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Global and Turkish P erspectives of Thorium F uel for N uclear E nergy. Prof. Dr. Muammer Kaya Osmangazi University Mining Engineering D epartment , Eskişehir- Turkey. Natural Properties of Thorium ( Th ) ( Earth’s Forgotten Treasure ). Occurs naturally ,
Global and Turkish Perspectives of Thorium Fuel for NuclearEnergy Prof. Dr. Muammer Kaya Osmangazi University MiningEngineeringDepartment, Eskişehir-Turkey
NaturalProperties of Thorium (Th) (Earth’sForgottenTreasure) • Occursnaturally, • Identifiedalmosttwocenturiesago, • Exists in naturealmostentirely as stableTh-232 isotope, • Thitselfcannotsustain a nuclearchainreaction, • Is a lustroussilvery-white metal, • Is dense andonlyslightlyradioactiveactinides, you can carry a lump of it in yourpocketwithoutharm (lessradiotoxic), • Th is fertilematerial, accept a neutronandtransmuteintofissile U-233 anddecaystostablePb-208. • Th is usually a by-product of the REE containgmonaziteorbastnasiteminerals.
THORIUM BASICS (New GreenNukeNuclearRenaissance) • Is plentiful in natureandvirtuallyinexhaustablefuel. • Is a thermalbreeder (i.e. createsenoughnewfuel as it breaksdowntosustain a high-temperaturechainreactionindefinitely). • It is impossibletomakenuclearweaponsand/orbombsfromThbyterrorists (i.e. peaceful) • Nuclearpowerwithoutproliferation has obviouspoliticalappealforgovernments. • Has a highheatcapacity (i.e. smallerreactors) • Does not requirecostlyminingand mineral processingmethods (i.e. lessexpensive), • Is extraordinallyefficientnuclearfuel (i.e. allowslongerfuelburn-up) • Producesmoreneutronspercollision; thus 20-40 timesmoreenergy is generated, lessfuelconsumedand 47 timeslessradioactivenastiesleftbehind. • Thfuel is completelyusedup in thereactor; thus, there is relativelylittlenuclearwaste. • Thwasteneedsto be storedforonlyfewhundredyears (as long as 300 years) not for a fewthousand (10000 years) like U wastes. • Threactors has zero risk of meltdown as opposedto U reactors. • Threactors can useliquidfuelwhich has significantadvantages in operation, controlandprocessingoversolidfuels. • Liquidfuelsworks at hightemperaturewithoutpressurization. “Thshould be heart of thenations’ atomicpowereffort”
WHY Thorium ?(New Era of Safe, CleanandAffordableEnergy) There is a treat of climatechange, There is an urgentdemandforcarbon-freeenergy/electricity. • Th is 3-4 timesmoreabundantthan U in natureanddistrubutedevenly in mostcountries in theworld. • Th can be minedwithrelativelylow-costandenvironmentfriendlyminingmethodsfromhighgradealluvialdeposits. • Thextraction is relativelystraightforward. • Th has a betterradiationstabilityandlongerfuelcycle. • Th has a higherenergydensityandfueleconomy. • Thwasteshave a lessradiotoxicperiodduetoabsence of transuranicwastes (i.e. Pu, Np, CeandAm). • Thmixedoxide (TMOX (Pu+Th)) fuel can be burned in anyreactorthat is lisencedtouse MOX. • There is a hugespenttoxicmaterial/plutoniumthat has beingpiledupfrom U-fuel. Thfuel can be usedtosafelyincineratetheseunwantedstockpiles. Global energyneedsforoneyear can be suppliedbyapproximately 6600 tons of Th.
URANIUM (Today’sproblematicnuclearfuel) • Today’spreferedfuel in commercialreactors, • U has beenadequatetomeettoday’ssupplyneeds, • Reserve: 5.5*106tons; YearlyProduction: 65*103tons, • Producers: 19; Life Expectancy: 50-60 years • U oresaregenerally not harmful, but is dangerouslytoxictohumansifingested, inhaledoreven of prolongedcontact. • Reactorsrequiresexteremelyrare235U (0.7%) whichmust be purified/ enrichedfromnatural238U. • U mining, enrichmentandextractionareexpensiveandcomplex, • U-fuelleaveslargeamount of toxicwastescontainingPu-239 that can be used in makingbombsandweapons, • Theused/depletedfuel can be reprocessedbyexpensivePu-U extraction (Purex) processtoremovefissilematerialandrefabricatenewfuelelements, R&D on U willfadeaway in favour of Th.
