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Welcome To Our Services. Let Us Worship The Lord. Song Leader – Clinton Thompson First Song # 212 Second Hymn # 12 Opening Prayer – Billy Long Song Before The Lesson # 77 Invitation Song # 381 Closing Hymn # 69. Prejudice is a Sin. James 2:1-13.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome To Our Services

  2. Let Us Worship The Lord • Song Leader – Clinton Thompson • First Song # 212 • Second Hymn # 12 • Opening Prayer – Billy Long • Song Before The Lesson # 77 • Invitation Song # 381 • Closing Hymn # 69

  3. Prejudice is a Sin James 2:1-13

  4. Having Faith In Jesus, vs.1 Can’t Have Faith and Prejudice (or Drunkard, Thief, Rapist…) The fault of one who when called on to give judgment has respect of the outward circumstances of man and not to their intrinsic merits, and so prefers, as the more worthy, one who is rich, high born, or powerful, to another who does not have these qualities Partiality, Favoritism, Prejudice, “Face Accepting” God is NOT a Respecter of Persons - Lk.20:21, Ac.10:34-35, Rom.2:6-11, Eph.6:9, Col.3:25, 1 Peter 1:17 God is a Respecter of Character – Jn.7:24, 1 Sam.16:6, 7

  5. How Prejudice Works • Rich • Poor • Skin Color • Nationality • Fame • Looks • Social Status • I.Q. • Dishonor • Mistreat • Abuse • Neglect • Ignore Vs.2-4 Illustration of Point Special Attention To Regard Give Respect Honor To Esteem

  6. The Rich & The Poor, vs.5-7 • The Rich in General Reject the Gospel, 1Cor.1:26 • The Poor in General Accept the Gospel, Mk. 12:37 • The Heirs of the Kingdom are for Who? • Love God, 2 Tim.4:8, Jn.14:15, 1 Jn.2:4-5 • Oppressionby the Rich, vs.6 • Blasphemy by the Rich, vs.7

  7. Prejudice is a Sin, vs.8-11 • The Royal Kingly Law – vs.8 • Not Steal, Not Lie, Not Kill, Not Adultery, Not Covet • Do Good, Be Kind, Be Honest, Be Fair • Prejudice is a Sin, Transgression, vs.9, Gal.2:12 • Slurs - Pollock, Dago, Honkie, Nigger, Nips, Chinks • Vs.10 “He is Guilty of All” ? • Illustration – Ask Thief in Court of Law

  8. Concluding Thoughts, vs.12-13 • We Must Speak and Do (Talk is Cheap) • Judgedby Law of Liberty - Jn.12:48 • Reap as We Sow – Gal.6:7-10 • “Show No Mercy” Cruel, Heartless, Vicious, Selfish, Unmerciful, Coldhearted • Mercy, Pity, Compassion, Kindness, Sympathy, Care, Benevolence, Empathy

  9. Hear the Gospel of Christ, Acts 18:8 Believe in Jesus Christ, Rom.5:1 Repent and Turn to God, Luke 24:47 Confess Jesus Before Men, Matt.10:32 Baptized Into Christ, Gal.3:26-27 ----------------------------- Grow And Be Faithful, 2 Pet.3:18 If Erring: Repent and Pray God,I Jn.1:9 The Plan of Salvation

  10. Thanks For Coming

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