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Dryad: Curated Repository for Scientific Data

Dryad is a general-purpose repository ensuring data behind scientific publications is discoverable, reusable, and citable. Authors can submit data with publications under the Joint Data Archiving Policy, promoting data preservation. Dryad’s goals include data validation, new analysis exploration, and synthetic studies. The platform integrates with specialized repositories, federates searching, and provides DOI access via California Digital Library/DataCite. Dryad's sustainability plan includes membership options, pricing, and journal integration. Join the Dryad community to support open data access and research transparency.

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Dryad: Curated Repository for Scientific Data

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  1. DryadRDA Domain Repository IG Jane Greenberg, CCI/Drexel University Director, SILS Metadata Research Center

  2. Acknowledgments • Dryad Consortium Board, journal partners, and data authors • NESCent: Laura Wendell (Executive Director), Hilmar Lapp, Heather Piwowar, Peggy Schaeffer, Ryan Scherle, Todd Vision (PI) • **Drexel/UNC <Metadata Research Center>: Jose R. Pérez-Agüera, Sarah Carrier, Elena Feinstein, Lina Huang, Robert Losee, Hollie White, Craig Willis, Jane Smith, Shea Swuager, Liz Turner, Christine Mayo, Adrian Ogletree, Erin Clary • U British Columbia: Michael Whitlock • NCSU Digital Libraries: Kristin Antelman • HIVE: Library of Congress, USGS, and The Getty Research Institute; and workshop hosts • Yale/TreeBASE: Youjun Guo, Bill Piel • DataONE: Rebecca Koskela, Bill Michener, Dave Veiglais, and many others • British Library: Lee-Ann Coleman, Adam Farquhar, Brian Hole • Oxford University: David Shotton

  3. Today… “a curated general-purpose repository that makes the data underlying scientific publications discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. “ * Data submission w/publication or peer review

  4. Joint Data Archiving Policy(http://datadryad.org/jdap) << Journal >> requires, as a condition for publication, that data supporting the results in the paper should be archived in an appropriate public archive, such as << list of approved archives here >>.Data are important products of the scientific enterprise, and they should be preserved and usable for decades in the future. Authors may elect to have the data publicly available at time of publication, or, if the technology of the archive allows, may opt to embargo access to the data for a period up to a year after publication. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the editor, especially for sensitive information such as human subject data or the location of endangered species. • Whitlock, M. C., M. A. McPeek, M. D. Rausher, L. Rieseberg, and A. J. Moore. 2010. Data Archiving. American Naturalist. 175(2):145-146. DOI:10.1086/650340

  5. Author Curator

  6. Workflows

  7. Dryad Technology • DSpace repository software (open source) • DOIs via California Digital Library/DataCite • CCZero (CC0) (Metadata and data) • Integration with specialized repositories and databases • Federated searching with TreeBASE and KNB LTER • TreeBASE submission (using BagIt and OAI-PMH) • GenBank (currently in development)

  8. Dryad’s goals Dryad“enables scientists to validate published findings, explore new analysis methodologies, repurpose data for research questions unanticipated by the original authors, and perform synthetic studies.” (http://datadryad.org/)

  9. Dryad’s goals “enables scientists to validate published findings, explore new analysis methodologies, repurpose data…” . • NSF support ~ $4.5 million • Curation @ <MRC>; Governance: Board of Directors • NSF/ABI to Non-profit 501(c)3 NC State • Payment plan • Members, subscription, voucher, deferred, individual payment • Dissertations, Master’s papers, hands-on student experience • R&D: Metadata reuse/metadata capital; automatic metadata generation; metadata quality/best practices; scientist engagement, …. • honored at the Open Access Week • Data publication pricing introduced in 2013, encouaging….

  10. Dryad development and governance • Dryad development - a joint project of NESCent, the UNC Metadata Research Center, Univ., of New Mexico/LTER, Peabody Museum-Yale Univ., and NC State University, and a growing number of partner organizations. • Stakeholders: journals, publishers and scientific societies, and researchers • Governance via Board of Directors (http://wiki.datadryad.org/Governance), policy and strategic goals • 2009 to 2012 Dryad Interim Board • May 2012 members of the Dryad Interim Board approved the Bylaws of the organization, establishing Dryad as an “independent organization, applying for non-profit status, with a 12 member Board of Directors” • Reps from science, journals, societies, OCLC, MS, etc. • Board meeting last week

  11. Mascaro et al (2011) combine the Zanne et al (2009) dataset that is in Dryad with new data to perform their own - similar but different - analysis. They deposited the new data that they collected into Dryad. Both the data and article are cited correctly in the references. Size, growth, and use 74,466 download, mid- July 2012 2,605,887 (today)

  12. More on grown and sustainability • Membership: http://datadryad.org/pages/membershipOverview • Pricing and sponsorship of deposits: http://datadryad.org/pages/pricing • Journal integration:  • http://datadryad.org/pages/journalIntegration

  13. Sustainabilty: Plan Comparison

  14. http://datadryad.org http://blog.datadryad.org http://datadryad.org/wiki http://code.google.com/p/dryad dryad-users@nescent.org Facebook: Dryad Twitter: @datadryad Metadata Research Center

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