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Explore the three main levels of infrastructure within church groups, their dynamics, and impact on growth. Learn how group dynamics influence church sizes, from sharing groups to assembly groups, and ways to overcome growth barriers.
Studying Church Growth Considering Fellowship and Group Dynamics
3 Main Levels of Infrastructure • Level 1- Sharing group, avg. 5-15, spiritual sharing
Helps in fulfilling the following mandates… Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2 ESV) Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. (Romans 12:15 ESV)
3 Main Levels of Infrastructure • Level 1- Sharing group, limited in number, avg. 5-15, stretch to 30-40, purpose? spiritual sharing • Level 2- Fellowship group, limited in number, avg. 30-80, stretch to 200, purpose? acceptance and belonging • Level 3- Assembly group, unlimited in number, Purpose? To worship, encourage, edify, proclaim Christ
How does GROUP DYNAMICS play out in church growth? • Level 1, sharing group, is a small church • 30-40 members with less than 100 attending • Emotionally saturated, difficult to be inclusive • Close, personal relationships are valued and are the greatest barrier to growth • Over 50% of all churches are in this place • Growth is plateaued unless change comes
How does GROUP DYNAMICS play out in church growth? • Level 2, fellowship group, a mid-sized church • Stretched w/100-200 attending • Offers surface sharing, acceptance, belonging… … until emotionally saturated • Saturated fellowship w/nothing to offer is the growth barrier for this group • 80% of churches never go beyond this level • 85-90% churches of Christ never break this level • Most don’t feel “need” to break this f’ship level
How does GROUP DYNAMICS play out in church growth? • Level 3, assembly group, a large church • Moves beyond 300 attending w/small groups • Uses “new unit” principles to encourage growth, i.e. fruit often comes from new vines, new people, and new groups
2 Part Study on Groups, Growth, and Bible ClassesRichard Meyers, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN • Bible classes were combined to make fewer classes and used fewer teachers • Classes shrunk to their original size • Bible classes were divided to make more classes and use more teachers • Classes grew to their original size
2 Part Study on Groups, Growth, and Bible ClassesRichard Meyers, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN • A suggested correlation between • number of classes and Bible class attendance • Groups/teachers and attendance • Bible class attendance and overall growth • Conclusions? Churches need to find ways to • Increase Bible classes, teachers, and programs • To get more members working and doing for themselves
Verifies what we’ve always said and encouraged… • Teachers always learn more from a class than the students, • The more teachers a church has the more knowledge and experience is available • The more knowledge and experience that is available the healthier a church will be!
Conclusions from this examination of group dynamics • God desires growth, 2 Peter 3:9. • Every level of fellowship group has strengths that can become barriers to growth. • Some growth barriers are not doctrinal, but personal, traditional, comfort zones. • It behooves every Christian to seek our Father’s agenda above our own comfort zone.