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The benefits of traditional medicine
The benefits of traditional medicine A traditional herb still get a place in the hearts of the people. The reason is diverse. Start price is affordable, worry with the side effects of chemical drugs, to the usefulness that it is considered more potent than the drug doctors. ”In addition, batra (traditional medicine) is more secure because of the introduced hereditary. The material is also easy to come by,” FDA Approves New Copd Medications. Lecturer at Faculty of Pharmacy Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya was declared, because of its natural ingredients, the work of batra not as fast as modern medicine. ”Therefore, batra, is used for preventive or prevention. Not to treat the disease,” he said. Sumi reveals, there is no dose or dose special in batra. Everything is approx. ”This is his weakness. Because they don't exist by default. We can't measure the proper dosage and effective. However, it does not mean batra danger,” he said. Women who explore the field of botany and batra said, the principle of consumption batra partner with chemical drugs. ”If most of the time, the same potential side effects. However, because of its natural ingredients, side effects batra lighter,” said Sumi. According to him, consumption batra should not be too often and too much. If after 1-2 days the condition did not improve, patients are advised to stop the treatment. ”It is advisable to stop, then call a doctor,” said Sumi. He pointed out that, if the frequency of diarrhea is still high (more than three times) after the consumption of guava leaves the young, or tea sepat, should such treatment be stopped Here's Medications For Depression And Anxiety.
However, an alumnus of Nottingham University, Uk, it states that it does not apply to cases of fever. Moreover, if when checked, body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius. ”For high fever, should be given febrifuge. Therefore, the employment of herbs for too long, while the cells of the body can be damaged if the body temperature is high,” said Sumi. Meanwhile, dr Bernadette Dian Novita Dewi MKed said that, if processing and consumption is not appropriate, batra can actually be bad. In fact, it could increase the risk of kidney failure. ”The herbs known the extent of his usefulness, not to the chemical content. For example, material X is only known to have content of alkaloids. In fact, the type of alkaloid that's a lot and there are potentially toxic,” said the lecturer of Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutic, Faculty of Medicine UKWM Surabaya. A lecturer who is familiarly called Novita that explains, in general, there is not a safe substance when it enters the body. ”Excess consumption of water can result in water toxicity. Moreover, if consumed have chemical content. Can have an effect on the function of the organs,” he said. He argues you should make your own if you indeed intend to consume batra. ”With making your own, we can know the quality of the material. Processing was more secure. If you buy, we don't know there is a mix of anything,” he said. Novita exemplifies herbal stamina enhancer that is widely circulating in the market. Although claimed to be herbal, there are some brands mix their products with corticosteroids ADHD Medications For Adults. An Alumnus of the University of Airlangga Surabaya, it describes, one function of these substances is to eliminate pain and tired. However, herbal medicine adulterated it does not necessarily make the body feels fresh. ”If blended haphazardly and consumed in the long term, can appear a thinning of the stomach wall to osteoporosis,” Herb herbal remedies are formulated from plant foliage, bark, fruit, flowers, and roots fragrance has been used since the time of ancestors to cure various diseases. However, the circulation of the herbal supplements are not regulated as tightly as medical drugs by the FDA. So, whether herbal remedies are safe to eat? According to professor Maksum Radji, professor of Pharmaceutical Science University of Indonesia, so that a herbal medicine can be declared safe, the product must first be scientifically proven its safety through a series of clinical trials, among others, acute toxicity test, toxicity test sub-acute toxicity test chronic, and teratogenic test, as reported from the Compass. Herbal remedies should also be tested dosage, how to use, effectiveness, monitoring adverse effects, and interactions with compounds other drugs FDA Aprroved Medications For Fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, most herbal medicines circulating in Indonesia is classified in the category herbs and OHT (Standardized Herbal Medicines). Both are types of traditional medicine have not yet proven its safety based on clinical trials. The efficacy of OHT can only be proved as far as experiments on lab animals. The results of the experiment the preclinical is
often used as the basis that herbal remedies can cure various diseases. Meanwhile, herbs that usually use a decoction a combination of herbs and a variation of a recipe handed down do not have the dose and indication for sure. Dr. Peter Canter and Prof Edzard Ernst of the Peninsula Medical, reported by The Telegraph, revealed that so far clinical evidence is strong that can prove the effectiveness of herbs and herbal remedies to cure diseases is still very limited. And because of the potential side effects suspected is greater than its benefits, the lack of medical evidence this can be interpreted that the use of herbal remedies is not recommended. Not everyone can drink herbs and herbal remedies Although made of natural ingredients, all the spices are also contains chemical compounds that potentially pose a risk of side effects adverse. For example, jamu temulawak. Ginger claimed to be potent as a remedy enhancer of appetite and overcome the constipation, but not many know that ginger has blood-thinning properties that can cause bleeding acute renal in patients with liver disease Blood