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ELECTION DAY. DOUBLE JEOPARDY!. Hosted by Teri Loew Calhoun County Chief Deputy Clerk of Elections. Opening the Polls. Processing Voters. Voters Who Have Moved & Provisional Ballots. Ballot Issues & Processing AV Ballots in the Polls. 400. 400. 400. 400. 800. 800. 800. 800.
ELECTION DAY DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Hosted by Teri Loew Calhoun County Chief Deputy Clerk of Elections
Opening the Polls Processing Voters Voters Who Have Moved & Provisional Ballots Ballot Issues & Processing AV Ballots in the Polls 400 400 400 400 800 800 800 800 1200 1200 1200 1200 1600 1600 1600 1600 2000 2000 2000 2000
Row 1, Col 1 After comparing the ballot and ensuring that the vote totals and public counter are set to zero, all election inspectors MUST sign these 2 items. Zero Totals Tape and Election Inspector’s Certificate
1,2 Finish this sentence…. A voter who claims to have photo ID, but refuses to show it…. CANNOT VOTE
1,3 Name the 2 types of Provisional Ballots. Provisional Affidavit and Provisional Envelope
1,4 Name the 3 steps used by election inspectors to determine the legality of an AV ballot. Verify the voter signed the outside of the AV envelope; verify the name on the application is the same as the name on the ballot return envelope; and confirm that the voter has not already voted in person.
2,1 A test ballot should be printed from this machine and verified that all marks are made within the target areas for each vote position. AutoMark
2,2 This item is given to the voter and contains the ballot and the application to vote on the top. Secrecy Sleeve
2,3 Explain one of the exceptions to the four step procedure form that permits a voter to vote under regular procedure. Able to produce a voter registration receipt from SOS and was registered to vote before the registration deadline
2,4 True or False… Election inspectors should remove multiple AV ballots from their secrecy envelopes and place them in one secrecy sleeve until ready for tabulation. True
3,1 Prior to running a test ballot for the AutoMark, this item should be removed from the ballot. Ballot Stub
3,2 Whenever a voter receives help to vote his or her ballot, a complete record of the matter must be made in what section of the EPB/Poll Book? Remarks Section
3,3 What is another exception to using the four step procedure form? Voter is registered to vote in a different precinct
3,4 Return all absentee ballot envelopes (whether opened or not) to the clerk after the polls close…in what envelope provided in your precinct kit? #10 AV Envelope
4,1 The test ballot from the AutoMark machine should be placed in what envelope? #3 Local Clerk Envelope
4,2 The election inspector stationed at the verification table checks to see that the ballot serial number matches the ballot number recorded on this document. Application to Vote
4,3 What type of provisional ballot is NOT deposited in the precinct’s tabulator on election day? Provisional Envelope Ballot
4,4 True or False…. If an absentee ballot is rejected by the tabulator, it will be necessary to visually inspect the ballot to determine the appropriate course of action. True
5,1 What time is the official opening of the polls? 7:00 a.m.
5,2 Under no circumstances is a voter allowed to leave the polling place with any portion of this item…. including the stub. Ballot
5,3 True or False…. Both the Provisional Affidavit Ballot and the Provisional Envelope Ballot are treated as “challenged” ballots. True
5,4 True or False…. Ballots may be duplicated throughout election day as time permits as long as two election inspectors from different political parties are handling the duplication process. False…Ballots may NOT be duplicated until “AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE POLLS”