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RemoteDrive. OVERVIEW. The RemoteDrive is a special software running on Windows TM and controlling the devices manufactured by Elettronica Santerno. The RemoteDrive is capable of communicating via MODBUS protocol with serial standards RS232, RS422 or RS485.

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  1. RemoteDrive

  2. OVERVIEW The RemoteDrive is a special software running on WindowsTM and controlling the devices manufactured by Elettronica Santerno. The RemoteDrive is capable of communicating via MODBUS protocol with serial standards RS232, RS422 or RS485.

  3. GENERAL FEATURES Functionality What can the RemoteDrive do? • Set and save to file the whole parameter set of the connected equipment; • Performing the remote control of the connected equipment; • Acquire, graphically represent and save to file all the variables detected by the connected equipment; • Update the device firmware to the flash memory, when possible.

  4. GENERAL FEATURESSW Version The latest software version (2.30) can control the following ES devices: • ASA / ASAC0 / ASAC1 / ASAMV • DCREG • Data Logger • Sinus M / Sinus N • Sinus IFD / LIFT / VTC • Sinus K • Sinus Penta

  5. SPECIFICATIONS Hardware Requirements The same hardware requirements for navigation on the Internet are needed: • PC Pentium 1GHz or greater • RAM 512 Mb for Windows XP, 1Gb for Vista • CD-ROM player • Modem or network board (for remote connection only) • At least 1 serial port • Video card and monitor capable of supporting a graphic resolution of 800x600

  6. SPECIFICATIONS Software Requirements • Operating system: WindowsTM NT4, 2000, XP, Vista • Internet Explorer 5.00 or greater installed

  7. SPECIFICATIONSItems Supplied / 1 The RemoteDrive is supplied on a CD-ROM including a wizard for the installation to hard disk. To install the application, click the SETUP icon included in the CD-ROM and follow the instructions. Once installation is over, follow the instructions given in the README.TXT file to update the latest SW releases of the equipment.

  8. SPECIFICATIONSItems Supplied / 2

  9. SPECIFICATIONSItems Supplied / 3 Once installed, the RemoteDrive creates the folder structure above.

  10. SPECIFICATIONSItems Supplied / 4 The \devices folder is as follows:

  11. Drives OPERATING FEATURES Local-Remote / 1 • The RemoteDrive supports two operating modes: Local operating mode and Remote operating mode. • In “Local” mode, the computer is connected directly to the drives. Local PC

  12. OPERATING FEATURES Local-Remote / 2 • In “Remote” mode, two computers must be remotely connected through the telephone line, the LAN or the Internet. • Below is the most popular Internet connection: Serial Cable Drives Internet PC (Slave) PC (Master)

  13. OPERATING FEATURES Local-Remote / 3 • The RemoteDrive must be running on both computers. One computer is connected to the drive through its serial port and will be the slave computer; the other computer will be the master computer. • The master computer uses the slave computer to control the equipment and is capable of using any functionality as if the drive was connected directly to its serial port.

  14. OPERATING FEATURES Local-Remote / 4 • A Chat window is also available, allowing the operator of Elettronica Santerno’s Service (Master) to dialog with the customer (Slave).

  15. OPERATING FEATURES Local Connection For local connections, just set the parameters relating to serial configuration and click the “Connect” button.

  16. OPERATING FEATURES Remote Connection / Master 1 This is the typical connecting mode used by Elettronica Santerno’s Service. The operators shall do the following: • set the TCP/IP Port being used; • fill in the “Operator Sheet”; • state their availability and click the “Enable” button.

  17. OPERATING FEATURES Remote Connection / Master 2

  18. OPERATING FEATURES Remote Connection / Slave 1 This is the typical mode used by a customer calling Elettronica Santerno’s Service to ask for technical assistance. This mode allows ES Service to read/write directly to or from the connected drive/inverter: • state the URL address of the remote Host (typically elettronicasanterno.it); • state the TCP/IP port of the Service operator; • fill in your “User sheet” and click the “Connect” button.

  19. OPERATING FEATURES Remote Connection / Slave 2

  20. CONNECTION Remoting Kit • For a direct connection between the computer and the converter, a special kit is supplied, including an RS232-RS485 adaptor box and its cable:

  21. CONNECTION A Case in Point • The DCREG and the Sinus Penta equipped with ES822 optional board can be connected to RS232 port using a null-modem, crossed-over cable. • For the ASA, ASAC0 and ASAC1, DBU, Sinus N and Sinus M, connect the external feeder at 230 VAC to the adaptor box. For other drives, the box is fed with +5V.

