University. Current Status of Physics & Future Prospect @ KEKB. NP. SM. Higgs. Figure by Dr. Hayasaka (Nagoya Univ.). June 20, 2007 Supersymmetry in 2010’s @ Hokkaido Univ. Talk Outline. Introduction Current status: CP violation & CKM Recent Topics:
Toru Iijima / Nagoya University Current Status of Physics & Future Prospect @ KEKB NP SM Higgs Figure by Dr. Hayasaka (Nagoya Univ.) June 20, 2007 Supersymmetry in 2010’s @ Hokkaido Univ.
Talk Outline • Introduction • Current status: CP violation & CKM • Recent Topics: • Decay with missing energy B t n, D*t n • Future Prospect B/t physics in the LHC era Super B-Factory • Summary Tree1: What we already see. Tree2: What we starting to see. Tree3: What we will see. The Road to NP Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
The KEKB Collider Belle detector Ares RF cavity e+ source • e- (8.0GeV) × e+ (3.5GeV) • ⇒U(4S) →BB • ⇒Lorentz boost: bg = 0.425 • Finite crossing angle • - 11mrad ×2 • Operation since 1999. SCC RF(HER) ARES(LER) Peak luminosity 1.71 x 1034 cm-2s-1 ! The World Highest Luminosity
Belle Detector Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
13 countries, 55 institutes, ~400 collaborators International Collaboration: Belle Seoul National U. Shinshu U. Sungkyunkwan U. U. of Sydney Tata Institute Toho U. Tohoku U. Tohuku Gakuin U. U. of Tokyo Tokyo Inst. of Tech. Tokyo Metropolitan U. Tokyo U. of Agri. and Tech. Toyama Nat’l College U. of Tsukuba VPI Yonsei U. Nagoya U. Nara Women’s U. National Central U. National Taiwan U. National United U. Nihon Dental College Niigata U. Osaka U. Osaka City U. Panjab U. Peking U. U. of Pittsburgh Princeton U. Riken Saga U. USTC IHEP, Vienna ITEP Kanagawa U. KEK Korea U. Krakow Inst. of Nucl. Phys. Kyoto U. Kyungpook Nat’l U. EPF Lausanne Jozef Stefan Inst. / U. of Ljubljana / U. of Maribor U. of Melbourne Aomori U. BINP Chiba U. Chonnam Nat’l U. U. of Cincinnati Ewha Womans U. Frankfurt U. Gyeongsang Nat’l U. U. of Hawaii Hiroshima Tech. IHEP, Beijing IHEP, Moscow
Integrated Luminosity As of Mar. 15, 2007 KEKB for Belle KEKB/Belle: 709.9 fb-1 U(4S): 620.6 fb-1 U(5S): 21.2 fb-1 U(3S): 2.9 fb-1 Off-peak: 58.9 fb-1 PEP-II/BaBar: 406.2 fb-1 PEP-II for BaBar Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
p+ p- U(1S) Disfavored Demonstration with control sample Y(3S) p+ p-Y(1S), Y(1S)m+m- data Fit BG Prediction in Phys. Rev. D 72, 1035 (2005) Br(Y(1S)invisble)=6.0x10-3 Recent Hot Topics PRL 98, 132001 (2007) Search for Light Dark Matter Results of Y(3S) running (2.9 fb-1 w/ special trigger) Even if U(1S) is invisible, we can observe via cascade decay Y(3S) p+ p-Y(1S)invisible as a recoil mass peak Br(Y(1S)invisible) < 2.5x10-3 (90%C.L.) No way to search Light dark matter for direct search experiments The heaviest quarkonium, Upsilon U, has potential for Invisible (i.e. Dark Matter) decay Phys. Rev. D 72, 103508 (2005)
Belle Physics Milestone Exciting results every year ! # of publications = ~40 / year 219 in total (submitted) Evidence of D0 mixing Observation of DCPV in Bp+p- Evidence of Btn Observation of bdg Direct CPV in B0K+p- Discovery of X(3872) Hint of NP in B->fK0 Observation of BK l+ l- Large CP Violation in B Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Tree 1: Current status: CP violation & CKM The Road to NP Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
B Decays and the Unitarity Triangle “Time-dependent CP asym. (Indirect CPV)” B→pp B→rp B-B mixing Inclusive b→uln Exclusive pln,rln,… B→rg/B→K*g B→DK B→fK B→pp/Kp & Other charmless decays “Partial rate asym (Direct CPV)” Inclusive b→cln ExclusiveD*ln,… B→J/Y Ks Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Hazumi@Flavour in era of LHC Mar. 2007 sin2f1 = 0.6780.025 (4% accuracy) World avg. (i.e. with OPAL, ALEPH,CDF) (f1 = 21.3 1.0 deg.) Average with B factories only hep-ex/0703021 PRL 98, 031802 (2007) • B0g J/K0, • (2S)KS, • hcKS, • c1KS, • J/K*0 B0g J/K0
fNP ? CPV in bs Penguin Processes • Heavy particles may be mediated in the quantum loop. • In SM,CPV(B0fKs) = CPV(B0J/yKs) • If a new particle carries a quantum new phase • CPV(B0fKs) ≠CPV(B0J/yKs) Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Hazumi@Flavour in era of LHC Smaller than bgccs in all of 9 modes Theory tends to predict positive shifts (originating from phase in Vts) Mar. 2007: f1 with bgs Penguins Naïve average of all b g s modes sin2beff = 0.53 ± 0.05 2.6 s deviation between penguin and tree (b g s) (b g c) More statistics crucial for mode-by-mode studies
