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This presentation outlines the immediate upgrade requests for MEG (a group in Rome), including hardware commitments for the DC, HV system, cabling, and target placement. It also covers the requirements for noise, fast trip capability, operational stability, current monitor sensitivity, sensitivity to radiation and magnetic fields, and the costs associated with the HV custom system, control system for wire tension, and gas system.
Presentazionedellerichiesteimmediate per l’upgradedi MEG(gruppodi Roma) Cecilia Voena Mar 15th, 2013
Rome hardware commitmentsfor the DC • HV system • Cabling • Target placement and movement (in collaboration with PSI)
Rome hardware commitmentsfor the prototypes • The plan is to build the prototypes in 2013 to drive the choice of the solution for the final DC • HV custom system • Control system for the wire tension - Gas system
HV system for the final chamber • Cylindrical DC 1.8m long • Geometry is still under study • - 1500-2000 wires to be supplied • HV segmentation (number of HV channels) • - to be decided • (expected drawn current: 1μA for inner wires, 0.1μA for outer) • - “natural” segmentation, following FE segmentation: • order of 60 HV channels
Requirements • Noise<= few mV at signal output • - Fourier spectrum is relevant • Fast trip capability • Operational stability • Current monitor sensitivity • Sensitivity to radiation and magnetic field • - If we have PS outside the detector probably is not an issue • - If we have everything on endplates it should be checked • (like DC-DC converter see later) Commercial or custom?
HV system for the prototype • 5 layers • One HV channel for each layer + some HV channels for guard • cells + some HV channels to study individual cells • =>18 HV channels • We have an agreement with CAEN, they will rent us a demo • for the board they proposed • Lecce developed a test board for the 3-tube based on • an HVN DC-DC converter. We would like to develop • a prototype based on this
DC-DC converter based board • Based on HVM DC-DC converter • A controller has been developed by Lecce with 3 channel and will be tested with the 3-tube. Then it will be sent to Rome for further tests and engineering work • Crucial test is magnetic field test M.Panareo
HV custom system: costs • Board with 1 HV channel (6 wires) - DC-DC converter140€ (with an order of 10) - PCB: 50€ - Microcontroller: 10€ - other components: 20€ TOTAL = 220€ x 18 =>5k€ (including IVA)
Methods • Induced mechanical oscillation with pulse of current on wires while immersed in B field (e.g. Babar) • Induced mechanical oscillation applying alternating HV (order of 1kV) (e.g. Kloe) • Acoustical method - sound burst induces current signal due to change of capacitance - Advantages: no magnetic field needed to be turned on no HV needed to be applied to the wire - We would like to have the capability to measure many wires at a time - This could be used also for the final chamber
Acoustical method • Shortsound burst • induced with a PC speaker • Method proven for a BTeV straw • tube for tensions in the range 20-100gr • Error on frequency~5Hz (=2gr)
Acoustical method: costs • Sound generator: 300€ • labviewlicence: available at INFN Roma • Computer woofer: 100€ • Commercial op-amp amplifier: 50€ • NI DAQ board: 3k€ • miscellanea: 500€ (supports..) ====TOTAL==== 4kE
Note: we are reconsidering the sharing of commitments with PSI. They will contribute more on the mechanics (e.g. coupling to COBRA) and INFN will contribute to the gas systemWe would like to setup a systemto make practice (with components that will be reused on the final system) Gas system
Gas system • Requirements: two gas lines plus one spare • Components (iva included): - controller (4 ch): 6k€ - 3 mass flowmeters: 6k€ - linear valve+controller: 5k€ - miscellanea: 3k€ P and T sensors for each line: O2 and H2O analyzer, gas pipes,swagelok, pressure reductos ====TOTAL=== 20kE
Summary of requests • HV custom system: 5k€ • Control system for the wire tension:4k€ • Gas system: 20k€