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Friday, August 9 th , 2019 – Sophomore English. Journal : (7-10 minutes) Describe the different roles you have. For example, daughter/son, sister/brother, etc. indicate 3 strong adjectives to describe each of your roles. Write in complete sentences and complete 6 lines. *see example on board.
Friday, August 9th, 2019 – Sophomore English Journal: (7-10 minutes) Describe the different roles you have. For example, daughter/son, sister/brother, etc. indicate 3 strong adjectives to describe each of your roles. Write in complete sentences and complete 6 lines. *see example on board.
Friday, August 9th, 2019 – Sophomore English About Me Expository Essay • Expository means explanation. Create a short outline beginning with 3 strong adjectives that describe you. • From there, write a thesis statement including the three adjectives in a sentence. • Create an introduction that begins to paint a picture for your reader. • 3 body paragraphs describe in more detail your character adjectives. Include anecdotes, experiences, etc. • Conclude by explaining how your adjectives (character traits) shape and define the person you are or who you want to be. • Due at the end of class!
Monday, August 12th, 2019 – Sophomore English • Journal: What is academic language? In what situations/environments would you need to use academic language? How does a person’s language contribute to how they are perceived as a person? Explain using specific examples. • Essay Review/Notes • Notes - Editing Marks – What they mean and how to use them • Editing/Revising Essays and turning in Final Drafts (in pen – blue or black) • All Essays due no later than Tuesday, August 13th.
Essay Reviews • The difference between casual language and academic language • Casual language is conversational: For example: wanna, cuz, tho. • Academic language: Uses a variety of words (synonyms) rather than repeated words. • Academic writing does NOT include contractions. However, possessive words using apostrophes ARE used. Example: DO NOT USE: can’t, won’t, etc. USE: a person’s ideas • Always write out acronyms and abbreviated words the first time. For example: CDO = Canyon del Oro High School (CDO) • Academic language does not include symbols such as & or +. • Sentence fluency and clarity is important. Therefore, you MUST proof-read (out loud if necessary) for fluency. • Paragraphs are ALWAYS 6-8 sentences. Vary sentence structure to include simple, compound and complex sentences. • Always expand ideas to include details and specific situations.
Editing Marks T = title missing > = Indent W/C = Word Choice Sp = spelling Frag = fragmented sentence Rep = word or phrase repeats Triple underline = capitalize letter / through = lower case letter = delete Inap = inappropriate language Ten = word tense (For example: has vs. had)
Tues & Wed, aug 13th & 14th, 2019 – Sophomore English • Journal: Describe your experience on campus at CDO. What are the things you like best about being back in school? What would you change if you could? Give specific examples in your answer. • Tour through Mrs. DuPlain’s Website • Signing in/Setting up Turnitin.com student accounts • All future papers will be turned in to Turnitin.com • ReviewingOutlines and Introduction paragraphs • Completing and turning in Final Draft About Me Essays • Blue or Black Ink (5 pts.) • Full Heading (5 pts.) • Each paragraph: minimum 6 sentences – (10 pts. ea. X 5) • Thesis sentence (5 pts.) • Content (25 pts.) • Organization (10 pts.)
Wed & thurs, August 14th & 15th, 2019 – Sophomore English • Journal – How much money do you estimate your parents have spent on school supplies this year? Include all necessary items such as backpacks, paper, technology, etc. Should these items be tax free? Give specific reasoning in your answer.
