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JEOPARDY #3 Ch. 12-15

JEOPARDY #3 Ch. 12-15. Committee Meeting - 100. Where a bill is most likely to be marked up (changed) or rewritten. Committee Meeting - 100. What is in subcommittee?. Committee Meeting - 200. Irons out differences in House and Senate versions of a bill. Committee Meeting - 200.

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JEOPARDY #3 Ch. 12-15

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  1. JEOPARDY #3Ch. 12-15

  2. Committee Meeting - 100 Where a bill is most likely to be marked up (changed) or rewritten

  3. Committee Meeting - 100 What is in subcommittee?

  4. Committee Meeting - 200 Irons out differences in House and Senate versions of a bill

  5. Committee Meeting - 200 What is a conference committee?

  6. Committee Meeting - 300 They combine members of both the House and Senate to consider overlapping policy areas

  7. Committee Meeting - 300 What are joint committees?

  8. Committee Meeting - 400 Unlike a Senate bill, a House bill goes here after a House committee reviews it and writes its report

  9. Committee Meeting - 400 What is the Rules Committee?

  10. Committee Meeting - 500 A reform which allowed junior members more room at the top, it gave each senator a seat on at least one key committee

  11. Committee Meeting - 500 What is the Johnson Rule?

  12. Making Amends - 100 Ratified in 1804, it fixed the problem of who gets to be president, Jefferson or Burr?

  13. Making Amends - 100 What is the 12th Amendment?

  14. Making Amends - 200 Ratified in 1913, it provided for direct election of senators

  15. Making Amends - 200 What is the 17th Amendment?

  16. Making Amends - 300 Ratified in 1961, it gave Washington, D.C. 3 electoral votes.

  17. Making Amends - 300 What is the 23rd Amendment?

  18. Making Amends - 400 Ratified in1992, it provides that no congressional pay raise shall go into effect during the term of the Congress which votes it. Pay raises only take effect AFTER elections!

  19. Making Amends - 400 What is 27th Amendment?

  20. Making Amends - 500 Ratified in 1933, it states that, in the event of the death of the president, the vice president becomes president, not acting president!

  21. Making Amends - 500 What is the 20th Amendment?

  22. Fitting the Bill - 100 What members of Congress say campaign contributions guarantee

  23. Fitting the Bill - 100 What is access?

  24. Fitting the Bill - 200 A grouping of members of Congress sharing an interest or characteristic (Black, Hispanic, Tourism, Sunbelt, Women’s)

  25. Fitting the Bill - 200 What is a caucus?

  26. Fitting the Bill - 300 A non-germane amendment piggy-backed onto another bill

  27. Fitting the Bill - 300 What is a rider?

  28. Fitting the Bill - 400 To kill a bill by leaving it languishing in committee is to do this birdlike thing

  29. Fitting the Bill - 400 What is to pigeonhole?

  30. Fitting the Bill - 500 Parliamentary device which allows the House to do business without a full House quorum

  31. Fitting the Bill - 500 What is convening the Committee of the Whole House?

  32. Congressional Session - 100 They are the vote counters in the House and the Senate

  33. Congressional Session - 100 Who are the whips?

  34. Congressional Session - 200 The soon not-to-be minority whip of the U.S. Senate

  35. Congressional Session - 200 Who is Trent Lott of MS?

  36. Congressional Session - 300 It’s done on behalf of constituents, usually by the congressman’s or senator’s staffer in charge of such

  37. Congressional Session - 300 What is casework?

  38. Congressional Session - 400 Special committees created for special purposes

  39. Congressional Session - 400 What are select or ad hoc committees?

  40. Congressional Session - 500 Delegate, trustee, or politico

  41. Congressional Session - 500 What are the 3 roles among which legislative representatives are torn in the Burkean controversy?

  42. POT LUCK - 100 The Joint Chiefs of Staff advise the president on this type of matter

  43. POT LUCK - 100 What is military?

  44. POT LUCK - 200 Dick Cheney, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Mitch McConnell, and Trent Lott

  45. POT LUCK - 200 What is the Senate Majority and Minority Leadership?

  46. POT LUCK - 300 Slang term which describes the practice of government officials quit their jobs to take positions as lobbyists or business consultants

  47. POT LUCK - 300 What is the “revolving door”?

  48. POT LUCK - 400 Nancy Pelosi, Stenny Hoyer, James Clyburn, John Boehner, And Roy Blunt

  49. POT LUCK - 400 What is the House Leadership?

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