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Importing and Exporting are means of Foreign Trade. ... Exporting refers to the selling of goods and services from the home country to a foreign nation. Whereas, importing refers to the purchase of foreign products and bringing them into one's home country.
FOREIGN TRADE : Trade among nations is a common occurrence and normally benefits both the exporter and the importer. In many countries international trade accounts for more than 20 percent of their national incomes.
EXPORT: “Export are the goods and services produced in one country and purchased by residents of another country”.
TYPES OF EXPORT: Indirect Export Direct Export
IMPORT : “ Importare foreign goods and services bought by residents of a country. Residents include citizens, businesses, and the government”.
TYPES OF IMPORT: Industrial and consumer goods Intermediate goods and services
ADVANTAGES OF EXPORT: Enrich domestic competitiveness. It develops communication between two countries. You can import the goods at very low cost from other countries and sell them with more profit. We can get some materials (which can’t be produced by us) only in some parts of the world.
DISADVANTAGES OF EXPORT: Need basic investment to start export business. Finding the importer from abroad is difficult and also it will take more time. Obtaining license and documents for export is difficult.
ADVANTAGES OF IMPORT: You can import the goods at very low cost from other countries and sell them with more profit. We can get some materials (which can’t be produced by us) only in some parts of the world. Through import, you can get those materials very easily
DVANDISATAGES OF IMPORT : Foreign goods are substituting the domestic goods' markets so the domestic industries are eliminated. Trade deficit will cause the currency devaluation, inflation.
DUTIES OF EXPORT & IMPORT: Import duty is a tax collected on imports and some exports by a country's customs authorities. A good's value will usually dictate the import duty. Depending on the context, import duty may also be known as a customs duty, tariff, Import tax or Import tariff.
INDIA’S FOREIGN TRADE POLICY: Foreign tradein India includes all imports and exports to and fromIndia. At the level of Central Government it is administered by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.Foreign trade accounted for 48.8% of India'sGDP in 2015.
IMPORTANCE OF EXPORT IMPORT/FOREIGN TRADE: Exports and imports areimportant for the development and growth of national economies because not allcountries have the resources and skills required to produce certain goods and services. Nevertheless,countries impose trade barriers, such as tariffs and importquotas, in order to protect their domestic industries.
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