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美国莫特维斯塔项目介绍 及项目开发初步构想 U.S. High Speed Rail Project. 美国高铁 项目介绍. 2010.09. 1. 美国莫特维斯塔房地产项目介绍 U.S. Real Estate Projects. 莫特维斯塔项目地理位置 Project Locations. 芒特维斯塔 MountVista. 阅读 RiverView. 莫特维斯塔项目介绍 Real Estate Project #1. 项目总占地面积约 1.3 万英亩(约 5300 万平方米)
美国莫特维斯塔项目介绍 及项目开发初步构想 U.S. High Speed Rail Project 美国高铁 项目介绍 2010.09
1 美国莫特维斯塔房地产项目介绍 U.S. Real Estate Projects
莫特维斯塔项目地理位置Project Locations 芒特维斯塔 MountVista 阅读 RiverView
莫特维斯塔项目介绍 Real Estate Project #1 • 项目总占地面积约1.3万英亩(约5300万平方米) The total area of about 13,000 acres (about 53 million square meters) integrated natural resources harvesting operation and reclamation as a mixed use community with self sustaining energy production • 1万英亩的无烟煤矿区(约4000万平方米); includes 10,000 acres of anthracite and metallurgical grade coal surface mine area (about 40 million square meters); • 7000英亩用于能源基础设施建设(约2830万平方米); includes 13000 acres for the construction of integrated natural gas well, wind turbine, clean coal/ natural gas power plants, utility scale solar plant energy infrastructure (about 53 million square meters); • 5000英亩用于城市综合房地产项目开发(约2000万平方米); includes 5000 acres for the first phase of the city's comprehensive real estate development (approximately 20 million square meters); subsequent phases to be planned will reclaim remaining 8,000 acres • 项目致力充分利用当地的煤炭资源优势,配以社区产业一体化,打造一个“节约能源、绿色环保、自我维持、持续发展”的新兴综合大型社区。 Projects have worked to make full use of local coal resources, together with the community's economic integration, to create an "energy efficient, environmentally conscious, self-sustaining and sustainable development" using modern design concepts for large communities.
莫特维斯塔项目介绍 Real Estate Project #1 能源基础设施建设部分: Energy Infrastructure Components: • 占地面积约2830万平方米(13000英亩); Covers an area of approximately 53 million square meters (13,000 acres) integrated within real estate development; • 投资额约830亿元(122亿美元); Investment of about 83 billion yuan (12.2 billion U.S. dollars); • 规划打造宾州内最大、最先进的能源基础设施工程,包括:煤炭采集设备、风力发电、绿色煤炭发电、太阳能发电等发电设备; Pennsylvania plans to build the largest, most advanced energy infrastructure projects, including: coal harvesting/processing equipment, wind power, green clean burning coal power, solar power and other power equipment; • 设备产生的电力足以满足当地社区的电力供给;通过高压线路也可将电力输送至其他地区,乃至全国。 Equipment generates enough electricity to supply the local community; through the high voltage power lines excess production can also be transported to other areas, via the national power grid.
莫特维斯塔项目介绍 Project #1 房地产开发部分 Real Estate Section: • 占地面积约2000万平米(5000英亩); The first phase covers about 20 million square meters (5,000 acres); Subsequent phases to be planned will reclaim remaining 8,000 acres • 投资额约584亿元(86亿美元); Total Investment (all phases) of about 154 billion yuan (23 billion U.S. dollars); • 规划打造一个涵盖多功能生活设施,并为地方提供就业机会的新兴生活社区。 Planning to build a wide range of multi-function living facilities, and provide employment opportunities within the growing community.
按照规划,Project #1: 该社区内将包括: According to the plan, the community will include: • 中心区:建筑面积约7万平方米,建商业,图书馆,邮局,药店,银行,网球场,健身房,护理站,公园,游乐场,棒球场,及其他生活配套设施: Town Center: floor area of about 7 million square meters, commercial businesses, libraries, post offices, pharmacies, banks, tennis courts, gym, medical offices, parks, playgrounds, baseball field, and other living facilities; • 办公区:建筑面积约10万平方米; Office: building area of about 12 million square meters; • 工业区:建筑面积约18万平方米; Industrial area: floor area of approximately 2 million square meters; • 居住区:提供约1万套住房,包括独立别墅,联排别墅,公寓等; Living area: provide about 1 million housing units, including villas, townhouses, apartments, etc.; • 高级居住区:3000套高端别墅; Senior living area: 3000 unit continuing care retirement community in a mix of high-end villas; independent and assisted living apartments, and skilled nursing facility • 大型赛车场:2.6英里的世界顶级赛道; Large Speedway: 2.6 mile “Road Course” type track • 假日酒店:4000个房间。 4 Hotels: 4,000 rooms, both resort type serving golf and leisure community and business/convention type in Town Center serving the business park.
