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Join our upcoming series on exploring the true meaning of faith. Learn what faith is not and gain a deeper understanding of its relationship with grace. Discover how faith can bring assurance, conviction, and hope in God's promises. Walk by faith, not by sight, and live a life of trust and confidence in Him.

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  1. STUDY IT FOR YOURSELF! Have the attitude of the Bereans… … take what you are taught and search the Scriptures each day to see if what was taught is what the Word of God says [Acts 17:11]!

  2. Upcoming Series:

  3. WHAT IS‘FAITH’ – REALLY Part Three:

  4. Hebrews 12:2 • [2] FIXING our EYES on JESUS, • the • AUTHOR • and • PERFECTOR of FAITH…


  6. What FAITHIS NOT – • FAITHis not a FORCE or some sort of POWER! • FAITHis not a FORMULA or a MATHEMATICAL EQUATION…! • FAITHis not a SPIRITUALATM! • FAITHis not a BLINDLEAP in the dark!

  7. Hebrews 11:1 • [1] Now FAITH is the ASSURANCE of things HOPED for, the CONVICTION of things not seen.

  8. Hebrews 11:1 ASSURANCE[NASB] SUBSTANCE[NKJV; KJV] CONFIDENCE[NIV] of things hoped for… • [1] Now FAITH • is the • Greek noun 5287: • The GROUND of a guarantee, or proof. • ‘SUBSTANCE’, what ACTUALLYEXISTS under any appearance, the essential nature.

  9. Hebrews 11:1 CONVICTION[NASB] EVIDENCE[NKJV; KJV] ASSURANCE[NIV] … of things not seen. (about what we do not see). • [1] Now FAITH • is the… • Greek noun 1650: • The MANIFESTATION of the TRUTH of the EVIDENCE that brings about the CONVICTION.

  10. Hebrews 11:1 (AMP) • [1] Now FAITH is the ASSURANCE(the confirmation, the title deed) • of the things [we]HOPE for, • being the PROOF of things • [we] do not see and the CONVICTION of their REALITY (the confirmation, the title deed) [faith perceiving as a real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

  11. Romans 10:17 • [17] So FAITH COMES from HEARING, and hearing by the WORD of CHRIST (God).

  12. Psalm 8:8 and Matthew Maury, • a pioneer oceanographer (1860) • Psalm 8:8 • “… whatever passes through the paths of the seas.”

  13. Ecclesiastes 11:5 • [5] Just as you do not know the PATH of the WIND and how bones are FORMED in the womb… • … so YOU DO NOT KNOW the ACTIVITY of GOD Who makes all things.

  14. John 3:8 • [8] “The WIND BLOWS WHERE IT WISHES • and you HEAR the SOUND of it, • but DO NOT KNOW where it comes from and where it is going; • so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”


  16. Romans 1:1-6 • [1] Paul, … set apart for the gospel… • [3] concerning His Son… • [5] through Whom we have received GRACE and apostleship (to bring about)[TOWARD](the) obedience of FAITH among all the nations…, • GRACE TOWARD OBEDIENCE of FAITH FAITH TOWARD OBEDIENCE of

  17. Romans 4:16 • [16] For this reason (it is) (by)[THROUGH]FAITH, • that it might beIN ACCORDANCE WITH[DOWN FROM] GRACE, • in order that the PROMISEmay be CERTAIN… • FAITH • [down from] • GRACE • in order that • PROMISE CERTAIN

  18. Ephesians 3:11-12 • [11] (This was) in accordance with the ETERNAL PURPOSE which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord, • [12] in Whom we have boldness and confidentACCESS[G4318] • [RIGHT of APPROACH] • through FAITH in Him.

  19. Ephesians 2:8 • [8] Forby GRACE you have been SAVED • FAITH • and that not of yourselves, (it is) the GIFT of God; (the INSTRUMENT through which) out of faith through

  20. 1 Timothy 1:14 • [14] and the GRACE of our Lord was more thanABUNDANT, with the FAITH and LOVE which are (found)IN Christ Jesus. • + GRACE • + FAITH • + LOVE • AN OVERABUNDANCE

  21. Romans 5:1-2 • [1] Therefore having been JUSTIFIED by FAITH, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, J U S T I F I D F A I T H [out of; or out from]

  22. Romans 5:1-2 • [2] through Whom also we have OBTAINED our INTRODUCTION[G4318] • [RIGHT of APPROACH] • [to the] by FAITH • in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. this GRACE INTO (the INSTRUMENT through which)


  24. SinceFAITH is the ASSURANCE of that for which we HOPE – • WHAT IS HOPE? • HOPEISNOT: WANTING something TO BE with NOGUARANTEE that it WILL BE, • That is a WISH.