Analyzing Reading – Small Group Activity • Arizona Daily Star Article – Arizona Lawmaker Proposes Sales Tax Holiday on School Supply Purchases • Note Taking Skills • What are the most important points in the article? • Who are the main contributors to the article? • Is the article credible? If so, what makes it a credible source of information? If not, why? • What are your thoughts and/or opinion of the article? • Class Discussion/Share
Friday, August 16th, 2019 – Sophomore English • Journal: Is there a difference between reality and truth? Define each in your answer and explain the difference(s). Remember: 6 line minimum for full credit). • Journals due • Textbooks: Pg. 2 – Introducing the Big Question • Assignment • Vocabulary, Pg. 3: Write all words and definition for Academic Vocabulary • Complete: Gather Vocabulary Knowledge • If time, Elements of Fiction and Nonfiction, Pg. 4 • Reminder: Bring ID’s on Monday for Library Visit
Recap the week: • Syllabus • About Me Essay – 5 Paragraph Writing Assignment • Notes on Editing Marks, Common Errors in Writing and 5 Paragraph Outline • Analyzing an article: Arizona Daily Star • Introduction to Textbook and the Big Question: Is there a difference between reality and truth?
Monday, August 19th, 2019 • Journal: What types of movies do you prefer? (For example: Horror/Scary? Romance? Action?) How does your preference in movies inform your preference in reading? • Library Day! • Please choose a book of any genre that interests you. • Write your name and title on the Book List. • Bring your book to class EVERY DAY!! • Discussion of the Independent Book Report • Setting reading goals
Tues & Wed, Aug 20th & 21st, 2019 • Journal: Why is the concept of close reading difficult for some students? How might they overcome the difficulty? Explain good reading strategies. • Review of IRB Project – 6 weeks – Due Sept. 27th to turnitin.com • Independent Reading Books (IRB’s) – 1 hour of dedicated reading • Outlining Introductory Paragraph for Book Report • Author’s full name • Title of book (underlined) • Main Character(s) • Overview of main theme (For example, friendship, success, hero’s journey, etc.)
Wed & Thurs, Aug 21st & 22nd, 2017 • Journal: If you had three wishes, what would they be? What might the consequences be for acquiring your three wishes? For example, how might your life and relationships change if your wishes were granted? Explain in detail. • Discussion: IRB Project – Hard copy of instructions for all students. Digital copy of instructions may be found online. • Reading Aloud: Monkey’s Paw, Textbook pg. 32 • Academic Vocabulary: 6 words in margins, 9 words at the bottom of pages (Add to notes) • Questions, Pg. 43: Answers questions in complete sentences and include graph under 4(a).
Friday, August 23rd, 2019 • Journal: Write the next scene in The Monkey’s Paw. What happens to Mr. and Mrs. White after the third and final wish comes to fruition? Use your imagination and provide vivid details. • Journals due! • Completing Academic Vocabulary: 6 words in margins, 9 words at the bottom of pages (Add to Notes) • All Questions, Pg. 42-43: Answers questions in complete sentences and include graph under 4(a). • Independent Book Reading time if all tasks are completed. • Have a terrific weekend!
Monday, August 26th, 2019 • Journal: Do you believe the author of The Monkey’s Paw, was making a statement about wishing for more than a person already has? In other words, do you find the story to be a cautionary tale about not being satisfied with what a person has? Explain with specific examples. • Grading questions/activities: See whiteboard for point scales. • Rules of engagement: • Be fair! • Be consistent • Be prepared to conference with the person whose paper you are grading! • Study: Quiz Wednesday! • If time, Independent Reading Books
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019 – Early Out • No Journal today! • Corrections/Completion of Pg. 42-43 Questions, The Monkey’s Paw • Turn in corrections by the end of class. • If time, reading IRB’s – Reaching for the second reading goal by Friday
Wed & Thurs, Aug 28th & 29th, 2019 • Journal: Write a paragraph using 1 metaphor, 1 simile and 1 example of personification. Your paragraph may be based on any experience or situation of your choosing. • The Monkey’s Paw, Close Reading Assignment – Figurative Language • Metaphors, Similes and Personification • Add Literary Devices to Academic Vocabulary in your Notes • Close Reading Packet (small groups of 2 or individually) • Class Discussion/Sharing of ideas and findings
Thurs & Fri, Aug 29th & 30th, 2019 • Journal: How would you best describe your mood? Use strong, descriptive words to clearly explain how you are feeling in this moment (6 line minimum). • The Monkey’s Paw, Close Reading Assignment – Figurative Language (cont.) • Foreshadowing & Mood • Add Literary Devices to Academic Vocabulary in your Notes • Complete Close Reading Packet (small groups of 2 or individually). Turn in at the end of class. • Class Discussion/Sharing of ideas and findings • Be prepared for Assessment next class!
