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El sorprendente crecimiento de Firefox

El sorprendente crecimiento de Firefox. Chris Hofmann MozChile/JRSL Oct. 2009 chofmann@mozilla.org. ¿Quiénes somos?. Me encanta esta comunidad. Yo Amore de los Communidad. Connected by a Love for: Conectados por un amor Making the Web Better Hacer la web mejor

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El sorprendente crecimiento de Firefox

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Presentation Transcript

  1. El sorprendente crecimiento de Firefox Chris Hofmann MozChile/JRSL Oct. 2009 chofmann@mozilla.org

  2. ¿Quiénes somos?

  3. Me encanta esta comunidad

  4. Yo Amore de los Communidad

  5. Connected by a Love for: Conectados por un amor Making the Web Better Hacer la web mejor Making the Browser Better Haciendo el mejor navegador

  6. The Keys to Growth Making the Browser Better Make it Faster - Hacerlo más rápido Make it Safer - Hacerla más segura Easier to Use - Que sea más fácil de usar Make it “Interoperable” – Build an 'Open Web' Share it with more people, in more places, on more computers, and more devices Compartirlo con más personas, en más lugares, en los viajeros más y los dispositivos

  7. ¿Cómo puede ayudar? Make it Faster Ayuda en las pruebas Find a site that is slow, diagnose, submit a bug Send in a crash report Make it Safer otros ayudan a entender las actualizaciones firefox updates Plugins updates Remove IE6 from the web!

  8. Siguiente Gran Campaña

  9. ¿Cómo puede ayudar? Make it Easier to Use Mozilla Labs Design Challenges, Test Pilot... Participate! http://labs.mozilla.com

  10. ¿Cómo puede ayudar? Make it Easier to Use Translate support.mozilla.org articles 420,000 visitors to SUMO each month from Spanish Speaking Countries. Many articles need to be created and improved irc://irc.mozilla.org #mozilla-hispano Me! chofmann @ mozilla.org Guillermo Movia

  11. https://support.mozilla.com/es/kb/Localization+Dashboard

  12. Monthly Visitors to SUMOLooking for Help

  13. Danger! Complicated/Technical Topics Ahead ;-) What is the Open Web? Why is important? Many meanings for many different people What is Open? What is the Web?

  14. The Web Replaced Walled Gardens of the 80's - '90's Interoperability is a key part of The 'Open Web'

  15. Examples maps.google gmail many other web 2.0 sites easier faster to use work in all browsers

  16. For Web Developers Finding and Staying Within the Bounds of “Sweet Spot” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_spot

  17. Make the sweetspot more knowable and understandable Better docs Better tools Bespin Firebug

  18. Expand the Sweetspot Browser Innovations! Fix the Standards Process Reference Implementations Open APIs & Code

  19. Clean up around the Sweetspot Get rid of IE6 Get rid of old versions of Flash Get rid of Proprietary Extensions

  20. Defining the Open Web This is only one definition of the open web Add yours! Get involved! https://wiki.mozilla.org/Drumbeat

  21. To conclude: You can not stop us.... You can only hope to contain us... Mozilla, Firefox, and Free Software is Everywhere

  22. President Lula, Gov. Leaders...

  23. CEBIT Germany– who uses firefox at work?

  24. Firefox When You Travel --Swisscom Kiosk

  25. Inflight Systems

  26. JS Alerts, CSS all working good..

  27. Oh, no!

  28. Even on the streets of Sanitago

  29. Two Years Ago there were 2 Million People that Used Firefox Every Day In The Top 20 Spanish Speaking Countries And Now?

  30. ¡Gracias!Questions or Comments chofmann@mozilla.org

  31. City Hall - Paris

  32. Choice and Innovation • Providing Good Choices and Innovating is about trying 100's of things to find 2 or 3 good answers: • Repair 'bad' choices • Simplify • Throw stuff out • Look for Opportunities in the 6 Questions • Habits and needs change and evolve • Tab Browsing Example • What Worked for 6 Tabs doesn't work for 40

  33. About Choice • Humans Not Wired to Make Good Choices • Lack of Understanding • Reactive v. Contemplative Decisions • Order of Choice Matters • “Choice Architects” Can Help

  34. Get Feedback From Users Watch SUMO Dashboard, Searches, Forums, Watch Google Trends 20,000 Page Views Per Month – “Private Browsing” in Germany

  35. Let's Make A Great Browser Thanks!Questions or Commentschofmann@mozilla.org

  36. Expanding Dimensions of Openness

  37. Expanding Dimensions of Openness

  38. How Open is YourProduct?How Open is Your Org?Hundreds of Chances to be “Open” each day

  39. Creating Open (Trusted) Organizations is Hard Its made of 1000's of decisions made in many different dimensions over many years. Keep asking the questions every day. How Open/Transparent/Observable/Engaging is Our Organization? How Well Are We Serving Our Users?

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