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This paper presents a delay-sensitive slot assignment algorithm for ad hoc wireless networks, aiming to strike a balance between delay and spatial reuse of slots. The proposed algorithm is evaluated and compared with other slot selection methods in terms of end-to-end delay and call acceptance ratio.
Delay Sensitive TDMA Slot Assignment in Ad hoc Wireless Networks Naresh Vattikuti, Himanshu Sindhwal, Mallesham Dasari Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma Uurmi Systems Pvt. Ltd. Department of CSE, IIT Hyderabad, India. Hyderabad, India. Email: {vvsnaresh, himanshus, malleshamd}@uurmi.com tbr@iith.ac.in National Conference on Communication IIT Bombay, India 27 – 28 March 2015
Introduction • State of the art • Problem statement • Delay vs. Spatial reuse of slots • Proposed Delay sensitive slot assignment • Performance Evaluation • Conclusions Outline
TDMA slot assignment • Multi hop topology - Flows from A - F and C - G • Spatial reuse Introduction
Delay vs. Spatial reuse • Spatial reuse approach • Minimum possible delay approach • Need to strike the balance between the two
Delay analysis • Affect is more with longer hop flows
Selection of efficient slot based on the previous node’s slot so that the end-to-end delay in a long hop flow is minimized. • Strike the balance between the delay and spatial reuse slots, given the Maximum delay for flow is known. Problem Statement
State of the art • Centralized: GSM, PDC, iDEN, PHS etcetera. • Distributed: • USAP, USAP/MA • DRTDMA • STDMA algorithms • Applications??? • Many algorithms: Effective handling of slot conflict, selection of best slot? • Opportunism with the cross layer advantage
The Algorithm restricts each node to select a slot such that it doesn’t breach Dmax/N (per hop-delay limit), where N is the number of hops in the flow. • Once delay for all the slots in Sspatial is calculated, we will find a slot which gave minimum delay and call it SspatialMin and the corresponding delay as spatialMin. • If this slot is inducing a delay less than D (=Dmax/N) then this slot will be selected and the algorithm completes else we will move to set Sother and repeat the process to find the slot in Sother which will give minimum delay among all the slots in Sother, we will call it Smin and the corresponding delay as фmin. • If фmin < spatialMin then we will select the slot Smin (the idle slot giving minimum possible delay on this node) otherwise SspatialMin (the idle slot giving minimum possible delay on this node and also spatially reused in the flow) will be chosen. Proposed Algorithm
Slot Selection Algorithm else for each Si in Sother set ifSi >P then ∆i = Si - P else ∆i = f-P+Si endif end for ∆min = findMinimumOfAll∆i’s() I/P: Previous slots in the flow and idl slots. O/P: Minimal delay aware slot Sspatial = getIntersection(Sprev,Sidle) Sother = Sidle - Sspatial D = Dmax/n; For each Si in Sspatial ifSi >P then ∆i = Si - P else ∆i = f-P+Si end if end for ∆spatial_min = findMinimumOfAll∆i’s() Sspatial_min = slotCorrespondingTo∆spatial_min () if ((∆spatial_min * Slot_dur)<= D) then Sselected = Sspatial_min Smin = slotCorrespondingTo∆min () if ∆min < ∆spatial_min then Sselected = Smin else Sselected = Sspatial_min endif
Experimental Setup We have analyzed three types of experimental results End-to-end delay with varying load Call acceptance ratio with varying load Call acceptance ratio with different values of Dmax by keeping the load fixed
Algorithms for Performance Comparison • Load Balancing approach proposed in [3], which is a traditional slot selection method - Get the first available idle slot for reservation • MPD approach - Get the minimal delay aware slot out of all the idle slots available in the frame . • Delay Sensitive approach - Strike the balance between delay and spatial reuse.
Call Acceptance vs. Load Random Topology • Load = arrival rate *duration • Comparison of delay sensitive algorithm with Minimum possible delay approach and load balancing approach. Call Acceptance vs. Load (Random Topology)
Call Acceptance vs. Load String Topology • The curve of ’Delay Sensitive’ approach shows that, it achieves greater call acceptance ratio than MPD approach, because of spatial reusability. Call Acceptance vs. Load (String Topology)
Delay vs. Load Random Topology • And also, the ’Delay Sensitive’ approach’s curve shows that the delay with the increased load is as good as MPD approach and outperforms ’Load Balancing’ approach in the case of random topology. Delay vs. Load (Random Topology)
The ’Delay Sensitive’ approach’s curve shows that the delay with the increased load is as good as MPD approach and outperforms ’Load Balancing’ approach in the case of string topology. Delay vs. Load String Topology Delay vs. Load (String Topology)
Furthermore, the curves show that our approach giving better results in case of flows with more hop count as the probability of tradeoff between delay and spatial reuse happens more frequently. Delay vs. Hop Count Random Topology Delay vs. Hop count (String Topology)
Additionally, we calculated the call acceptance with varying the Dmax value. • The curve shows that, the Delay Sensitive approach gives more call acceptance with the increased Dmax, as the increase in Dmax lead to increase in maximum delay at each hop which will further enhance the spatial reuse. Call Acceptance vs. Dmax Call Acceptance vs. Dmax (String Topology)
Conclusion • In this paper, an end-to-end delay sensitive approach is provided for slot selection by exploiting the spatial reusability in multi hop AWNs. • The results show that the developed algorithm balances well between the delay and spatial reusability metrics. • It is also shown from the results that, it performs well for long hop flows. • The tradeoff between the two metrics proposed in this paper can be expanded to other QoS metrics in distributed TDMA slot assignment process.
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