Thinner Medications and Side Effects. The risk of side effects may also include from imported products contaminated with agricultural chemicals or organisms foreign to the other during the process of manufacture in the country of origin. For example, herbal medicines are of doubtful freshness and quality potentially containing mushrooms Amanita phaloides that produce aflatoxin can damage the liver. In addition, a number of supplements viagra herbs imported from China have been proven to contain up to four times the dose of a mixture of chemical compounds of the drug medical prescription commonly used to deal with obesity and anti-impotence, which can cause serious side effects such as cardiac disorders and blood pressure. In fact, the name of the product herbal supplement should not contain synthetic drugs. Taking drugs herbs are legitimate, origin... Eating herbs and herbal medicines as a complementary alternative of synthetic drugs (both prescription and nonresep) actually be done. Herbal medicine concoction in the form of decoction is relatively safe because the toxic substances may be contained (for example, cassava leaves contain cyanide) are already experiencing changes in the structure of the chemical so it is safe to be consumed. Herbal medicine concoction with other methods should always be of questionable safety. But the herbal supplements is usually a new manifest benefits if consumed regularly in the long term. Because that herbal medicines should only be consumed to maintain health, the recovery of the disease, or reduce the risk of disease — not to cure. To cure the disease needed prescription drugs Medications For Social Anxiety Disorder. Just note the dose and time of use of herbal medicine if You are using other drugs. Herbal medicines don't drink before a medical drug to avoid the risk of the interaction of chemical compounds, and should be consumed 1-2 hours after the drug medical. Herbal supplements also can not be taken carelessly because of the reaction of each person to medications can be different from each other. I have complaint the same, not necessarily
herbal remedies which turned out suitable for You will provide the same efficacy in children or Your neighbors. The increasingly high price of modern medicine and the notion that herbal medicine is safer because it is made from natural materials, be a driver of people's interest on traditional medicine. In fact, it's not always true. Although it is made from natural ingredients, the actual herbal remedies also have potential side effects similar to synthetic drugs. According to professor Maksum Radji, in the herbal medicine which is extracted from part of plants, e.g. roots, leaves, skin, also contained a chemical compound. The content of the compounds contained in herbal medicines, in addition to efficacious also the possibility can cause side effects that can harm. Herbs are also cannot be taken carelessly because individual responses can be different from each other. I have complaint the same, not necessarily the herbs that are given a perfect fit between one patient and another patient. "An herbal product is declared safe only if it can be scientifically proven its safety through a series of test security, among others, acute toxicity test, toxicity test sub - acute toxicity test chronic, and teratogenic test," Narcolepsy Medications, Treatment and Home Care . He added that some of the effects that are not desired can also occur if the herbal remedy is consumed simultaneously with modern medicine. "Generally the side effects that can be caused by the use of herbal remedies is not well controlled, among others, is kidney disorders, liver disorders, photosensitivity, allergy, and sleep disorders. The administration of herbal medicine also be avoided in infants, toddlers and the elderly on the function of the organ has been decreased," he said. Some herbal remedies that had "boom" some time ago, such as red fruits, the crown of the gods, or the leaves of the soursop, according to the Quran, is actually already examined but is just in the stages of biomedical research. On mahkota dewa fruit (Phaleria macrocarpa), has studied the content of scientific efficacious as an antidiabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and its effect on cancer cells. While on soursop leaves is known to have antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer. However, generally, research is still being done on in vitro experiments or in vivo in experimental animals. The results of the experiments for biomedicine is often used as the basis that herbal remedies can cure various diseases. "In fact, can be used in the treatment, it is still necessary a series of phases of clinical trials to ensure the level of security, the dosage, method of use, efficacy, monitoring of adverse effects and its interaction with a compound other drugs," he said. According to Maksum, herbal medicines usually give results in the long term, therefore the drug should only be used to maintain health or recovery of the disease, whereas for healing the diseases of the required prescription drugs ADHD Medications List and Treatments. Know More About The Benefits Of Herbal Remedies In this day and age, keeping our body to be healthy is a challenge. Not only we must wrestle with the environment which sometimes affect less good for our health, we are also required to come out with a better solution that comes without side effects. Taking medicine to stay healthy or when we are ill is a very common option. However, it should be realized that such a choice can bring bad effect for our body later in the day. Herbal medicines present a
