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Discover how Area Science Park promotes research potential through international collaboration. Services include training, support desks, and tailored programs for universities.
AREA Science Park services, projects and strategies to foster the internationalisation and the valorisation of research • Mia Tomad • Training, Project Drafting and Project Management Department • Trieste, 21th January 2013
A favourable context • At the heart of the enlarged Europe • Science and technology hub • Large community of foreign scientists and students • Human resources engaged in R&D equal to 8.8/1000, complying with Lisbon’s objectives • Regional policies focused on internationalisation of human capital A shared strategy to build synergies and to enhance the international attractiveness of the region
The Coordination Network of Friuli Venezia Giulia CER AREA Science Park: coordinating institution of CER CER (the Coordination Network of Friuli Venezia Giulia) = a Network of 53 public and private research centres, academic institutions and other organisations operating in the region Based on an Agreement (2004) and funded by the Regional Government of Friuli Venezia Giulia,with the participation of the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research Strategic objective: to foster the research potentialof the region,by promoting synergies among research and academic institutions, stressing cooperation between public and private research sectors (intersectoral mobility) and improving the attractiveness of qualified human capital (international mobility)
Research Coordination Office Tailored services for improving the internationalisation of italian universities International mobility programmes Focus on People Customised training on mobility issues targeted on administrative personnel Support helpdesks Implementation of EU strategies
A regional front office of 26 scientific and academic institutionsproviding incoming support servicestargeted to: • Foreign researchersandmobilestudentstoreceive updated pre-arrival information and on-site assistance • (Entry procedures, Health insurance, National taxation and social security system, Accommodation, Study and research opportunities in the region, Family related issues, Daily life aspects, Living and social life) • Research and academic institutionstoimprove their services and optimise time and resources • Local Authoritiestoincrease a territory-based collaboration
Facilities “Welcome Office” helpdesks in: • Trieste, via deiCapitelli, 960 A • Udine, via Palladio, 2 The website www.welcomeoffice.fvg.it with 2 sections: • www.welcomeoffice.fvg.it/Trieste • www.welcomeoffice.fvg.it/Udine • In 2012: • - more than 47.000* website visits from more than 166 countries • - customisedadviceprovided to more than 3.600* students and researchers • * Data updated on 28 November 2012
APRE FVG Trieste Helpdesk • our approach: to activelystimulate the participationin EU R&D Programmesof: SMEsand largerenterprises, Universities, Public and private ResearchCentres, researchers and to support the creation of partnershipsbetweenSMEs and research centres of FVG • individual assistance (in 2012: more than 340): eligibility check of the ideas, support and pre-screening of the proposal, identification of most suitable programmes, partner search, meetings and consultations with NCP focused on the drafts of WP
APRE FVG Trieste Help-desk “Not just information… also an operationalrole” • our core competencies: People Specific Programme (Marie Curie Actions); collaborative projects in the areas of Health/Biotech and NMP (Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies) • monitoring of the effectiveness of the services provided aimed at developing further actions more respondent to the researchers’ needs • training modules about: • project design methodologies, techniques and tools • analysis of case studies • analysis of project proposals’ strengths and weaknesses
The COFUND Project "Talents for an International House" TALENTS Pilotprojectcofunded by the EuropeanCommission in the frame of the 7th Framework Programme (People SpecificProgramme, COFUND Actions) and by AREA Science Park through the CER FP7 People Programme, COFUND Action 2008 • 10 fellowshipsaccording to 2 mobility schemes: • Incoming mobility fellowships,addressed to experiencedresearchers of anynationalityintentioned to develop a project in one of the ScientificInstitutions of the FVG Coordination Network (18 monthsduration) • Outgoing mobility fellowships,addressed to experiencedresearchers of anynationality, operating in one of the scientificinstitutions of the FVG Coordination Network, for a stay (12 months) in another EU Member State, Associated or Third Country, with a returnphase to the origininstitution (6 months).