September 3rd & 4th, 2019 • Journal: Make 3 predictions about your sophomore year. What clues or indicators make you think your predictions will happen? (This is foreshadowing!) Give specific details in your answer. • The Monkey’s Paw Graphic Organizer/Character Silhouette/Setting the Scene/Plot • Assessment tomorrow (including Academic Vocabulary) • If time, reading IRB’s: Begin drafting 5 paragraph book report. Reminder: Library Day next Monday for re-check. This is our half way point!
Wed. & Thurs., Sept. 4th & 5th, 2019 • Journal: Do you believe in capital punishment? If so, explain why capital punishment is justified in some cases. If not, explain using specific reasoning. • Completing Monkey Paw, Graphic Organizer packet • Reading Packets to all students for annotation • Reading/Class Discussion, The Bet ~Anton Chekhov
Friday, September 6th, 2019 • Journal: Describe the effect isolation has on a person. Do you believe isolation is an effective means of punishment. Are people able to achieve true reflection during that time? Explain using specific details from modern culture • Journals Due! • Assessment, The Monkey’s Paw • Reminder: All students should be finished with at least ½ of their Independent Reading Books. Library Day on Monday.
Monday, September 9th, 2019 • Journal: Do you believe when a person gives their word in promise, it is a commitment they must keep? Does this apply to a bet? How important is it that a person honor the oaths or statements they make? Give specific examples in your answer. • Library Re-Check Day – All students must have their Independent Reading Book and ID’s • Continue reading Anton Chekov’s, The Bet • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90g2vHbFO6w • Reminder: All Monday/Friday Schedule this week; Early Out tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 10th, 2019 • Journal: Is money God? This question is posed in Chekov’s The Bet. In your answer, consider modern culture, consumerism and what motivates the average person. • You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfwPHjqjukk • Completing reading, Anton Chekov’s, The Bet • Class Discussion/Begin Graphic Organizer (if time) • Reminder: Thursday is In-Class Reading Day: Bring IRB’s every day!!
Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 • *Journal: Analyze the following phrase from The Bet, “He read as though he were swimming in the sea among broken pieces of wreckage, and in his desire to save his life was eagerly grasping one piece after another.” What is the simile comparing? In your estimation, does Chekov use the simile effectively? • *Working on Graphic Organizers individually. Follow all instructions.
Thursday, September 12th, 2019 • *Journal: What did the lawyer mean when he wrote, “Everything is void, frail, visionary and delusive as a mirage.” Was he speaking about man’s search for wisdom or greed? Explain giving specific details. • *Reading Day – All students read IRB’s. Complete reading log and turn in at the end of class.
Friday, September 13th, 2019 • *Journal: The lawyer explains to the banker, “That I may show you in deed my contempt for that by which you live, I waive the two millions of which I once dreamed as of paradise, and which I now despise.” Why would the lawyer give 15 years of his life, to simply forgo the promised wealth? What is the ultimate message for the banker? • *Journals Due! Turn them in to the appropriate box. • *Completing Graphic Organizers – Turn in at the end of the period. • *If there is any extra time, continue reading IRB’s (Independent Reading Books).