  22. CONNECTION A Case in Point • For RS485 multidrop connections including multiple devices, use external 230VAC supply if the RS232-RS485 adaptor box is used. • DO NOT CONNECT “+5V” and “GND” pins of the connected converters. • The line terminator and the bias of the last connected converter must be “ON”.

  23. CONNECTION A Case in Point Click File to open this menu:

  24. USER INTERFACE New Project Click New Project. The window below appears: This window allows to automatically detect the connected converters (Scan). Once converters are selected, they can be added to the current project.

  25. USER INTERFACE Project Window This window displays the operating parameters for one or more converters. It can be customized: you can choose how many converters are to be displayed and how many parameters are displayed for each converter. This structure is called a project and can be saved to disk (file *.PRJ) to be loaded when required.

  26. USER INTERFACE Tree Structure • A project includes many converters (file: *.DEV). • Each converter includes multiple sheets (file: *.SHT).

  27. USER INTERFACE Type of Sheets The sheets for a project may be the following: • Measure Sheet • Remote Console • Parameter Sheet

  28. USER INTERFACE Measure Sheet / 1 • In the Measure Sheet, you can do the following: • Read the selected measures. • Perform measurement in Automatic mode at time intervals set in “Acq. Time“. • Save measures to file. Saving is performed in two ways: at preset time intervals set in “Acq. Time”, provided that “En Acq” is enabled; at each state commutation of the equipment only if “Acq.” is active in the panel displaying the equipment operating condition. • Display the variable trend and the time trend in a graph when “Displ. Graph” and “En. Acq.” are enabled.

  29. USER INTERFACE Measure Sheet / 2 • Particular cases in the Measure Sheet: • Panel displaying the equipment operating condition • Panel displaying the digital inputs/outputs. The Measure Sheet can feature graphical items, as shown below:

  30. USER INTERFACE Measure Sheet / 3

  31. USER INTERFACE Device Status The device status is displayed as follows: • You can: • Refresh the status readout. • Perform a cyclical readout of the device status (time interval set in Acq.Time). • Enable saving the device status: the real status will be acquired only when the equipment status changes.

  32. USER INTERFACE Digital Inputs / Outputs Digital inputs/outputs: The green LED indicates that the input is ACTIVE. A graph showing state transitions can be displayed.

  33. USER INTERFACE Remote Console Remote console: • You can set a reference either with a cursor bar or by entering the numeric value in the Ref. field; • You can simulate contacts in the terminal board by clicking the relevant button.

  34. USER INTERFACE Parameter Sheet / 1 Parameter sheet: • The parameter sheet contains the configuration parameters of the equipment. You can do the following: • read parameter values; • write parameter values; • save parameter values.

  35. USER INTERFACE Parameter Sheet / 2 • Important: the button storing each single value to EEPROM appears only for the connected drive/converter supporting this function. Otherwise, all parameters can be saved. • Values can be highlighted as follows: • Red: impossible to read the parameter value; the represented value is the default value. • Yellow: the parameter value has been changed but not written. • Pale blue: the parameter value has been changed and written, but has not been saved to EEPROM.

  36. USER INTERFACE Print Menu / 1 • Print All: Prints the whole list of the parameters represented in the TreeList. • Print No Default: Prints the whole list of the parameters represented in the TreeList when their values don’t match with the default values. • Print Select.: Prints the parameter list relating to the selected object. • Print Select. No Default: Prints the parameter list relating to the selected object when the parameter values don’t match with the default values.

  37. USER INTERFACE Print Menu / 2

  38. UPDATING THE FIRMWARE Overview / 1 This window allows updating the equipment firmware. Available for the Sinus Penta and the DCREG.

  39. USER INTERFACE What To Do / 1 When this window opens, you are asked to enter the name of the HEX file (Intel Hex) or the MOT file (Motorola-S) including the new version of the firmware; click the “Browse” command to change the upgrade file. Then do the following: • In case of multidrop connection (RS485), only the converter/drive being updated must be connected to the mains. • Choose the correct type and address of the device.

  40. USER INTERFACE What To Do / 2 • Click “Go prog”: this command acknowledges if the selected device is legal and if it is consistent with the upgrade file. If so, the device is sent a command preparing it to the upgrade. • Press “Enter” to start writing to flash memory.

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