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Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Learn how to convert fractions into decimals effortlessly using a calculator, switch between scientific notation and standard form, and effortlessly turn percents into decimals. Practice scenarios and comparisons included for a comprehensive understanding.

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Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

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  1. Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

  2. Fractions can be your friend! • A fraction is made up of two parts. • The top part is called the ________. • The bottom part is called the ________. numerator denominator numerator denominator

  3. Converting Fractions Into Decimals with a calculator is Easy! • The first thing you do is type in the ___________ • Then you press the ________key • The next thing you do is type in your ____________ • Press the _________ sign • Then PRESTO you are now converted! numerator division denominator equal

  4. Now Let’s Try It! • Convert ___ into a decimal. First type 7 then the division symbol, then the 12, and finally the equal sign. • The answer is __________. • Now convert _________ into a decimal. • The answer is _________. • Finally, let’s convert __________. • The answer is __________. .06 .3375

  5. Sometimes it is necessary to convert a number into scientific notation or from scientific notation to ________ form. Here is how it is done: standard • First let’s go from scientific notation to standard form. (It’s super easy! Let’s take 3.412 x 104 - all you have to do is type in 3.412 times 10 then hit the _______ symbol and the 4 and the calculator does the work. If your calculator isn’t handy, all you have to do is move your decimal four spots to the ________. • If your scientific notation number has a negative like 3.412 x 10-4 , the procedure is the same but you hit the four and then the ________. Your answer is ____________ . If your calculator isn’t handy, remember that the negative four just means that you move your decimal four spots to the _____________. yx right +/- 0.0003412 left

  6. Converting a number from standard form to scientific notation is also pretty easy. Take the number 34,567,890. If converting by hand you just start with the decimal and then count how many spots it takes to get to just ______ number before the decimal. If you are moving your decimal to the left your exponent is _______. If you are moving your decimal to the right your exponent is ___________. Write these two examples as reference: Example 1: Example 2: one positive negative 4.234 = ______ = __________ .005678 = ______ = ________

  7. yellow • To convert a number from standard notation to scientific notation is a piece of cake! You just type in the number exactly as you see it. Then you hit the ______ button which is ________. Next if you look above the number _________ you will see ______. This stands for scientific notation. Let’s take the number 1,234.56. Just punch that into your calculator. Hit the ______ and _________ and presto! Your number now says _____________. Now all you have to remember is to write it as ______________ and you are all converted! 2nd 5 sci 2nd sci 1.23456 03 1.23456x 103

  8. Converting Percents to Decimals is Even Easier! • All you need to do is move your decimal point over ________ places to the left • Then remove that worrisome _______ symbol • And Abracadabra you have converted a percent into a ___________! two percent decimal \ .37 37% =______ . . . Hint: If there is no decimal, you start by putting one to the far right of the number and then begin!

  9. Now it’s your turn! .98 • 98% = _______ • 71% = _______ • .06% = _______ • 7.1% = _______ • .9% = _______ • 26% = _______ You are a Genius! .71 .0006 .071 .009 .26

  10. Now let’s talk about decimals! • Decimals are just like regular numbers • The bigger the decimal . . . The bigger the number Which is bigger? .045 or .45? To figure this out you need to fill in a ____ at the end so that they are even, and then imagine that the decimal is no longer there. This would give you 045 and 450. Now which one is bigger? ________ zero .45

  11. Here comes the tricky part! Now we have to learn how to put a list of fractions, decimals and percents in order from least to greatest! • The first thing we need to do is write each one of them on a line going down our paper. • Next we need to convert each of them into decimals • Then we need to put a little letter beside each of them – with “A” being the littlest and “D” being the greatest • Finally we need to re-order them from least to greatest in their original form using our letter system • If you have a multiple choice question, then at this point you need to choose the answer that looks like yours, if not then just write your answer!

  12. Okay, so now it’s your turn! • Which list of numbers is in order from least to greatest? • 0.3, 4/5, 27%, 0 • 27%, 0.3, 0, 4/5 • 4/5, 0, 0.3, 27% • 0, 27%, 0.3, 4/5 It may seem really hard, but I promise you it is not that bad!

  13. Let’s take it one step at a time: The first thing we need to do is write each one in a line going down our paper. Since we have four different choices we should start with choice “A” and convert those. • 0.3 • 4/5 • 27% • 3 x 10-3 Now this first one is already a decimal so wearegoing to leave it alone for now.

  14. Next we need to convert each of them into decimals • 0.3 • 4/5 • 27% • 3 x 10-3 Remember to type in 4 divided by 5 equals into your calculator Don’t forget to move that decimal two places to the right!

  15. So let’s see if you are right? • 0.3 • 4/5 • 27% • 3 x 10-3 = 0.3 = 0.8 = 0.27 = .003

  16. Now we need to make sure that our decimals all have the same number of places. • 0.3 = _______ • 4/5 = _______ • 27% = _______ • 3 x 10-3 = ________ 0.3 .8 .27 Since this number has three places behind the decimal let’s add zeros and a decimal (if missing) to the rest to make them all even. 0.003

  17. Since .003 has three places behind the decimal let’s add zeros and a decimal (if missing) to the rest to make them all even. • 0.3 = _______ • 4/5 = _______ • 27% = _______ • 3 x 10-3 = ________ 0.3 = 0.300 = 0.800 .8 .27 = 0.270 = 0.003 0.003

  18. Then we need to put a little letter beside each of them – with “A” being the littlest and “D” being the greatest • 0.3 = _______ • 4/5 = _______ • 27% = _______ • 3 x 10-3 = ________ C 0.3 = 0.300 D = 0.800 .8 B .27 = 0.270 A = 0.003 0.003

  19. Finally we need to re-order them from least to greatest in their original form using our letter system • 0.3 = _______ • 4/5 = _______ • 27% = _______ • 0 = ________ C 0.3 = 0.30 D = 0.80 .8 B .27 = 0.27 A 0 = 0.00 0,27%, 0.3, 4/5 is the proper order

  20. 3 x 10-3,27%, 0.3, 4/5 is the proper order, so what is the best answer? • Which list of numbers is in order from least to greatest? • 0.3, 4/5, 27%, 3 x 10-3 • 27%, 0.3, 3 x 10-3, 4/5 • 4/5, 3 x 10-3, 0.3, 27% • 3 x 10-3, 27%, 0.3, 4/5 If you guessed “D” then you are a math whiz!

  21. The End *** This extraordinary Power Point was created by one of the best teachers in the entire world! Drum roll, Please! Mrs. Hacker

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