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Tame the Web

Tame the Web . www.tametheweb.com. History of Tame the Web:. Michael Stephens. Officially began on 1 st of April 2003 Creator: Dr Michael Stephens, Assistant Professor in the graduate school of Library and Information Science

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Tame the Web

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  1. Tame the Web www.tametheweb.com

  2. History of Tame the Web: Michael Stephens Officially began on 1st of April 2003 Creator: Dr Michael Stephens, Assistant Professor in the graduate school of Library and Information Science Covers a variety of topics in relation to library, technology and people interactions Purpose: raise public awareness of the importance of coping with the advancing technology

  3. Items of Interest: • iPad and libraries Discusses the impact of the introduction of iPadon libraries and the challenges libraries would face as a result of that. • The iPad (through the eyes of a teen) Involves a short interview with a teenager who owns an iPad and what how he would like to see the library responding to the iPad introduction.

  4. Items of Interest: • Txt a Librarian A service adopted by libraries to make it easier for patrons to access librarian’s help and library resources from their spot. • Mobile Devices and Libraries Experts Speak at ALA Discusses the importance of keeping up with the advancement of mobile phone devices, the library roles that could change and the challenges as a result.

  5. Items of Interest: • Adding Links to the Hyperlinked Library A blog providing a link of that discusses the Library of Congress’ strategy to upload its materials on iTunes and Youtube, after its success of uploading photo archives on Flickr.

  6. Conclusions: • Libraries should keep up with the technology • Libraries should make use of the iPad • Libraries should make access to librarians easier and more efficient

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