ReasonablyAssuredReserves (RAR) andEstimatedAdditionalReserves (EAR) of thoriumbyOECD/NEA, NuclearEnergy, "Trends in NuclearFuelCycle", Paris, France (2001). (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium)
ThcontainingRareEarthElements(REE)s • Phosphate Mineral Formula Density (g/cm3) MagneticPropertyWeight (%) • REO ThO2 UO2 • Monazite (Ce) (Ce, La, Nd, Th)PO4 4.98-5.43 Paramagnetic 35-71 0-20 0-16 • Monazite (La) (La, Ce, Nd, Th)PO45.17-5.27Paramagnetic 35-71 0-20 0-16 • Monazite (Nd) (Nd, Ce, La, Th)PO4 5.17-5.27 Paramagnetic 35-71 0-20 0-16 • Silicate Mineral Formula Density (g/cm3) MagneticPropertyWeight (%) • REO ThO2 UO2 • Thorite (Th, U) SiO4 6.63-7.20 Paramagnetic <3 - 10-16 • Carbonate Mineral Formula Density (g/cm3) MagneticPropertyWeight (%) • REO ThO2 UO2 • Basnasite (Ce) (Ce, La,Th)(CO3)F4.90-5.20 Paramagnetic 70-74 0-0.3 0.09 • Basnasite(La) (La, Ce, Th)(CO3)FParamagnetic70-74 0-0.3 0.09 • Basnasite(Y) (Y)(CO3)F3.90-4.00 Paramagnetic70-74 0-0.3 0.09
MONAZITE (REE-Th PO4) • A phosphate mineral withRareEarthOxide (REO) content of 70% (Ce, La, Pr andNd). • Monazite is found in granites, syanites, pegmatites, beachsandsetc. • Worldmonaziteresourcesareestimatedto be about 12 milliontons. • Includes 3-14% Thandvariableamount of U. • Found in placerdeposites, beachsandsand is also a component of the Bayan Obodeposit in China. • Worldmonaziteproduction is between 5000-6000 tons/y. • MajorMonaziteproducersareMtWeld (Australia), (AndhraPradesh, TamilNuda, Odisha) IndiaandGuandong (China), MalaysiaandBrazil.
ThO2MiningfromMonazite • Thfrommonazitedeposits can be minedwithrealtivelylow-costandenvironmentfriendlyminingmethods, because it exists in highconcentrationsand in high-grades at thesurfaceor in beachsands. • Theore/sand can be skimmedoffthesurfacebydredgemining. • Monazitemining is moreeconomicaldueto presence of Th as a by-product in the REE ore. • U mine can be developed in 10-15 years, Th mine can be developed in 2-3 yearsduetolessrequlatoryscrutiny. • ThO2 is liberatedfrommonazitebygravitational, magneticandelectrostaticconcentrationmethods, employing a minimum of dangerouschemicals (i.e. acids). Whereas U is minedbyexpensive underground miningand in-situacidleachingmethods.
BEACH SAND (Quartz, Garnet, Magnetite, Zircon, Ilmenite, Rutile, Monazite) L: light D: Dense F: Ferromag. NM: Nonmag. M: Mag. T:Thrown P: Pinned Quartz: 2.7 (L) Garnet:3.5 (L) Magnetite: 5.5-6.5 (D, F) Zircon: 4.6-4.7 (D, NM, P) Rutile: 4.2 (D, NM, T) Ilmenite: 4.5-5.0 (D, M, T) Monazite: 4.9-5.2 (D, M, P) ligth heavy Typical beach sand treatment flowsheet. REEs+Th
BASTNASITE (REE-ThFCO32) • A fluorocarbonate mineral with a REO content of approximately 70% (Ce, La, Pr and Nd). • Basnasite is theprimarysource of ligthREOsandaccountsfor 80% of theoverallamount of REO in theworld. • Inthelast 50 yearsbasnasitereplacedmonazite as a chief mineral source of REEs. • Basnasite has been extracted on a large scale only in Mountain Pass, USA and Bayan Obo, China (supply 45% of worlddemand). • Expensive underground miningmethodsareused. • Processingdepends on finegrinding; gravity, magneticandflotationseparations; calcination, HClleachingandsolventextractionsteps.
