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hic et ille (this and that)

hic et ille (this and that). hic (this, these) and ille (that, those) are adjectives. They agree with the adjective they describe in:. case. number. gender. hic and ille can also mean ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, ‘they’ etc. hic. singular. plural. masc. fem. neuter. masc. fem. neuter.

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hic et ille (this and that)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. hic et ille(this and that) hic(this, these) andille(that, those) are adjectives They agree with the adjective they describe in: case number gender hic and ille can also mean ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, ‘they’ etc.

  2. hic singular plural masc fem neuter masc fem neuter hae nom hic haec hoc hi haec hanc acc hunc hoc hos has haec huius gen huius huius horum harum horum his huic his his dat huic huic his his his hoc hac hoc abl

  3. ille singular plural masc fem neuter masc fem neuter illae nom ille illa illud illi illa illam acc illum illud illos illas illa illius gen illius illius illorum illarum illorum illis illi illis illis dat illi illi illis illis illis illo illa illo abl

  4. hos hoc hanc hac hic hi hae huic hoc hunc hae mercatores (acc) templum (nom) puellam femina (abl) vir flores (nom) dominae (nom) aulae (dat) spectaculum (acc) servum templa (nom)

  5. Translations This dinner is excellent haec cena est optima These dresses are dirty hae stolae sunt sordidae The robbers cursed that merchant latrones illum mercatorem vituperaverunt This temple is near the forum hoc templum est prope forum I visited the shop of that freedman tabernam illius liberti visitavi multi Graeci illa templa Many Greeks used to visit those temples visitabant

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