solution that is better than chemical drugs. The research continues and the technology is increasingly advanced, medicinal herbs growing type and usefulness. Nowadays, more and more people are starting to turn to herbal remedies to treat the disease that they have suffered. The benefits of herbal remedies indeed have been known to the multitude. Not only because herbal remedies have the ability which is almost the same with chemical drugs, the price of herbal medicine relatively cheaper. All people are aware that chemical drugs have side effects for our body. In addition, the drug certain chemicals in fact can bring the effect of allergies on sebahian people. Properties Of Herbal Remedies Sometimes we are at the crossroads when having to choose between herbal drugs and chemical drugs. Every person certainly has the consideration of each. If You are more interested in consuming herbal remedies to treat the disease that You are suffering and to keep the body to stay healthy, it's good if You study more about the characteristics of herbal medicine itself. This will open Your eyes to the advantages and disadvantages of herbal medicine. The use of herbal medicine can be a door opener for You to start a more healthy lifestyle than before. Here are the characteristics that are inherent in herbal medicine Peptic Ulcer Medications : Common Drugs and Treatment; Herbal remedies Have Properties that are Reconstructive and Curative Herbal medicine is equipped with the ability to repair organs damaged. The active ingredients in herbal medicines can help in cell repair and tissue damaged which exist in the organs of the body stricken with the disease. Herbal medicine is usually directed at a source that be the cause of the disease. This type of drug is also able to improve the function of the organs of the body that suffered damage due to the disease. In addition to its reconstructive, herbal medicine is also able to cure the disease overall. Therefore, herbal medicine is believed to have curative properties. The Other properties of Herbal Remedies Herbal medicine is able to appear as a better option than chemical drugs if we see from side effects that arise when we consume it. If every chemical drug has side effects different herbal remedies You can use without having to worry about the side effects that may arise as long as the herbal remedies that You use formulated by herbalist that berperngalaman. Currently, many kinds of herbal medicines circulating in the market and most herbal remedies are used to prevent disease and treat a variety of diseases that do not heal for many years. The other properties of herbal medicine which is very different from the chemical drug is a reaction that caused. If the chemical medicine can cure Your disease within a short time, herbal medicine generally works slower. Herbal remedies are natural remedies that dinilailebih better compared with other types of drugs. With the growing development of the industrial manufacture of herbal medicine, kinds of herbal remedies are also growing markedly. Of course, the benefits of herbal remedies are also growing in number. What's more, consuming herbal medicines are now increasingly easy. You don't need to bother concocting a variety of natural herbs to make herbal remedies, there are many herbal remedies that are already ready to drink right You to consume chemical medicine. Here are some of the medicinal benefits of herbs for our health Medications For Borderline Personality Disorder;
Helps Eliminate Black Spots on Your Face Of the many herbal remedies that are circulating in the market, there are some of them that You can make to make Your face appear more attractive. The face is one of the most important parts of our body. There is the slightest disturbance on our face, then we will lose confidence. One of the most common problems that occur on the face is the onset of black spots. Disorders such as this are commonly caused by acne scars as well as exposure to excessive sunlight in a long time. Herbal medicine is able to restore Your confidence by eliminating the black spots was naturally. Herbal medicine of this type usually utilize one of the active ingredients of lemon and orange. In addition to eliminating black spots that look disturbing our appearance, herbal remedies of this type are also able to make our face look brighter than before. Treat Various Kinds Of Skin Diseases There are many skin diseases that attack our skin. Not only they can undermine the health of our skin, the skin disease can also make our skin look less attractive. Skin diseases may be easily You get rid of using chemical drugs in the form of lotions or ointments. However, the chemical drugs that are hard usually will leave an imprint or mark on our skin. A new problem even arises when we want to eliminate the former. Herbal medicines are formulated to address a wide variety of skin disease believed to work better than chemical drugs. These herbal remedies not only cure skin diseases, but also can make our skin more soft. What's more, herbal remedies for diseases of the skin now available in a form that is easy to wear 7 Ways Medications For Stress and Anxiety Relief. To Overcome The Problem Of Uric Acid Gout has become a common disease occurs mainly in people over the age of 20 years. The cause of the disease is various from type of food consumed to the type of activities and the environment around us. The good news is that this disease can now be treated by medicinal herbs. As the medicinal properties of herbs that work quite sluggish, You can treat gout that You are suffering from gradually. It takes patience that is high enough to get optimal results from this type of treatment natural. Cure Of Dangerous Diseases Such As Coronary Heart Disease With research constantly carried out by experts, it seems that we will continue to struck by the efficacy and benefits of herbal medicine. So far, the herbal medicines even have the good ability to combat the disease that much more dangerous than simply a skin disease and spots on Your face. Currently, there are herbal remedies that can be used to help cure coronary heart disease. In the future, it is not impossible if other herbal remedies will keep popping up with properties that more awesome SSRI Medications and Depression: List and Side Effects. Herbal remedies seem to will continue to be a better alternative especially for those who are already tired of relying on chemical drugs in treating all the illness.