UraniumandThoriumDeposits of Turkey BlackSea Eskisehir Ankara Sivrihisar-EskisehirLigth REE+ThDeposit MediterraneanSea
Comparison of some REO DepositsaccordingtoReserve Size Typical TREO content 1st Quartile 11. Kaynak: Greenfields Research Ltd; (Data: Company websites)
ThO2contents of some REO Deposits 3. Kaynak: Greenfields Research Ltd; Data: Company websites
ReserveDevelopmentStudies in Eskişehir-Sivrihisar-KızılcaörenLightREEs+ThField • Firstreservecalculationsdepended on 50-200 m deepdrillingstudies in 1959. • In 2011, two 500 m deepdrillingboreswereopened. • Analysesshowedfurtherreserves at deeps. • In 2012; 10,000 m drillingwereperformed at 38 locations. • Between 2014 and 2017; 116,000 m drillingwill be performed at 289 locations. • 45,000 sampleswill be takenforgeochemicaland 1,000 sampleswill be takenby XRD analyses. Explorationwithdrilling Drillingcores
Eti Mines Eskişehir-Sivrihisar Deposit’sOperation Plan • OreProperties • Production Plan Depositdiscoveredusingairprospectingsurveyby General Directorate of Mineral ResearchandExploration of Turkey (MTA) in 1959. OperatinglicenseownedbyTurkish GovernmentMiningCompany of Eti Minesfor 10 years
MONOZITE CRACKING/OPENING WITH HOT CONCENTRATED H2SO4 Ammoniumoxalate Th+REOs RE oxalates Filtering Thhas beenextractedfrommonazitethrough a complexmulti-stageprocess (AMEX). Monazite is dissolved in 120-150 oC hot concentrated H2SO4forseveralhours. Th is extracted as an insoluableresidueinto an organicphasecontaing an alkyl amine. Then it is separated/ strippedusing an ionsuch as nitrate, chloride, hydroxideorcarbonatereturningThto an aqueousphase. FinallyTh is precipitetedandcollected. Thextraction is a complexprocessbecause of similarchemicalpropertieswithREOs.
THORIUM CONCENTRATION FLOWSHEET • ORE • HNO3or H2SO4 LEACHING (pH:1.2) • Precipitation of someimpurities • SolventExtraction (SX) orIon Exchange (IE) • Th(NO3)4.nH2O • Drying (105 oC, 20h) Water • Th(NO3)4 • Calcination (575oC) • ThO2 concentrate ION EXCHANGE RESINE BEADS
EFFECTS OF ROASTING and THIOUREA ADDITION on BASTNASITE LEACHING (Yörükoğulları, Obut, Girgin, 2002 and 2003) 1. Pre-concentration Scrubbing (75% solids, N: 2060 rpm, t: 15 min.) BaSO4 FlotationPre-Concentrate (21.3% REO) CaF2Flotation 2. BastnasitePre-ConcentrateLeach Particle Size: 0.053 mm N: 450 rpmREEs in solutionwereanalysedby ICP spectrometer. Baandhigh S/L: 1/20 g/mL t: 6 hoursconcentration REE wereanaysedbygravimetricmethodsbased on sulphateandoxalateprecipitation. 2a. LeachingwithoutRoastingusingConcentratedAcids 8M HNO3 70oC 100% total REE dissolution 15 M H2SO4 25oC 89.25% 2.5M HCl 55oC 82.2% 2b. Roasting+DiluteAcidLeaching Afterroasting at 750oC for 1 h, leachingwith 1-3M H2SO4 at 25oC. (RoastingdecomposescarbonatesandoxidizeCe). Total REE contentsforunroasted: 18.59%, roasted: 22.00% androasted+leached 47.4%. 2c. Roasting+DiluteAcidLeachingandThioureaAddition(extractingagentforAu, Agand REE) Thioureaconc.: 0-2 M and 1-3 M H2SO4 Roastedwithoutthiourea: 17.6% REE dissolutionRoastedwiththiourea: 89.0% dissolution (at 3M H2SO4and 1M thiourea) 3. Hydroxide-OxalateMixturePrecipitation (Mish metal) fromLeachSolution+ Heatingto 900oC for 2 hours Total REE 93.6%, REO: 92.6%
EFFECTS OF ROASTING and THIOUREA ADDITION on BASTNASITE LEACHING (Yörükoğulları, Obut, Girgin, 2002 and 2003) • Roastingdecomposestheflurocarbonatestructure of REEs in thepreconcentratewiththeformation of fluoceriteandcerianite as newphases (XRD results). • Thischange in compositionincreasestheselectivedissolution of lanthanumandneodymium in H2SO4solutioncausing 5.6 timesincrease in the total REsdissolution. • Addition of thiourea (CS(NH2)2) totheleachingmediumincreasesthedissolution of total REEs in theunroastedandespecially in theroastedpreconcentratereaching a dissolution of 89%. • 92.6% mixed REO precipitationwith H2SO4-thioureamediumwasachived.
