The Unconventional Guide to Cyber Threat Intelligence As time is running at the speed of light developments are taking place in the world with the speed of a bullet train. All while building unconventional methods to counter security breaches. Before the advent of technology, security was breached at the borders. But today, the Internet is the place where we find most contraventions happening. The cyber attackers are humans with evil minds who peek into businesses' & governments’ secrets for theirown benefit. The IT infrastructure in Dubai is one of the best we have to date. And it makes thecyberthreatintelligenceDubaianimportanttopictodiscussand catapultthemuch-requiredattentionat.Assaid,thedevelopmentis happening rapidly and the hackers are a part of this world. They too have highly advanced mechanisms, software, technology & tools to dominate your security approach. Whether you are a business owner or a budding entrepreneur, you needto have thebest cybersecurityin place atyour premise. The threat can be anything from a minor bug to an enormous software hijacking. Security policies are important for any business today as it makes them lock their treasurers that hold documents, customer information and whatnot. This is an unconventional guide to cyber threat intelligence that will shedsomelightonthe idealplan,strategy& developingcybersecurityculture
for your business’ security. Because as the hackers have evolved themselves youshould also evolve theapproach to yoursecurity. TheData-DrivenAge It is rightly quoted by influential people of the world that this is the age of data and it is the new fuel to people. The attackers seem to have taken this too seriously and now they want ungranted access to your data and the data of your audience. The unexpected growth of data, and the sheer rise in the mutually connected networks, devices, and third-party applications, all put businesses at high risk. Though it can be easily reversed with the right practicesthen those practicesshould be constant. Todaywe all use mobilephones more than ourdesktops or laptops. And the worst is that we have all the information related to the financials, personal information and business details on our phones. It all takes one phishing activityfrom the attackers to lose it all.Moreover, the laptops and systems are atrisktoo.Virusesandmalwarehavebeenacommonthreattothemat offices and at home. It can’t be denied that the age of data brings relatively the sameamount of threats asit brings opportunities to people’s disposal. WhatisVAPT&HowDoesItHelp?
Vulnerability Assessment and PenetrationTestingalso known asVAPT is a comprehensive approach that is used for identifying, evaluating and addressing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. It is a marvellous step in the direction ofprotecting the company assets. It is sufficient in helping even enterprise-level businesses to comprehensively implement the evaluation of security vulnerabilities at scale. If you are at risk of falling into malicious cyber threats,VAPT could enhance theworth of your arsenal. There is no definite source of vulnerabilities in technology. It can arrive from different directions, a source you wouldn’t even expect to come from. That is why a detailedinvestigationofthesourceisnecessarytodivedeepinto a 360° analytical view. It could come through any third-party vendors & their applications, emails, external drives and a lot many things. But the good news is that you can catch these flaws in the system and fix them before things get momentous. Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing have almost the same pros andare usedin combination toimplement the completeanalysis. Organisations can easily get a crystal clear picture of pre-existing flaws by scanning digital assets through vulnerability assessments. While the penetration determines the security gaps by deeply exploiting the vulnerabilities. Whether you are a micro, small, medium or big organisation, vulnerabilities will be there. VAPT helps you to recognize it and eradicate it fromits roots.
CyberThreatIntelligencePlan When you have a plan the road becomes easy to travel. No matter what solutions you offer to your customers, your business security could be at stake. It doesn’t matter to the hackers who you are and what you do, they just want access inside your vault. Regardless of the size of your business, there aretwo types of plans thatyou should follow. 1.TheStrategicPlan The strategic plan of your security approach should be developed based on theneeds ofyour business. Yourbusiness has acertain set ofgoals and you need to achieve them. But those goals and the obtained results need to be safeguardedthrougha strategicsecurity plan.You shouldbe wellaware of
your mission, vision, and the capabilities of your team. All this should be aligned to a system that creates multiple layers to solidify your business security. Many companies which leverage the cyber threat intelligence in Dubainever miss onformulating a winningstrategic plan. 2.TheTechnicalPlan As the name suggests, the technical plan is the technical approach that you take to strengthen the security of your business. Organisations get a better understanding of the ways they can outdo the various threats floating around technically.It includes adopting better technology, toenable proactive protection. The technical plan empowers businesses in Dubai and in the rest of the world to know their current IT environment better. It further results in formulatingfuture-proofplans andmaking essentialamendments. DevelopingtheCybersecurityCulture If you already have a profound cybersecurity culture at your workplace that’s wonderful. But if you don’t have one, it should be the first step after reading this piece. Because the attackers are watching you every moment, they are trying to enter into your systems. And if they identify the vulnerabilities, they will come in and steal without even letting you know. A sound culture of cybersecurity delegates your employees with a security mindset who work at theforefront. When your employees know how to deal with the potential cyber threats they will have an upper hand over the malicious hackers. All this will keep your business safe and secure. A small initiative at your workplace can help you keepattackers at bay.You can launchan app to keepthe employees updated and conduct classes to educate them about cybersecurity using authority sources to develop a viable culture in your organisation. This way you can improve the skills of your cybersecurity professionals and make them good at Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing. Conclusion AHAD is a renowned cybersecurity IT company in Dubai that provides risk management services, digital transformations and GDPR consultancy and advisoryto its clients. They act as an enabler in making organisations becomecyberresilientthroughactionableinsightsandprovencybersecurity
strategies. They have helped hundreds of companies in Dubai to protect their data& secret information fromall kinds of cyberthreats. AHAD firmly believes that organisations shouldn’t wait for the cyber strike. In fact, every company should embrace cybersecurity and include it in its primary strategy. A proactive cyber threat intelligence in place would not only make your company cautious against the threats but also the recovery time will be less.Assessingtherisksisbetterthanrecoveringfromtheadversitiesof cyberattacks.