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ICF Zürich Logo. Serienlogo. Leo Bigger. Leo Bigger. 1. What does hell mean ?. Point 1. a) SCHEOL ( Hebrew ) OT: realm of the dead until the Last Judgement !. SCHEOL. b) HADES ( Greek ) NT: realm of the dead until the Last Judgement ! . HADES. c) TARTARUS ( Greek )
Leo Bigger Leo Bigger
1.Whatdoeshell mean? Point 1
a) SCHEOL (Hebrew) OT: realm of thedeaduntilthe Last Judgement! SCHEOL
b) HADES (Greek) NT: realm of thedeaduntilthe Last Judgement! HADES
c) TARTARUS (Greek) A placeforthe fallen angels! (2 Peter 2:4) TARTARUS
d) GEHENNA (Greek) Theplace of punishment! GEHENNA
2. KINGS 23:10 «JosiahdesecratedTopheth, which was in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, so no onecoulduseit to sacrificetheirsonordaughter in thefire to Molek.» 2. Kings 23:10
valley = „Ge“ Hinnom = „Henna“ Valley of Ben Hinnom = „Gehenna“ Translations
The Valley of Ben Hinnom (south of Jerusalem) was latercalledGehenna. image
TheJew David Kimchi (about 1160 to 1235) commented on Psalm 27:13: «There was a verycontemptibleplacenear Jerusalem, where all manner of filthiness and deadcarcasseswerecast;... Comment of David Kimchi
... and where a continualfire was kept to burntheseimpurethings and thebone of thecarcasses.» Comment of David Kimchi
Gehenna was a place: • forchildsacrifice Gehenna was a place
Gehenna war ein Ort: • forchildsacrifice • wherethecorpses of executedcriminalswereburnt Gehenna was a place
Gehenna war ein Ort: • forchildsacrifice • wherethecorpses of executedcriminalswereburnt • forJerusalem’sgarbagedump Gehenna was a place
Gehenna war ein Ort: • forchildsacrifice • wherethecorpses of executedcriminalswereburnt • forJerusalem’sgarbagedump • that stank awfully Gehenna was a place
Gehenna was a place: • that was alwaysburning Gehenna was a place
Gehenna was a place: • that was alwaysburning • where wild dogssearchedforremains Gehenna was a place
Gehenna was a place: • that was alwaysburning • where wild dogssearchedforremains • wheredogshowled and theirteethchattered Gehenna was a place
2.Whogoes to hell/Gehenna? Who goes to hell/Gehenna?
Whois Jesus speaking to? • to His disciples • to thereligiousleaders • to thepeoplewhobelieve in Godorareinterested in God Whois Jesus speaking to?
Whois Jesus notspeaking to? • thosewho do notbelieve in God Whois Jesus notspeaking to?
3) Jesus speaksaboutourGehenna/hell Jesus speaksaboutourGehenna/hell
a)Gehenna: anger and hate! cursesomebody Gehenna: anger and hate!
MATTHEW 5:22 «But I tellyouthatanyonewhoisangrywith a brotherorsister will besubject to judgment. Again, anyonewhosays to a brotherorsister, 'Raca’, isanswerable to theSanhedrin. And anyonewhosays, 'Youfool!' will be in danger of thefire of Gehenna (hell).» Matthew 5:22
b) Gehenna:lust! seeingsomebody as an object and not as a person Gehenna: Lust
MATTHEW 5:27 - 30 «Youhaveheardthatit was said, 'Youshallnotcommitadultery.' But I tellyouthatanyonewholooks at a womanlustfully has alreadycommittedadulterywith her in his heart. Ifyour right eyecausesyou to stumble, gougeit out and throwitaway.... Matthew 5:27-30
MATTHEW 5:27 – 30 ...Itisbetterforyou to lose onepart of yourbodythanforyourwholebody to bethrownintoGehenna (hell). And ifyour right hand causesyou to stumble, cutit off and throwitaway. ... Matthew 5:27-30
MATTHEW 5:27 – 30 ...Itisbetterforyou to lose onepart of yourbodythanforyourwholebody to gointoGehenna (hell).» Matthew 5:27-30
c) Gehenna:fear! a personwhoisashamed of theirfaith in Jesus Gehenna: fear
MATTHEW 10:28 «Do notbeafraid of thosewho kill thebodybutcannot kill thesoul. Rather, beafraid of the One whocandestroybothsoul and body in Gehenna (hell).» Matthew 10:28
d) Gehenna:hindering! bringing a person, whois still young in faith, awayfromGod Gehenna: hindering!
MATTHEW 18:6+9 «Ifanyonecausesone of theselittleones - thosewhobelieve in me - to stumble, itwouldbebetterforthemif a large millstonewerehungaroundtheir neck and theyweredrowned in thedepths of thesea. - and bethrownintothefire of Gehenna (hell).» Matthew 18:6+9
e)Gehenna: being a hypo-crite! somebodywholivesreligiously and in a double life Gehenna: being a hypocrite!
MATTHEW 23:15+33 «Woe to you, teachers of thelaw and Pharisees, youhypocrites! - Yousnakes! Youbrood of vipers! How will youescapebeingcondemned to Gehenna (hell)?» Matthew 23:15+33