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中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件. 英语高级视听说. 专 业: xx 级英语专业 x 队 x 班 授课单位:英语系视听说教研室 授课教员:. 1. Pre-listening. 2. Micro-listening. 3. Macro-listening. 4. News. 5. Assignments. Tasks for Unit 8. Task 1: Pre-listening. Spot Dictation Passage 8 The Fiords of Norway.

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  1. 中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件 英语高级视听说 专 业:xx级英语专业x队x班 授课单位:英语系视听说教研室 授课教员:

  2. 1 Pre-listening 2 Micro-listening 3 Macro-listening 4 News 5 Assignments Tasks for Unit 8

  3. Task 1: Pre-listening Spot Dictation Passage 8 The Fiords of Norway Hardangerfjord in Hordaland, Norway.

  4. Background Information • Geologically, a fjord or fiord is a long, narrow inlet with steep sides, created in a valley carved by glacial activity.

  5. Formation of fiord • The seeds of a fjord are laid when a glacier cuts a U-shaped valley through abrasion of the surrounding bedrock by the sediment it carries. Many such valleys were formed during the recent ice age. Glacial melting is also accompanied by rebound of Earth's crust as the ice load and eroded sediment is removed (also called isostasy or glacial rebound). In some cases this rebound is faster than sea level rise. Most fjords are, however, deeper than the adjacent sea;

  6. Vocabulary • fiordn. (尤指挪威的)海湾, 峡湾 • tumblevi.翻腾,打滚 • clingvi.附着, 紧贴 • hayn. 干草 • grazevt.放牧, 吃草 • ArcticCircle北极圈

  7. 1. million 2. trip 3. southern 4. right 5. reach 6. sky 7. tumbles 8. level 9. farming 10. gliding Keys for Spot Dictation

  8. 11. outer 12. wooden 13. sides 14. patches 15. hay 16. grazing 17. northward 18. rocky 19. Arctic 20. mountains Keys for Spot Dictation

  9. Task 2: Micro-listening Listen to This/Book II/ Lesson 8

  10. Vocabulary • inclinationn.a feeling that makes you want to do something倾向,爱好 • genetica.relating to genes or genetics • make-up n.composition of something 组成,构成 • gallantry n.courage, especially in a battle

  11. Task 3: Macro-listening Long Conversations & Passage Listening —Exercise 8

  12. Vocabulary • bilingualadj.able to speak two languages equally well. • transferv.to move from one place to another, or to move something from one place to another.

  13. quartzn.a hard mineral substance that is used in making electronic watches and clocks. • convectionv.the movement in a gas or liquid caused by warm gas or liquid rising, and cold gas or liquid sinking.

  14. Vocabulary • the placement service就业介绍处 • seasonal positions季节性工作 • landscaping team园艺队

  15. Vocabulary • asparagusn. a long thin green vegetable with a point at one end. 芦笋 • condensev. to make something that is spoken or written shorter, by not giving as much detail or using fewer words to give the same information.

  16. Background Information • Corn Belt • a large area in the central part of the US which produces a lot of corn (= maize in British English) as food for cattle. It includes Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and parts of other states.

  17. Task 4: News CNN News

  18. CNN News • New Words and Expressions • reclaimv. 要求归还,收回 • Sonia Maria Sotomayor • presidev. 主持 • grapple v. 格斗

  19. incominga. 新选的,新任的 • same-sex marriage • zoom in on sth/sb (使照相机等)用变焦距镜头使景物放大

  20. Background Information • Sonia Maria Sotomayor (1954- ) is a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. On May 26, 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Judge Sotomayor for appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court to replace retiring Justice David Souter. If confirmed, she would be the court's first Hispanic justice and third female justice.

  21. Background Information • Same-sex marriage (gay marriage) • The first country to allow same-sex couples to enter into legally recognized marriage was the Netherlands, effective in 2001. Since then, six other countries and six U.S. states have followed suit, though California revoked it.

  22. Background Information • Proponents of same-sex marriage regard it as a human right to be able to enter into marriage regardless of sexual orientation. Those who oppose same-sex marriage often base their opposition on the perceived societal impact of same-sex marriage, concerns about indirect consequences of same-sex marriage, parenting concerns, tradition, or religious grounds.

  23. Background Information • In 16 countries, and specific jurisdictions within 5 others, same-sex couples can join in a civil union but cannot marry. Additionally, Israel, the U.S. state of New York and Washington, D.C. recognize legal same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions but do not perform their own. Political and legal debate continues in over two dozen other countries and multiple U.S. states.

  24. Questions • 1. According to the UN, how are the people in Mingora? • More than two million people have fled that area from the violence, many of them hold up in refugee camps. • 2. What is President Obama talking about in his weekly Internet and radio this morning? • He's talking about his Supreme Court pick.

  25. Questions • 3. Why did President Obama pick Sonia Sotomayor as a nominee of his Supreme Court? • The president said pointing to Sotomayor's 17 years of experience as a federal judge as one reason he picked her.

  26. Questions • 4. What kind of decision has been made in California this week? • The state Supreme Court left in place a same-sex marriage ban. • 5. What do the events in California remind? • How quickly laws about same sex marriage can change all over the country.

  27. Task 5: Assignments News Copying Week 8

  28. Thank you!

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