PİLOT SCALE ACID LEACH and SOLVENT EXTRACTION TESTSforREEsandThfromESKISEHIR ORE byMTA (2004) Run-of-mine oresfrom 3 districts RotatingFurnace Blending OxidizingRoasting JawCrusher 3M HClacidleach ConeCrusher Filtration RollCrusher Cake FiltrateSolution Flotation Oxalateprecipitation REOs+ThO2 Particle size: - 1mm; OxidizingRoastingTemperature: 600-900oC; t: 1-6 hours Leach: 3 M H2SO4 REE dissolution: 86% (Ce, La, Nd ve Th) and 3 M HClREE dissolution: 92% (Ce, La, Nd ve Th) (89% REO mishmetal) OxalatePrecipitation: ThGrade: 98.7% , ThRecovery: 98% 84% CaF2 93% BaSO4 98.7% Th(N03)4 84.2% Ln(OH)3 84%CeO2
TheEffects of Particle Size andRoasting Time on ThoriumRecoveryduringH2SO4andHClLeaching(Yorukoglu et.al., 2012) • Sample: 3 t representativehomogenized • ParticleSizesTested: 0.065, 0.2, 1 and 3 mm • OxidizingRoastingTemp. and Time: 900 oCand 1, 3 and 6 hours • Leaching: 3 M H2SO4and 3 M HCl, 3 h, 25oC, separately • LeachingRecovery: (REEs + Th) % R = 73%, 1 mm, 3 h R = 79%, 1 mm, 1h 3 M H2SO4 3 M HCl
TheEffects of ParticleSize andRoasting Time on ThoriumRecoveryduringH2SO4andHClLeaching(Yorukoglu et.al., 2012) • 3 M H2SO4 givesbetterleachingrecoverythanHCl. • H2SO4 is cheaperthanHCl. • Oxidizingroasting at 900 oC at 1 hour, beforeathmosfericleaching is necessary. • Thebestparticle size forleaching is 1 mm. • 79% (REEs+Th) dissolution can be achieved.
CONCLUSIONS from TURKEY’S POINT OF VIEW • Energy is majorconcernfordevelopingTurkishsociety. Turkeytodayexportsmorethan 70% of itsenergy as fossilfuels. Inthelast 50 years, Turksaresceptical, anxiousandindecisiveabouthavingnuclearenergy. • Inthelast 10 years, wearebringingThintoTurkishgovernment’sattentionandnationaldiscussion as a new, safe, clean, affortable, CO2-free, alterternative, strategicanddomesticnuclearenergyfuel. • InTurkey, wearetryingtofindfundstosupporteducationand R&D on Th. WeareexpectingtoestablishThoriumResearchCenter /ThoReC) in TurkeyforThmining+enrichment+extraction+fuelfabrication+prototypereactortesting+nuclearfuelcycletesting. • Turkeyrecentlycontactedfour VVER-1200 typeRussianNuclearPowerReactorsusing U as a fuelin Akkuyu (Rosatom) andanotherfourunitswill be established in Sinop in thenextdecadebyJapan (Mitsubishi-Westinghouse). WewillenforcegovernmenttouseThalongwith U as an alternativefuel in thenewreactors. • IfTurkey can processit’simportantdomesticlowgradebastnasiteresource in EskisehirforTh, it can suppyitsownThfuelformorethan 100 yearsandbecome self-sufficient in energysources.
ComparingReactors Richard Martin (2009) * equvalentenergyfrom 3.5 milliontons of coal
Dünya enerji ihtiyacını toryum tek başına 6600 ton ile karşılayabilecektir.
HClLeaching of Sivrihisar BastnasiteOre (Gülmez et.al., 2012) • Sample: 3 t representativehomogenized • ParticleSizesTested: 0.065, 0.2, 1 and 3 mm • Leaching: 3 M H2SO4andHCl, 3 h, 25oC, separately • LeachingRecovery: 92.09 % (REE + Th) • Mishmetalconcentrate: 73.8% REE/89.4%REO (saleable) ChemicalAnalyses of CompositeSample HClLeachingTailingChemicalAnalyses
MONAZITE ALKALINE CRACKING andAUTOCLAVING WITH NaOH ThrecoveryfrommonaziteusuallyinvolvesleachingwithNaOH at 140oC followedbycomplexprocessestoprecipitatepure ThO2 Hot 73% NaOHsolution is usedtocrack/openmonazitesand. Afteraddition of coldwaterNa-phosphate is removedfromthesolution. REO andTh(OH)4 in solidresiduewereleachedwithHCl(pH: 3-4) . Dewateredmishmetal RE chloridesareproducedwithelectroliticreduction. Usingliquid-liquidextractionwithChelatingreagents can give 99.99% pureproducts.
THORIUM CONCENTRATION STUDIES BEDRI IPEKOGLU (Ph.D Thesis, 1983) ACID TOREX PROCESS ThO2recoveryfromused (U233/Th) fuel Hot acidleach (13M HNO3, 0.05M HF, 0.1M Al nitrat at boilingtemperature) CentrifugingSolidresidue Th(NO3)4 + UO2(NO3)2 Solution SX Columns Purification SİVRİHİSAR-ESKISEHIR ORE GRAVITY CONCENTRATION MAGNETIC CONCENTRATION FLOTATION ACID LEACHING Optimum Conditions: HCldosage: 200kg/t Leaching Time: 3 hours ThGrade: %99 Tributylphosphate (TBP)