The COFUND Project "Talents for an International House" TALENTS • OBJECTIVES: • reinforcingemploymentskills of high qualifiedresearchers • boosting long-lastinginternationalcooperationbetween the regionalscientific centres andforeign high levelinstitutions • creatingsynergiesbetweenRegionalResearchPolicies and Europeanpriorities • MAIN FEATURES OF THE PROJECT: • Two mobility schemes • Transparent and internationalselectionprocedures • Accompaniment of the researchers and care for theirneeds in all the mobility steps
TALENTS: Accompaniment of researchers and care for their needs in all the mobility steps - Customised information and assistance in the designingphaseby the APRE help-desk of Trieste - Customisedpre-arrival and on-site counselling on mobilityissues(permit of stay, healthinsurance, daily life) to incomingresearchers by the Welcome Office help-desk of Trieste - Fulfillmentof specificneeds of TALENTS Fellows: personalisedbeginning(pregnancy, bureaucraticprocedures to obtain visa and permit of stay) and management(e.g. suspension for an additionalperiod of researchactivity) of TALENTS Fellowships
TALENTS: 2 calls for proposals Within the two calls, more than 140 potential applicants used our assistance help desk, requiring information about the application procedures, by e-mail and telephone. Some received also “face-to-face” advice service 1st Call (deadline 1st October 2010): 23 eligible proposals 2nd Call (deadline 14th June 2011): 14 eligible proposals Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Italy, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, Mexico, Mongolia, India, United Kingdom, United States Countries of origin of the applicants Destinationsdesired (outgoing mobility scheme) Slovenia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, Norway, Unites States
The concrete effectiveness of the Programme implemented by AREA Science Park Structuring effect of the long-term regional strategy: togradually draw the attention of the Regional Government on supporting the valorisation and internationalisation of the human capital in the regional scientific system
The TALENTS strategy TALENTS supportsresearchersthrough a long-termstrategy: a structuringeffectacross the regionalterritory • TALENTS for an • International House • (from June 2010 to May 2013) • Cofunded by: • FP7 (Marie Curie Actions – COFUND) • AREA Science Park • Consortium of Trieste • 2 mobility schemes: incoming/outgoing • Duration: 36 months • TALENTS UP for an International House • (under negotiation) • Cofunded by: • FP7 (Marie Curie Actions – COFUND) • AutonomousRegion of Friuli Venezia Giulia • AREA Science Park Consortium of Trieste • 1 mobility scheme: incoming • Duration: 24 months A new project TALENTS FVG (to be started in 2013) Opportunity to be entirelyfunded by the RegionalGovernmentthrough the European Social Fund 2 mobility schemes: incoming/outgoing Duration: 24 months
DIANET: DanubeInitiative and Alpe Adria Network European Social Fund Operative Programme of the Region Friuli Venezia-Giulia 2007 - 2013 Within the EuropeanStrategy for the development of the Danubian Area, development of activitiesaimedat: sustaining the mobility of researchers and students in the countries and regionswherethe Danube Rectors Conference (DRC), the Rectors Conference of the Alps-Adriatic Universities (AARC) and their partner (both private and public) are located (Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakian Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary); improving the welcoming of foreign researchers and students; sharing best practices among the administrative personnel involved in the management of mobility programmes.
DIANET: DanubeInitiative and Alpe Adria Network • Partners of the Project: • - University of Trieste, University of Udine, SISSA – International School for Advanced Studies, AREA Science Park • 3 mainactions of the Project: • 1) Support to the international mobility of researchers and students (UNITS, UNIUD, SISSA); • 2) Personalisedadvice service to incoming/outgoingresearchers and students (AREAthrough Welcome Office FVG and APRE Helpdesk of Trieste) • 3) Reinforcement of the Network: organisation of 15 seminarstargeted to administrativepersonnel in charge of managinginternational mobility programs, within the followingthematicareas (AREA): • Fund-raising for Research and Development Projectswithin «Horizon 2020» • Attractiveness and internationalwelcoming of foreignresearchers and students: relevantissues • Best practices and organisationalmodelsconcerninginternationalisationservices
Thanks for your attention! • Mia Tomad • mia.tomad@area.trieste.it • Research Coordination Office • Training, Project Drafting and Project Management Department • AREA Science Park • Padriciano, 99 – 34149 Trieste • www.area.trieste.it/coordinamento