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ARION PROJECT. Progetto Arion. SOCIO AFFECTIVE EDUCATION AS ADOLESCENT WELFARE PROMOTION. Speaker Cinzia Bendin. We are living in a century ruled by the “ sad passions ” as they were defined by Spinoza. Progetto Arion. I would there were no age between sixteen
We are living in a century ruled by the “sad passions” as they were defined by Spinoza Progetto Arion I would there were no age between sixteen and three-and-twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest …… W.Shakespeare Winter’s tale
INTERVENTIONS TO PROMOTE THE WELFARE DURING THE ADOLESCENCE Progetto Arion • Method of intervention • Focus on potential development • Welfare promotion • Teenagers’ support during their growth
INTERVENTIONS WELFARE PROMOTION PREVENTION- PROMOTION To prevent situations of discomfort, we promote a lifestyle and an effective way to face the developmental responsibilities and opportunities Progetto Arion
INTERVENTIONS TO PROMOTE THE WELFARE DURING THE ADOLESCENCE Progetto Arion Privileged Context to support the interventions of promotion is the school, which, in the last few years, has opened on the territory cooperating with the institutions to reach common aims
INTERVENTIONS TO PROMOTE THE WELFARE DURING THE ADOLESCENCE The focus, used during on the general rules of the preventing interventions, is on all the actions to develop the potential Focus on the potential ApproachBuilding and reinforcing the competences Definition of the problemParticipated Changing instrumentsreinforcing the individual andthe community, increasing resources and capacities
Ambito Territoriale Research – integrated action project of promoting the adolescent comfort Educational Institutions Families ASURZ.T.12 Associations Province Teachers social private PREVENTION PROJECT IN MIDDLE SCHOOL
SAMPLE • n.12 classes • n.193 teenagers aged 12/14 • n.ro 98 experimental sample • n.ro 95 control sample
1° STEP OF THE PROJECT • Analytic – cognitive intervention: • Identifying adolescent comfort indicators • Instruments (among aimed psychometric surveys): • TMA ( self-assessment evaluation) • ACESS ( education adaptation evaluation) • QUASS (evaluation on uncertainty of the educativechoice)
2° STEP OF THE PROJECT • Socio-affective laboratory • Identifying the class samples • Direct intervention in the affective literacy classes • Methodology based on experiences
SOCIO-AFFECTIVE LABORATORY The laboratory has actively involved the students through a series of experiences to develop their emotional literacy. BUILDING OF AN EMOTIONAL VOCABULARY DIRECTED TOWARD: • Recognition of emotions • Listening the others and their diversity • Communication of emotions
Improving of self-assessment in the studied class. The follow-up values ( in red) are better than the first dispensing ones in all the seven steps of the TMA evaluation EXPERIMENTAL SAMPLE RESULTS
SAMPLE RESULTS CONTROL The self-assessment in the present educational year is much lower than in the first dispensing
EXPERIMENTAL SAMPLE RESULTS The uncertainty in the educational choice lows
SAMPLE RESULTS CONTROL The uncertainty in the education choice slowly rises
QUALITY EVALUATION Experimental sample students’ survey
QUALITY EVALUATION Teachers’ approval survey
STRENGTH POINTS • Integrated action • Potential improving interventions • Experimental methodology • Good general rules-protocols Critical state • Short Time of intervention
TERRITORIALITY PRINCIPLE With it we mean the capacity for the education institutions to build a net of relationships and projects with all the subjects who are interested to instructive contents and to steer human and structural resources in the territory.
THANK FOR YOUR ATTENTION cinziabendin@msn.com