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Beam Physics

Our group of physicists, including Ph.D. students and Post-Docs, specialize in developing, tuning, and designing accelerators. Key activities and projects for 2016 include cyclotron development, E-linac commissioning, high-level application development, and more.

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Beam Physics

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  1. Beam Physics

  2. Beam Physics Group People: ~7 physicists, including 1 or 2 Ph.D. students, 1 or 2 Post-Docs. • Functions: • Service to develop, tune existing accelerators • Design new accelerators, components • Research

  3. People & 2016 activities Thomas Planche: Cyclotron dev., E-linac commissioning, magnet design, High Level App dev., Space charge studies, HRS studies, FFAG program committee. Marco Marchetto: (Leads CANREB HRS ARIEL front end, High Energy Facility coord.), ISAC2 ops help, HRS magnet design (thesis project). Suresh Saminathan: ARIEL (LEBT) optics inc. Preseparator, Nier Spect., Matching to & from RFQ cooler, Pulsed Drift Tube, EBIS, ISAC LEBT tuning. Yi-Nong Rao: BL4N design (project lead), Primary lines 1A, 2A, 2C dev., Cyclotron modeling inc. space charge, orbit codes. Carla Barquest: High Level App dev, ARIEL and HRS diag’s, ISAC operational issue, ISAC2 (EMMA) commissioning. Fred Jones: (GEANT4 member), G4Beamline models of primary lines, BL4N collimation design. Dobrin Kaltchev: HL-LHC design, tune studies, analytic B-B studies, math aid to rest of group. Baartman: Group leader/coordinator, beamline modeling & design, HLA dev., code dev., teaching, (PIP2 FNAL reviewer). Shane Koscielniak: (ARIEL project lead) Control theory & iterative learning.

  4. 2016 Papers (Notes, actually) goals_2016/ T. Planche 2016 Cyc Dev. Goals TRI-BN-16-01 T. Planche E-Linac Beam Commissioning Plan TRI-BN-16-02 T. Planche Outcome of Cyclotron Beam Development in 2015 TRI-BN-16-03 R. Baartman Optics to EMMA TRI-BN-16-04 Thomas Planche, Paul Jung Relativistic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Description of a Beam with Space-Charge TRI-BN-16-05 Yi-Nong Rao Requirement Specifications for BL4N Extraction Stripping Foil’s Locus TRI-BN-16-06 R. Baartman TRANSOPTR: changes since 1984 TRI-BN-16-07 J.A. Maloney HRS Accelerating Column TRI-DN-16-07 Suresh Saminathan, R. Baartman ARIEL Pre-separator TRI-DN-16-09 J.A. Maloney CANREB HRS Multipole Corrector TRI-DN-16-27 Suresh Saminathan ARIEL Pre-separator Dipole Magnet TRI-DN-16-35 Suresh Saminathan ARIEL Test Ion Source TRI-BN-16-08 M.J. Basso Modelling BL4N Magnets Using Opera to Assist with Quantifying Leakage Fields along the EHBT Line TRI-BN-16-09 M.J. Basso An analytical approach for drawing the 2D field profile of a finite-width electric dipole with shims using conformal mapping TRI-BN-16-10 Yuliang Jiang Simulating magnets using OPERA models TRI-BN-16-11 Yuliang Jiang The theory and tests of a PIC code TRI-BN-16-12 Yuliang Jiang Measuring the stray field in the HRS area TRI-BN-16-13 R. Baartman M15 Tunes TRI-BN-16-14 C. Barquest Investigating 94Sr Tune Loss: ISAC RPM Data Summary TRI-BN-16-15 F.W. Jones Proton Collimation in Beam Line 4-North TRI-BN-16-16 F.W. Jones Notes on Using G4Beamline TRI-BN-16-17 S. Koscielniak Iterative Learning Control TRI-BN-16-18 Dobrin Kaltchev, Thomas Planche and Brandon Humphries Processing view-screen data to determine emittance TRI-BN-16-19 Suresh Sminathan and Norman Muller NIER Dipole Final Design Review TRI-BN-16-20 Paul Jung Implementation of a Novel Symplectic Particle Accelerator Tracking Code TRI-BN-17-01 Samantha Marcano Customizing Web Applications for Beam Tomography TRI-BN-17-02 Shane Koscielniak Iterative Learning Control for Two-Pole System TRI-BN-17-03 Dobrin Kaltchev Tune-scans for HL-LHC and LHC (One of many…)

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