Monday, September 16th, 2019 • Journal: One of today’s themes is supernatural powers. If you were to have a supernatural power, what would it be? What would you do with your power to improve your life, or the world around you? Explain with specific details. • A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children • Class Discussion: Themes: Suffering, Supernatural Powers, Old Age, Foreigners and “The Others”, Religion • Annotation: Should include unfamiliar vocabulary, themes and important analysis points
Tues & Wed, Sept. 17th & 18th, 2019 • Journal: Did the angel positively or negatively impact the lives of Pelayo and Elisenda? Use specific details from the story to support your answer. • A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings – Graphic Organizer • Character Descriptions: • Round vs. Flat: Flat characters are 2-dimensional in that they are relatively uncomplicated and do not change throughout the story. Round characters are complex and undergo development (sufficiently enough to surprise the reader). • Static vs. Dynamic: Static characters do not undergo any significant changes in personality or perspective throughout the story. Dynamic characters undergo a major transition in one or more ways (personality and perspective).
Wed & Thurs, Sept. 18th & 19th, 2019 • Journal: Our short story poses the question of the responsibility to care for foreigners. In your own words, describe a person’s (or community’s) role and responsibility to care for foreigners who are without basic necessities, such as housing, food, water and medical care. • A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings – Completing & GradingGraphic Organizers • Character Descriptions (Reminder): • Round vs. Flat: Flat characters are 2-dimensional in that they are relatively uncomplicated and do not change throughout the story. Round characters are complex and undergo development (sufficiently enough to surprise the reader). • Static vs. Dynamic: Static characters do not undergo any significant changes in personality or perspective throughout the story. Dynamic characters undergo a major transition in one or more ways (personality and perspective).
Friday, September 20th, 2019 • Journal: Add one more paragraph to the end of our short story. Where did the angel go when he left the coastal town where the people treated him so cruelly? Did he find what he was looking for? Provide a detailed explanation. • Journals due! • Library Day! Writing Independent Reading Book – 5 paragraph book report • Due to turnitin.com no later than midnight 9/27/2019. • Have a terrific weekend!
Monday, September 23rd, 2019 • Journal: What does goal setting accomplish? Does the person who invests time in goal setting have a better concept or visual of their chosen path? Explain whether you believe goal setting is a useful tool, providing specific examples. • Students to Library for meeting with Counselors (ECAP) • Reminder: Early Out Schedule this week!
Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 • Journal: Have you ever been tasked with something you were certain you could NOT accomplish? How does the stress manifest itself? How do obstacles affect our overall well-being? On the other side of this question; What does it feel like when you are able to achieve the task you thought was insurmountable? Explain with specific examples. • Reading Once Upon a Time ~Nadine Gordimer • Early Out Schedule! Enjoy your afternoon!
Wed & Thurs, Sept. 25th & 26th, 2019 • Journal: Explain how the family in Once Upon a Time, attempts to safeguard their family only to ultimately imprison themselves. Compare the theme of self-imprisonment to modern day culture. How do people self-isolate, and for what reasons? • Graphic Organizer – Once Upon a Time ~Nadine Gordimer • Ensure that all sections are completed properly • Theme should be one word or short phrase with an explanation/example. • Conflict should include: man v. man/self/nature and whether the conflict is internal or external. • Author’s purpose is not to inform or entertain. What is the lesson to be learned by the reader? • Complete sentences required on explanations of quotes • Last page should have correct literary devices/usage and explanation • Spelling counts!!!!!
Thurs & fri, sept. 26th & 27th • Journal: How does the wicked mother-in-law play a significant role in the story Once Upon a Time? What is she responsible for and as a reader, how much blame do you assign her? Use specific details from the story. • Journals due! (4 entries) • Completing Graphic Organizers – Turn in at the end of class. • Reading Day – Finish IRB’s, Book Report, Lettered and Numbered Activities • Reminder: Independent Book Reports due at midnight to turnitin.com!