  25. HOPE [G1679] – • is DESIRE joined together with EXPECTATIONfor a certain thing to happen. • HOPE is TRUSTING. • HOPE is CONFIDENT,EXPECTANTASSURANCE that something WILLBE!!!


  27. Hebrews 11:3 • [3] ByFAITHweUNDERSTAND • that the worlds were prepared by the WORD of God, • so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

  28. Discipleship Lesson from Hebrews 11:3 • FAITH brings about UNDERSTANDING!

  29. Living by

  30. 2 Corinthians 5:7 • [7] FOR we WALKbyFAITH, NOT BYSIGHT – • We WALKSEEING what CANONLY be SEEN through FAITH that BELIEVES God with EXPECTANTTRUST!

  31. Galatians 2:20 • [20] I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; • and the LIFE which I now LIVE in the flesh I LIVEbyFAITH in the Son of God, Who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.

  32. Romans 1:17 • [17] For in it the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God is revealed from FAITH to FAITH; • as it is written, “BUTTHERIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BYFAITH.”** • [** cited from Habakkuk 2:4; also see Galatians 3:11, 12; Hebrews 10:38]

  33. Genesis 12:2-3 –FIVE Promises of the PROMISE! – FIVE Promises of the PROMISE! • [2] “And I WILL MAKE YOU A GREATNATION, • And I WILL BLESS YOU, • And (I WILL)MAKE YOUR NAME GREAT;…”

  34. Genesis 12:2-3 – FIVE Promises of the PROMISE! • [2] “… And so YOU SHALL BE A BLESSING; • [3] “… And INYOU all the families of the earth SHALL be BLESSED.”

  35. The PROMISE – In Genesis 22:18, God said, • [18] “And in your SEEDall the nations of the earth shallbeBLESSED, because you have obeyed My voice.”

  36. The PROMISE Fulfilled –Galatians 3:16 • Now the PROMISES were SPOKEN to Abraham and to his seed. • He does not say, “And to seeds,” as (referring) to many, • but (rather) to ONE, • “And to your SEED,” that is, CHRIST.

  37. Hebrews 11:13 • [13] ALLthese (in Hebrews chapter 11) • DIEDinFAITH,WITHOUT RECEIVING thePROMISES,

  38. Discipleship Lesson from Hebrews 11:13 • LIVINGbyFAITHISTRUSTINGthatGodKEEPSHISPROMISES!

  39. Mark 1:40-42 • [40] And a leper came to Him, beseeching Him and falling on his knees before Him, and saying to Him, • “IFYouARE WILLING, YouCANMAKE me CLEAN.”

  40. NOT – • “I have FAITH that PRESUMES that You WILLMAKE me CLEAN!” • BUT – • “IFYou ARE WILLING...”!

  41. Discipleship Lesson from Mark 1:40-42 • FAITHLEADS us to the place where we BELIEVEGod is WILLING to do what He hasPROMISED!

  42. Another Discipleship Lesson from Mk 1:40-42 & Heb 11:13 • FAITH KEEPS us TRUSTING in God– • EVENWHENwe DO NOTRECEIVE…

  43. “IFYou ARE WILLING...”! • The leper HADCOMPLETE FAITH • –WHY? – • BECAUSEJesus HADHEALED others.

  44. Mark 1:40-42 • [41] And MOVED with COMPASSION, He stretchedout His hand, and touched him, • and said to him, • “I AM WILLING;BE CLEANSED.”

  45. Another Discipleship Lesson from Mark 1:40-42 • FAITHISNOT – • BELIEVING God WILL do something –

  46. Another Discipleship Lesson from Mark 1:40-42 • FAITHIS – • KNOWING that GodCANDO what He saysHeCANDO – and WILLDO – • IF it is IN His WILL to do! and WILL DO –

  47. Mark 1:40-42 • [42] AndIMMEDIATELY the leprosy LEFT him and HE WAS CLEANSED.

  48. The WONDERFULNESS of God’s LOVEIS NOT that He answers prayers! • The WONDERFULNESS of God’s LOVEIS that He GAVE His Son Jesus TODIEFOR YOU!

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