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Introduction to HELIOS

Introduction to HELIOS. T. K. Kim Argonne National Laboratory. Overview of HELIOS. Expert input Described by parameters Not sensitive to geometry or composition data Short input Assign value to parameters Sensitive to geometry and composition data. HELIOS General 2D geometry

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Introduction to HELIOS

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  1. Introduction to HELIOS T. K. Kim Argonne National Laboratory

  2. Overview of HELIOS • Expert input • Described by parameters • Not sensitive to geometry or composition data • Short input • Assign value to parameters • Sensitive to geometry and composition data HELIOS General 2D geometry subgroup resonance method current coupling collision probability method AURORA Input processor ZENTIH Output processor HERMES file (data base file)

  3. Flow Diagram of AURORA-HELIOS-ZENITH AURORA Expert input AURORA Short input ZENITH Expert input AURORA AURORA create create AURORA SETs (HERMES file) ZENITH SETs (HERMES file) AURORA update ORION AURORA SETs (HERMES file) ZENTIH Picture (postscript) create create update Output (ASCII) HELIOS

  4. Methodologies • CPM in structure • STR consists of region and circular geometry (CCS) • Region is defined by nodes • CCPM between structures (CNX) • Assign current coupling order • Boundary condition (BDRY) • Reflective or Albedo conditions

  5. BWR assembly

  6. AURORA Expert input - 1 • Create geometry data set &ADD = SET('SBWR200.set'/AURORA;SBWR200; &Geometry) $p = PAR("$FuelPitch") $rf = PAR("$FuelRadius") $gw = PAR("$InnerGapThickness") $DREF = PAR("$DENH-$AverageVoidFraction*($DENH-$DSSH)") ! reference density! $DV000 = PAR("$DENH-0.00*($DENH-$DSSH)") ! 0% void Density [g/cc]! 'COO-REF' = MAT(NB / ! Reference void + reference ppm ! $DREF/1001, 11.19 ; 8016, 88.81 ; 5000, $shrf) Fpin = CCS("0.90*$rf", $rf, $rc // Fuel1,Fuel2, Clad ) $Fcell1 = PAR(("-$p2","-$p2") ("-$p2",$p2) ($p2,$p2) ($p2,"-$p2") ! 1- 4 ! ("-$p2",0) (0,$p2) ($p2,0) (0,"-$p2") ! 5- 8 ! ("-$rc",0) (0,$rc) ($rc,0) (0,"-$rc") ! 9-12 ! / 4,Cool /Fpin(0,0)/ 1,5,9,12,8,Cool; 5,2,6,10,9,Cool; 6,3,7,11,10,Cool) FUELPART = CNX($PinLoading/ ( 1,3,4)$k( 2,2,1) / ( 2,3,4)$k( 3,2,1) / ! 1st row ! ( 3,3,4)$k( 4,2,1) / ( 4,3,4)$k( 5,2,1) / ( 5,3,4)$k( 6,2,1) / ( 6,3,4)$k( 7,2,1) / ( 7,3,4)$k( 8,2,1) / ……………. System = CNX(CROD,FUELPART,WALL/ ( 1-2,1)( 1-2,4)$k( 2-1,2)( 2-1,3) / ( 1-7,3)( 1-7,4)$k( 3-1,2)( 3-1,1) ) System = BDRY((1-1,2,2)1(0)) ! Specular boundary condition !

  7. AURORA Expert input - 2 • Create overlay data set &ADD = SET('SBWR200.set'/ AURORA;SBWR200; &Overlays) ovldNormal = OVLD(1/*-*-** ) ovltHot = OVLT( $TMOH /*-*-** / $TCLH /*-*-*-Clad / $TFUH /*-*-*-(Fuel1,Fuel2)) ovlmFuel = OVLM($FuelComp) ! Fuel material overlay ! ovsdBase = OVSD(ovldNormal) ovstBase = OVST(ovltHot) ovsmBase = OVSM(ovlmNonFuel, ovlmFuel ) statBase = STAT(ovsmBase , ovsdBase, ovstBase , $HFPpd) pathBase = PATH(/CG,(statBase),-50,-150,-500,-1000,-11000/10,-12500, -15000,-60000/18 )

