斑馬魚syndecan-4基因在胚胎發育時期功能之鑑定斑馬魚syndecan-4基因在胚胎發育時期功能之鑑定 • Syndecans是一種細胞穿膜蛋白多醣,藉由與細胞間基質或生長因子結合來調節下游的訊息路徑,並影響眾多的生理功能。過去的研究發現 syndecan-4 可以透過醣胺聚多醣鏈 (GAG) 與fibronectin產生交互作用,並在 integrin 的協同作用下,促進 focal adhesion 的生成。除此之外in vitro的實驗中也發現,syndecan-4藉由ectodomain的 NXIP motif 可以影響細胞的延展與移動。儘管對於syndecan-4在哺乳類細胞內所參與的訊息路徑已經有相當程度上的了解,然而對於 syndecan-4 在生物體發育的過程當中所扮演的角色,目前仍不清楚。而近期對於 syndecan-4 的研究發現,似乎開始闡明這個分子對於生物的發育所具有的重要性。研究中指出syndecan-4在胚胎早期發育,似乎扮演著調節神經誘導,及神經脊細胞移動方向的相關機制。 • 因此本篇研究主要希望透過斑馬魚的系統了解發育的過程當中,syndecan-4 對於胚胎發育造成的影響以及其重要性。在研究中發現,過度表現 syndecan-4 的情形下對於斑馬魚的外觀上似乎並不會產生明顯的缺陷;然而當過量表達功能性區域變異的 syndecan-4 時,則發現胚胎發育早期會有肌肉發育異常的現象、脊索產生扭曲以及心血管系統產生變異的情形。針對神經系統的部分研究時,也發現不論是過量表現正常或是功能性變異的 syndecan-4,都可以觀察到在側線系統上的 neuromasts 細胞產生缺失的現象,而這樣的結果證明 syndecan-4 對於斑馬魚的胚胎發育來說,的確對不同種類的細胞組織扮演著重要的角色。
Characterization of zebrafish syndecan-4 gene function during the embryonic developmental stages • Syndecans are a family of transmembrane proteoglycans that are known to modulate a large number of signaling pathway through the interaction with ECM (extracellular matrix) or growth factor and to regulate a great diversity of biological function. Glycosaminoglycan chains of syndecan-4 is responsible for focal adhesion formation in response to ECM coordinated integrin. Results of in vitro experiments suggest that syndecan-4 also modulate cell spreading and migration through NXIP motif of ectodomain. Syndecan-4 signaling and its role in cell adhesion is understood in mammalian cell culture systems. However, little is understood in terms of its role in development. Recently research suggested that syndecan-4 seems to play an important role in organism development. Evidence reveals syndecan-4 is involved in the signaling regulate neural induction and neural crest cells migration during early embryo development. In this study, we aim to unravel the role of syndecan-4 in zebrafish embryo development. Overexpression of syndecan-4 seems to have little defect in morphology, however, overexpression of functional motif-deleted form of syndecan-4 resulted in abnormal muscle distribution and variation of cardiovascular development. The embryo overexpressed normal or mutant form of syndecan-4 also shows the defect of lateral line system in neuraomasts. Taken together, these results suggest that syndecan-4 plays an important role in several types of cells during zebrafish developm