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Explore the impact of unconformities on geological records, their causes, and significance in Earth's history through real-life examples and expert analysis. Uncover how catastrophic events reshape the landscape, leaving behind crucial clues for scientists. Engage in visual content and interactive learning to grasp the complexities of our planet’s evolution. Let's embark on a journey through time and unravel the secrets hidden beneath Earth's surface.

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  2. The LAW of SUPERPOSITION is easy. • What about this?

  3. The LAW of SUPERPOSITION is easy. • What about this?

  4. The LAW of SUPERPOSITION is easy. What about this?

  5. The LAW of SUPERPOSITION is easy. • What about THIS!!??

  6. BBC • Look at BBC videxerpt: “How did we get here?”…do quiz. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1dp3l7_how-did-we-get-here-the-story-of-science-nova-discovery-history-space-documentary-hd_t • 1-8 exploration & archiving diversity • 12-17 minutes (fossilized Paris) • 22:45-27 minutes (age of Earth experiment) • 27-33 minutes (Geology inventor, Scottish unconformity—deep time—we are extensions of life) • 39-42 Darwin • 42-51 Wegener & plate techtonics, continental drift & biological evolution

  7. UNCONFORMITIES are GAPS or deformations in our geologic records that say “something BIGhappened here!”

  8. UNCONFORMITIES are GAPS or deformationsin our geologic records that say “something BIG happened here!”

  9. deformations

  10. deformations draw a deformed face next to this word in your notes!

  11. deformations

  12. causes of unconformities: The Sawatch Sandstone was once again the subject of my interest. It is well exposed on the side of an onramp just west of town. Here's a picture of the unconformity between the Sawatch and the Pike's Peak Granite. Fantastically well exposed, as usual it seems. What is amazing is how little relief there is on the unconformity. Perhaps a decimeter in the area I saw it, which is impressive considering there is about 500 million years of time missing. GAPS

  13. The Sawatch Sandstone was once again the subject of my interest. It is well exposed on the side of an onramp just west of town. Here's a picture of the unconformity between the Sawatch and the Pike's Peak Granite. Fantastically well exposed, as usual it seems. What is amazing is how little relief there is on the unconformity. Perhaps a decimeter in the area I saw it, which is impressive considering there is about 500 million years of time missing.

  14. causes of unconformities: The Sawatch Sandstone was once again the subject of my interest. It is well exposed on the side of an onramp just west of town. Here's a picture of the unconformity between the Sawatch and the Pike's Peak Granite. Fantastically well exposed, as usual it seems. What is amazing is how little relief there is on the unconformity. Perhaps a decimeter in the area I saw it, which is impressive considering there is about 500 million years of time missing. GAP

  15. causes of unconformities:

  16. causes of unconformities: • e____q____s • mud_____s

  17. causes of unconformities: • e____q____s • mud_____s • fl___ds • ts______s • r_____gr_v___s • m_______rs • v_______s • h__r_____es

  18. causes of unconformities: • e____q____s • mud_____s • fl___ds • ts______s • r_____gr_v___s • m_______rs • v_______s • h__r_____es

  19. causes of unconformities: • e____q____s • mud_____s • fl___ds • ts______s • r_____gr_v___s • m_______rs • v_______s • h__r_____es

  20. causes of unconformities: • earthquakes • mudslides • floods • tsunamis • rushing rivers • meteors • volcanos • hurricanes

  21. causes of unconformities: • earthquakes • mudslides • floods • tsunamis • rushing rivers • meteors • volcanos • hurricanes NATURAL DISASTERS INVOLVING EROSION!

  22. UNCONFORMITIES are GAPS or deformations in our geologic records that say “something BIG happened here!” unconformity=catastrophic geologic event… earthquake, volcano, mudslides, meteors etc.

  23. Here’s an example of an unconformity.

  24. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE OF AN UNCONFORMITY. First, S was formed, then S

  25. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE OF AN UNCONFORMITY. First, S was formed, then r,q,p,o… O P Q R S

  26. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE OF AN UNCONFORMITY. First, S was formed, then r,q,p,o…then BOOM! O P Q R S

  27. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE OF AN UNCONFORMITY. First, S was formed, then r,q,p,o…then BOOM--UNCONFORMITY! U O P Q R S

  28. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE OF AN UNCONFORMITY. First, S was formed, then r,q,p,o…then BOOM--UNCONFORMITY! Afterwards, layers f, d & e formed. E D F U O P Q R S

  29. Moving on… • Which one (left or right) had the FAULT happen BEFORE the INTRUSION? • What happened between layers A & B? D E D


  31. Can you spot the unconformity?

  32. Can you spot the unconformity?

  33. Go to What’s an unconformity” • Kids work in pairs with whiteboards to tell the story about rocks from Portugal! • Then to rock ice cores…

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