  8. AURORA Expert input - 3 • Create output data set &ADD = SET('SBWR200.set'/ AURORA;SBWR200; &Output) ng1 = GROUP(N/0 ) ! one group ! AllArea = AREA( <*-*-**> ) AllFuel = AREA( <*-*-*-(Fuel1,Fuel2)>) XSFuelMap = MACRO(ng1, FuelMap / bu,kf,ab,fi) XSMicAll = MICRO(ngs, AllArea / 1,53635,54635,62649/ab) ESide = FACE((3- 3,3,4)(3- 4,3,4)(3- 5,3,4)(3- 6,3,4)(3- 7,3,4) (3- 8,3,4)(3- 9,3,4)(3-11,3,4)(3-13,3,4)(3-23,3,4)) NECorner = FACE((3- 3,2,4)) SideCurrents = CUR(ngs,ESide ,NSide ,WSide ,SSide ) CornerCurrents = CUR(ngs,NECorner,NWCorner,SECorner,SWCorner)

  9. Aurora Short Input • Call library file and create HERME file 'SBWR200' = CASE('C:\TKKIM\HELIOS\Library\xslib035-1.5' /'SBWR200.hrf'/'SBWR 200 Short Input') • Assign values to parameters &Geometry = SET('SBWR200.set'/AURORA;SBWR200) &Overlays = SET('SBWR200.set'/AURORA;SBWR200) &Output = SET('SBWR200.set'/AURORA;SBWR200) $k = PAR(4) ! Current coupling ! $HFPpd = PAR("21.00") ! HFP Power density [W/gU] ! $FuelPitch = PAR("1.6200") ! Fuel pitch [cm] ! $FuelRadius = PAR("0.5220") ! Fuel rdaius [cm] ! 'SBWR200' = RUN()

  10. Zenith Expert Input • Call library file and create HERME file &ADD = SET('SBWR200.set'/ ZENITH; &StateData) KINF = SEL(kinf /STATUS/C1;/$calp) KINFB = SEL(kinfb/STATUS/C1;/$calp) TotalVolume = SEL(vo /MICRO/C1;XSMicAll ) dr = SEL(dr /MACRO/C1;XSMacAll /$calp ) tr = SEL(tr /MACRO/C1;XSMacAll /$calp ) jps = SEL(jp /CUR /C1;SideCurrents /$calp ) jms = SEL(jm /CUR /C1;SideCurrents /$calp ) sideADF = FOR(2*(jps+jms)/fx) DiffusionCoefficient = FOR(dr/(3*tr)) TransXs = FOR(1/(3*DiffusionCoefficient))

  11. Zenith Short Input • Call library file and create HERME file &ADD = SET('SBWR200.set'/ ZENITH; &StateData) KINF = SEL(kinf /STATUS/C1;/$calp) KINFB = SEL(kinfb/STATUS/C1;/$calp) TotalVolume = SEL(vo /MICRO/C1;XSMicAll ) dr = SEL(dr /MACRO/C1;XSMacAll /$calp ) tr = SEL(tr /MACRO/C1;XSMacAll /$calp ) jps = SEL(jp /CUR /C1;SideCurrents /$calp ) jms = SEL(jm /CUR /C1;SideCurrents /$calp ) sideADF = FOR(2*(jps+jms)/fx) DiffusionCoefficient = FOR(dr/(3*tr)) TransXs = FOR(1/(3*DiffusionCoefficient))

  12. Zenith Expert Input BEGIN ('SBWR200 Fuel Calculation by T.K.Kim'/0.5;0.5/LR;BT) %OPTIONS(LINPAG=500, MXAUX=130000, MXLNAM=10000,MXCON=30000,MXSET=1500) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! <<< Base Depletion Case >>> ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %'Case_Switch' = 0 ! Base depletion edit flag. %'Form_Function' = 1 ! Form Function edit flag, 0/1=no/yes %'Power_Map' = 1 ! Power map edit flag, 0/1=no/yes %'Fluxr_Map' = 0 ! Flux map edit flag, 0/1=no/yes %'Thorium_Fuel' = 0 ! 0/1 =non Thorium fuel / Thorium fuel %'HM_number_density' = 1 ! Heavy meatl number ddensity falg 0/1=no/yes ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------- Run Zenith -- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Hfile = PAR('SBWR200.hrf') ! Hermes format file name $Hcase = PAR('SBWR200') ! Case name C1 = IMP(HELIOS;$Hcase/$Hfile) ! HELIOS Import point &RunZenith = SET('SBWR200.set'/ ZENITH) END()

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