Monday, September 30th, 2019 • Journal: Think of something in modern culture that people take to extremes, (For example, fad diets, conservation, extreme sports, etc.) Explain how going to extremes often ends in calamity. What is the ultimate lesson to be learned about extremes? • Writing a Short Story (Outline/Rough Draft) – Using your journal prompt, develop a fictional short story about a person who took things to the extreme and the outcome of his or her efforts. What is the ultimate lesson to be learned by the reader? Your short story should be at least one page and no longer than 2 pages. • Sleep on your story! Writing Final Drafts in class tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 1st, 2019 (2nd & 3rd Per) • Journal: What is the role of the cat in Once Upon a Time? How does the cat drive the need for heightened security? Describe how the parents concern for the cat’s safety foreshadow their son’s demise? Use a specific detail from the story. • Note Check/Annotation Check • Rough Drafting Short Story from Outline • Writer’s Workshop – Outline 1) Character Development 2) Irony 3) Paradox 4) Humor 5) Imagination 6) Surprising Ending • Turn in Final Draft (stapled on top), Rough Draft, Outline (stapled on bottom) • Short Story Assessment Next Class! Academic Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension & Literary Devices
Wed., oct. 2nd, 2019 (2nd & 3rd per) • Journal: Why do extreme situations provide an outlet for comedy? What is the link between the two? Use upper level language in your answer and specific examples from stories, movies or videos. • Short Story Assessment: • Academic Vocabulary • Reading Comprehension • Literary Devices
Wed., oct2nd, 2019 (7thper) • Journal: What is the role of the cat in Once Upon a Time? How does the cat drive the need for heightened security? Describe how the parents concern for the cat’s safety foreshadow their son’s demise? Use a specific detail from the story. • Note Check/Annotation Check • Rough Drafting Short Story from Outline • Writer’s Workshop – Outline 1) Character Development 2) Irony 3) Paradox 4) Humor 5) Imagination 6) Surprising Ending • Turn in Final Draft (stapled on top), Rough Draft, Outline (stapled on bottom) • Short Story Assessment Next Class! Academic Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension & Literary Devices
Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 (7th period) • Journal: Why do extreme situations provide an outlet for comedy? What is the link between the two? Use upper level language in your answer and specific examples from stories, movies or videos. • Short Story Assessment: • Academic Vocabulary • Reading Comprehension • Literary Devices
Friday, October 4th, 2019 • Journal: Which of the four short stories (in your packet) do you like the most? What did you enjoy about the story or story-telling. Which story did you like the least. What did you not care for in the telling of the short story? Explain with details. • Journals Due! Turn in to the class basket. • First 30 minutes of class: Peer proof-reading short stories. Give constructive criticism and helpful feedback about how the author may improve/strengthen their writing. • Last 30 minutes of class: Original author makes improvements to Final Draft. • Due by the end of class! Have a terrific weekend!
Monday, October 7th, 2019 • Journal (Reflection Week): Are you aware of your current grade? Have you signed in to turnitin.com to review your graded paper and comments? How does the grade you received compare with your expectation? In hindsight, how could you have improved the outcome? Be prepared to discuss your answer. • Discussion of Grades – 1st Quarter (due Friday 10/11 at 2 pm) • Grading Assessments • Discussion of IRB’s as well as Lettered & Numbered Activities • Sub Notes – How did your class perform? • Folders – Organization and Expectations • Reminder: Early Out Schedule
Tuesday, October 8th, 2019 • Journal: In the last 9 weeks, have you developed any new friendships? What character traits do you seek out when you consider your social (friend) group? What does your peer group indicate about you? Answer using specific details. • Discussion: E-mailed Lettered and Numbered Activities • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugjegclLNhM • Early Out – Enjoy your afternoon!
Wed. & Thurs., Oct. 9th & 10th, 2019 • Journal: How can each person have community impact? What does community impact mean to you? What is the value of ensuring the success of all? Explain using specific details. • Grouping for completion of ALL IRB’s – Today is THE DAY!! • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmyZMtPVodo • Do great and wonderful things today!!
friday., October 11th, 2019 • Journal: What are your thoughts on the last day of the first quarter of Sophomore English? What are the primary differences between Freshman English and Sophomore English? What skills do you hope to work on going forward into the school year? Be specific and detailed in your answer. • Journals Due! • Sharing Short Stories! Audience Responsibility • Have a terrific Fall Break!