B0 tag f2: Bp+p- 300 B0 tag hep-ex/0608035 535MBB 200 App = +0.55 0.08 0.05 Spp = -0.61 0.10 0.04 Num. of Ev. Num. of Ev. 100 Direct CPV @ 5.5s 0 +1 0 Asym. Asym. -1 -5 0 5 Dt (ps) Dt (ps) hep-ex/0703016 383MBB Cpp (-App) = -0.21 0.09 0.02 Spp = -0.60 0.11 0.03 CPV @ 5.5s deg. Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
s u c s V*ub + d + d B B l3 D0 fCOM c K+ b b W W u Vus Vcs K+ _ V*cb u u fCOM D0 g/f3 = [62 ] l3 +38 -24 u u f3: BDK(*) • Use DCPV via interference between bc and bu tree decays. • Three methods are used • GLW (D0fCP) • ADS (DCSD) • GGSZ (Dalitz) Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
|Vub| Measurement • Semileptonic decays are the most common utilities. • Measurement of b→uln suffer from O(103) larger b→cln background, and need introduce a cut extrapolation error. • In B factory era, tagging allows us to measure not only Pl, but also Mx and q2, by which the extrapolation error can be reduced. |Vub| from inclusive bu (ICHEP2006, BLNP) L Pl at endpoint Belle, PLB621, 28(2005) ~80% Mx (hadron mass) Belle, PRL95, 141801(2005) ~10% Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
|Vtd| • BB mixing (~4% accuracy) exp. theo.. • Brg/K*g Vts s,d B Belle+BaBar Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Success of B Factories KM model of CPV has been firmly established. • sin2f1= +0.678±0.025 is now a precise measurement (~4%). • The other angles are becoming interesting. • f2 from rr /rp /pp • 2f1+f3 from BD(*)p • f3 from BDK (w/ D Dalitz) + side measurements too. |Vcb|, |Vub|. Dmd , Dms Paradigm change: look for Alternatives to CKM Corrections by NP Need far precise tests
Tree 2: Recent Hot Topics: tn / D(*)t nH+ The Road to NP Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
H+/W+ t+ • Sensitive to the charged Higgs W+ t+ Bt n • Proceed via W annihilation in the SM. • SM Branching fraction is given by fB determination Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Full Reconstruction Method • Fully reconstruct one of the B’s to tag • B production • B flavor/charge • B momentum Decays of interests BXu l n, BK n n BDtn, tn B e- (8GeV) e+(3.5GeV) Υ(4S) p full (0.1~0.3%) reconstruction BDp etc. B Single B meson beam in offline ! Powerful tools for B decays w/ neutrinos
Btn Candidate Event B+g D0 p+ K+p- p+p- B-gt - n e-nn
The 1st Evidence of Bt n • The final results are deduced by unbinned likelihood fit to the obtained EECL distributions. Signal + background S : Statistical Significance +5.3 - 4.7 Observe 17.2 events. Significance decreased to 3.5 s after including systematics Background Btn Signal Signal shape : Gauss + exponential Background shape : second-order polynomial + Gauss (peaking component) PRL97, 251802 (2006)
Constraints on Charged Higgs B rH A 2s B A Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
c b H+/W+ t+ nt BD(*)t n • Sensitive to the charged Higgs. • Theoretical systematics from the form factor. • Additional information from t polarization. fB in case oft n Decay amplitude Tauonic decay is the most sensitive ! Belle has observed B0D*-t+n ! 25
BD* t n: Reconstruction from K.-F.Cheng’ talk @ FPCP07 Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
B D* t n: Results Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
tpn Mtag >5.275 Mtag <5.26 signal other D*tn background cosqn1n2 cosqn1n2 Cross Checks tenn Mtag >5.27 signal background Preliminary Fit to signal side variable Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Tree 3: Future Prospect, Super-B The Road to NP Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Super-B: Motivation • If new physics at O(1)TeV… • It is natural to assume that the effects are seen in B/D/t decays. • New source of CP violation ? • Flavour structure of new physics? • These studies will be useful to identify mechanism of SUSY breaking, if NP=SUSY. • Otherwise… • Search for deviations from SM in flavor physics will be one of the best ways to find new physics. Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Physics Reach at Super-B 50ab-1 5ab-1 Physics at Super B Factory (hep-ex/0406071) • New CPV phase in bsqq • FCNC BXsg, BXsll • Modes including n • CKM • t decays We are working to update the table.
