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6 Warning Signs That May Indicate the Need for Dental Implants in El Paso:<br>t1.tPeople Who Have a Missing Tooth<br>t2.tBone Loss in the Jaw Is Visible<br>t3.tInfected Tooth That Needs To Be Extracted<br>t4.tFace Has Sunken Look<br>t5.tPeople With Loose Dentures and a Loose Bridge<br>t6.tExcessive Denture Care and Cannot Use Denture Adhesive<br><br>Implant dentistry in El Pasou00a0is a branch of dentistry that deals with the placement of dental implants. Here are the 6 warning signs that may indicate the need for dental implants in El Paso. For more, call us at 915-755-7697 / 915-833-0303 or visit our website.
6 Signs 6 Signs 6 Signs You May You May You May Need Dental Need Dental Need Dental Implants in Implants in Implants in El Paso, TX El Paso, TX El Paso, TX BY AGAVE DENTAL CARE BY AGAVE DENTAL CARE BY AGAVE DENTAL CARE
Implant dentistry in El Paso Implant dentistry in El Paso Implant dentistry in El Paso is a branch of dentistry that deals with branch of dentistry that deals with branch of dentistry that deals with the placement of dental implants. the placement of dental implants. the placement of dental implants. Dental implants are artificial roots Dental implants are artificial roots Dental implants are artificial roots that are placed into the jawbone to that are placed into the jawbone to that are placed into the jawbone to support a dental prosthesis, such as a support a dental prosthesis, such as a support a dental prosthesis, such as a crown, bridge, or denture. crown, bridge, or denture. crown, bridge, or denture. Implant dentistry can be used to Implant dentistry can be used to Implant dentistry can be used to replace one or more missing teeth, replace one or more missing teeth, replace one or more missing teeth, and it can also be used to support a and it can also be used to support a and it can also be used to support a full set of dentures. full set of dentures. full set of dentures. is a is a
6 Warning Signs 6 Warning Signs 6 Warning Signs That May Indicate That May Indicate That May Indicate the Need for Dental the Need for Dental the Need for Dental Implants in El Paso Implants in El Paso Implants in El Paso
1 1 1 People Who Have a People Who Have a People Who Have a Missing Tooth Missing Tooth Missing Tooth
2 2 2 Bone Loss in the Bone Loss in the Bone Loss in the Jaw Is Visible Jaw Is Visible Jaw Is Visible
3 3 3 Infected Tooth That Infected Tooth That Infected Tooth That Needs To Be Needs To Be Needs To Be Extracted Extracted Extracted
4 4 4 Face Has Sunken Face Has Sunken Face Has Sunken Look Look Look
5 5 5 People With Loose People With Loose People With Loose Dentures and a Dentures and a Dentures and a Loose Bridge Loose Bridge Loose Bridge
6 6 6 Excessive Denture Excessive Denture Excessive Denture Care and Cannot Care and Cannot Care and Cannot Use Denture Use Denture Use Denture Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive
Considering Considering Considering Dr. Jake Williams Dr. Jake Williams Dr. Jake Williams at Agave Dental Care can be the decisive Agave Dental Care can be the decisive Agave Dental Care can be the decisive choice. choice. choice. at at Dr. Jake R. Williams, DDS, and his Dr. Jake R. Williams, DDS, and his Dr. Jake R. Williams, DDS, and his team at team at team at Agave Dental Care Agave Dental Care Agave Dental Care have unmatched expertise in implant, unmatched expertise in implant, unmatched expertise in implant, cosmetic, general, pediatric, and cosmetic, general, pediatric, and cosmetic, general, pediatric, and sedation dentistry. sedation dentistry. sedation dentistry. have have
For More, Visit Our Website For More, Visit Our Website www.AgaveDentalCare.com www.AgaveDentalCare.com Or Call Us at Or Call Us at 915-755-7697 915-833-0303 915-833-0303 915-755-7697 To Schedule an To Schedule an Appointment Now! Appointment Now!