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Towards understanding the experiences and meaning of empowerment for Muslim women in tourism entrepreneurship. By Lubna Al Mazroei PhD student. Overview. Why tourism entrepreneurship? Research on tourism entrepreneurship Research on women in tourism entrepreneurship
Towards understanding the experiences and meaning of empowerment for Muslim women in tourism entrepreneurship By Lubna Al Mazroei PhD student
Overview • Why tourism entrepreneurship? • Research on tourism entrepreneurship • Research on women in tourism entrepreneurship • Tourism entrepreneurship and women empowerment • Issues surrounding women empowerment through tourism entrepreneurship • Women empowerment in tourism • The status of Muslim women • Embeddeness theory • Study aim and objectives • Research site: Oman • Female tourism entrepreneurs in Oman • Field work • Expected outcomes
Why Tourism Entrepreneurship? • Difference between tourism entrepreneur and general entrepreneur: • Create touristic enterprises • Provide mostly intangible offerings • Have a higher service content • Face with higher impact of seasonality • Face with immobility challenge • Face with operations restrictions in the market (Koh and Hatten, 2002)
Research on tourism entrepreneurship • Adequate body of literature on tourism entrepreneurship. • For example, government support for tourism SMEs(Wanhill, 2000), destination competitiveness (Jones and Haven-tang, 2005), sustainable tourism (Lordkipanidze, Brezetand Backman, 2005), etc. • Limited research on tourism entrepreneurship (Thomas, 2004; Ateljevic and Li, 2009; Shaw and Williams, 2010; Thomas, Shaw and Page, 2011).
Research on women in tourism entrepreneurship • Limited research on women in tourism entrepreneurship (Peeters and Ateljevic, 2009). • Scant research on female tourism entrepreneurs in Arab/Muslim societies (Tucker, 2007; Alonso-Almedia, 2012).
Tourism Entrepreneurship and women empowerment • Few studies identified the potential role of tourism entrepreneurship to empower women (Swain, 1993; Wilkinson and Pratiwi, 1995; Gentry, 2007). • Tourism a potential source for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (UNWTO, 2011). • Question on whether or not tourism is indeed opening doors for women (Manwa, 2008). • Critical analysis of tourism entrepreneurship opportunities for women and its potential to empower women.
Issues surrounding women empowerment through tourism entrepreneurship • Large emphasis on the economic benefits of tourism entrepreneurship (Bras and Dahles, 1998; Kwaramba, et al, 2012). • Tourism entrepreneurship opportunities linked to stereotypical women’s work (Harris, Mcintosh and Lewis, 2007; Garcia-Ramon, Canoves and Valdovinos, 1995; Manwa, 2008). • Implications of social change (Van der Cammen, 1997;Tucker, 2007).
Women empowerment in tourism • Lack of women empowerment definitions in tourism. • Only one available empowerment measurement framework in the tourism discipline (Scheyvens, 1999, 2000, 2002).
The status of Muslim women • Ongoing debate on Islam influence on the status of Muslim women (Mernissi, 1985; Moghadam, 2003; Alvi, 2005). • Blame on patriarchal structure and misinterpretations of Islam in Muslim societies (Abdalla, 1996; Nazir, 2005; Omair, 2008; Al Maaitah, Al Maaitah, Olaimat and Gharaeibeh, 2013).
Embeddedness theory • “The roles of entrepreneurs within society and its formal institutions” (Roomi and Harrison, 2008, p. 228). • Embedded environment can: • increase or limit individual ambitions to pursue their entrepreneurship activities (Baughn, Chua and Neupert, 2006; Welter, 2011). • Have a major influence on women’s empowerment (Cornwall and Anyiduho, 2011). • Embeddedness theory used in tourism entrepreneurship studies (Bosworth and Farrell, 2011; Saxena and Ilbery, 2008).
Study aim To explore the nature and experiences of Muslim women involved in tourism entrepreneurship with particular regards to empowerment.
Study objectives • To present a lived experience of Muslim women’s involvement in tourism entrepreneurship. • To explore the manifestation and meaning of empowerment for Muslim women in tourism entrepreneurship. • To understand the benefits of tourism entrepreneurship for Muslim women. • To understand the challenges and barriers that Muslim women may encounter due to cultural, gender or religious constraints. • To consider the extent to which Muslim women can be empowered through tourism entrepreneurship through various dimensions of empowerment.
Research site: Oman • Unique socio-economic, political and cultural arrangements in Oman. • Evidence of barriers and challenges encountered by female entrepreneurs in general in Oman (McElwee and Al-Riyami, 2003; Dechant and Al Lamky, 2005; Al-Sadi, Belwal and Al-Badi, 2013). • No research conducted on assessing tourism entrepreneurship opportunities for women in Oman. • Tourism entrepreneurship is a fairly new activity in Oman.
Female tourism entrepreneurs in Oman • Collective entrepreneurs: • Sidab women sewing group • Zaree women • Solo entrepreneurs • Handicrafts and souvenirs • Accommodation • Tours • Restaurants
Field work (1) • Methods for collective entrepreneurs: • Participant observation (Riley and Love, 2000; Ribeiro and Foemmel, 2012) “A method in which an observer takes part in the daily activities, rituals, interactions, and events of the people being studied as one of the means of learning the explicit and tacit aspects of their culture” (DeWalt and DeWalt, 2011, p.1). • Informal interviews (Jennings, 2005)
Field work (2) • Photographs • Field notes (Emerson, Fretz and Shaw, 2011) • Methods for solo entrepreneurs: • Semi structured interviews (Finn, Elliott-White and Walton, 2000; Jennings, 2005).
Expected outcomes • A conceptual framework on the nature and experiences of Muslim women in tourism entrepreneurship. • Potential to develop a tourism entrepreneurship initiative for women in Oman. • Broader implications on gender equality and women empowerment in tourism.
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Thank you Lubna.al-mazro-ei@strath.ac.uk Telephone: +44 0 7503492797 +968 97884470