Search for New CPV in bs B gfK0, h’K0, KsKsKsprojection for SuperKEKB Discovery region w/ 50 ab-1 |ASUSY/ASM|2 qnew physics Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Acp(BXsg) vs SUSY models 5ab-1 50ab-1 Mixing CPV Direct CPV U(2) tanb=30 mSUGURA tanb=30 U(2) tanb=30 mSUGURA tanb=30 Acpdir Acpmix SU(5)+nR tanb=30 non-degenerate SU(5)+nR tanb=30 degenerate SU(5)+nR tanb=30 non-degenerate SU(5)+nR tanb=30 degenerate
W+ t+ Charged Higgs Search in Btn Charged Higgs Mass Reach (95.5%CL exclusion @ tanb=30) Only exp. error (DVub=0%, DfB=0%) DVub=2.5%, DfB=2.5% 5ab-1 Now DVub=5%, DfB=5% Preliminary Mass Reach (GeV) Luminsoity(ab-1)
LFV in t Decays tlg • Quarks and neutrinos have mixings. What about charged leptons ? • What are the relations between neutrinos and charged leptons ? quarks and charged leptons ? • Br(t) = O(103-5) x Br(m). Enough chance to see tmg or tlll. • The two decays have different sensitivity for different NP models. t3l, lh Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
T LFV Prospect • Br~O(10-89) at Super B factory ! tmg tmh tmmm tmgsuffers from background due to ISR.
Super-KEKB Interaction Region Crab crossing q=30mrad. by*=3mm New QCS New Beam pipe 8GeV (e+, 4.1A) 3.5GeV (e-, 9.6A) More RF power Damping ring • Increase beam currents • 1.6 A (LER) / 1.2 A (HER) • → 9.4 A (LER) / 4.1 A (HER) • Smaller by* • 6 mm→3 mm • Increase xy • 0.059→>0.24(W-S) Linac upgrade L=8x1035cm-2s-1
Ante-chamber with solenoid field New crab cavity Ante-chamber Circular-chamber Build-up of electron clouds Super-KEKB (cont’d) • Head-on collision w/ Crab cavity Will be tested in 2006. • Ante-chamber /solenoid for reduction of electron clouds
Crab Cavity • Superconducting crab cavities (1LER and 1HER) have been installed, and being tested at KEKB. Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
HER LER Crab OFF Crab ON H. Ikeda, et al.
4 Vertexing 4 Tracking 4 Particle ID 4 EM Cal 4 KL & m Pixel det. Issues • Higher background • Higher event rate • Require special features Small cell Fast gas Si-tracker • radiation damage and occupancy • fake hits and pile-up noise in the EM - higher rate trigger, DAQ and computing F-DIRC+TOP Aerogel RICH • low p m identification • full recon. eff. • hermeticity ; n “reconstruction” Pure CsI Liquid-Xe etc. 4 Fully pipelined readout 4 Large scale computing LST Scintillator New Challenge! Intensive R&Ds! Detector Upgrade
Belle Upgrade Aerogel Cherenkov counter + TOF counter g “TOP” + RICH CsI(Tl) 16X0 g pure CsI (endcap) Si vtx. det. 4 lyr. DSSD SC solenoid 1.5T g 2 pixel/striplet lyrs. + 4 lyr. DSSD Tracking + dE/dx small cell + He/C2H5 • remove inner lyrs. Use fast gas m / KL detection 14/15 lyr. RPC+Fe g tile scintillator New readout and computing systems Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
Summary • B-factories have been so successful. KM-model of CP violation firmly established. Paradigm shifted to search for NP effects. • We are starting to measure Btn/D(*)tn Search for charged Higgs. • Flavor physics still on the center stage in 2010’s. Super-KEKB enables us to study effects of TeV-scale NP in B and t decays. Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
L~1035cm-2s-1 by 2010 L~1036cm-2s-1 by 2015 L~1043cm-2s-1 by 2050 ? (How old will you be ?) Pushing Luminosity Frontier • L*=X10 / 5 years ! BOYS BE AMBITIOUS !
f2: Bpp/rp/rr FPCP2007 Beauty2006 Two solutions in the global CKM fit. Need more data. Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
ACP(Kp) puzzle ? ACP(K+p0) = +0.047 0.026 ACP(K+p-) = -0.093 0.015 deviation: 0.14/0.03 > 4.6s New physics ?
B D* t n: Bkg. Suppression Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
fB Extraction • SM branching fraction is given by • Product of B meson decay constant fB and CKM matrix element |Vub| • Using |Vub| = (4.39 0.33)×10-3 from HFAG 14% = 12%(exp.) + 8%(Vub) 15% fB = 216 22 MeV [HPQCD, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 212001 (2005) ] Toru ijima, SUSY2010's
B D* t n: Bkg. Suppression Toru ijima, SUSY2010's