莫特维斯塔项目介绍 Real Estate Project #2 • 项目总占地面积约 0.513万英亩(约5300万平方米) The total area of about 513 acres (about ?? million square meters) integrated downtown waterfront recreational, entertainment, and mixed use community with ancillary transportation, transit oriented development and industrial development components and trimodal energy production components. • 1万英亩的无烟煤矿区(约4000万平方米); includes 110 acres for the first phase of the cities comprehensive Smart Growth downtown waterfront real estate development main project area (about ?? million square meters); • 7000英亩用于能源基础设施建设(约2830万平方米); includes340 acres of industrial, highway commercial mixed-use development with waterfront parklands and golf course with country club resort (about ?? million square meters); • 5000英亩用于城市综合房地产项目开发(约2000万平方米); includes 63 acres for a new transit oriented downtown commercial office and medical space and retail mixed-use development around a new high-speed and local passenger railway station with link to BARTA bus depot (approximately ?? million square meters); • 项目致力充分利用当地的煤炭资源优势,配以社区产业一体化,打造一个“节约能源、绿色环保、自我维持、持续发展”的新兴综合大型社区。 Projects have worked to substantially revitalize an existing city by using multiple municipal infrastructure and private real estate projects integrated throughout the city in "energy efficient, environmentally conscious, self-sustaining and sustainable developments" using modern design concepts for large communities.
莫特维斯塔项目介绍 Real Estate Project #2 能源基础设施建设部分: Energy Infrastructure Components: • 占地面积约2830万平方米(13000英亩); Two Hydroelectric Plants to; • 投资额约830亿元(122亿美元); Investment of about ?? billion yuan (?? billion U.S. dollars); • 规划打造宾州内最大、最先进的能源基础设施工程,包括:煤炭采集设备、风力发电、绿色煤炭发电、太阳能发电等发电设备; Pennsylvania plans to build the largest, most advanced energy infrastructure projects, including: hydroelectric, waste to energy, green clean burning coal power, solar power and other power equipment; • 设备产生的电力足以满足当地社区的电力供给;通过高压线路也可将电力输送至其他地区,乃至全国。 Equipment generates electricity to supply the local community; through existing substations and high voltage power lines excess production can also be transported to other areas, via the national power grid.
莫特维斯塔项目介绍 Project #2 房地产开发部分 Real Estate Section: • 占地面积约2000万平米(5000英亩); The first phase covers about 20 million square meters (5,000 acres); Subsequent phases to be planned will reclaim remaining 8,000 acres • 投资额约584亿元(86亿美元); Total Investment (all phases) of about 154 billion yuan (23 billion U.S. dollars); • 规划打造一个涵盖多功能生活设施,并为地方提供就业机会的新兴生活社区。 Planning to build a wide range of multi-function living facilities, and provide employment opportunities within the growing community.
按照规划,Project #2: 该社区内将包括: According to the plan, the community will include: • 中心区:建筑面积约7万平方米,建商业,图书馆,邮局,药店,银行,网球场,健身房,护理站,公园,游乐场,棒球场,及其他生活配套设施: Town Center: floor area of about 7 million square meters, commercial businesses, libraries, post offices, pharmacies, banks, tennis courts, gym, medical offices, parks, playgrounds, baseball field, and other living facilities; • 办公区:建筑面积约10万平方米; Office: building area of about 12 million square meters; • 工业区:建筑面积约18万平方米; Industrial area: floor area of approximately 2 million square meters; • 居住区:提供约1万套住房,包括独立别墅,联排别墅,公寓等; Living area: provide about 1 million housing units, including villas, townhouses, apartments, etc.; • 高级居住区:3000套高端别墅; Senior living area: 3000 unit continuing care retirement community in a mix of high-end villas; independent and assisted living apartments, and skilled nursing facility • 大型赛车场:2.6英里的世界顶级赛道; Large Speedway: 2.6 mile “Road Course” type track • 假日酒店:4000个房间。 4 Hotels: 4,000 rooms, both resort type serving golf and leisure community and business/convention type in Town Center serving the business park.
艾德华•任德尔(Edward G. Rendell) 宾夕法尼亚州州长Pennsylvania Governor 2003年 – 2011年 Former Philadelphia Mayor 曾任费城市长(1992—1999年) • 为解决像莫特维斯塔这类新城建设项目面临的交通问题,宾州将实施高铁建设方案; • To address these new city construction projects like MountVista and RiverView facing traffic problems, Pennsylvania will implement a high-speed rail construction program; . • 该项目属政府支持、发展前景较好的新城建设项目; The project is designed using the government supported concepts of Smart Growth and Walkable Urbanism for new metropolitan cities. • 但由于该区连接周边城市的交通设施尚不完善,因此对外交通问题成为制约该项目发展的瓶颈; However, the transportation facilities in the area surrounding the cityare limited and restrict the development of the project;
希望通过高铁建设,将各城市连点成线,从而刺激宾州地区经济增长,同时带动高铁沿线周边的新城建设和房地产业的持续发展,提升新城的地产价值。希望通过高铁建设,将各城市连点成线,从而刺激宾州地区经济增长,同时带动高铁沿线周边的新城建设和房地产业的持续发展,提升新城的地产价值。 • The US Government hopes to build a high-speed railway that will connect the dots of cities into a line to stimulate economic growth in Pennsylvania, and combine a series of Interconnected Livable Communities with High Speed Rail construction to use sustainable development of the real estate to enhance the value of communities like MountVista’s and RiverView’s property. • 2010年1月,奥巴马政府从经济刺激计划中拨出80 亿美元启动资金用于补助兴建13条高速铁路、更新铁轨、整修车站、购买设备,透过政府工程以改善交通基础设施,创造就业,振兴国内经济; • January 2010, President Obama initiated an economic stimulus plan with 8 billion U.S. dollars set aside to start the planning of 13 high-speed rail grants, to updated tracks, repair stations, purchase equipment, through the Government programs to improve the transportation infrastructure, creating employment, and stimulating the domestic economy; • 奥巴马将这项高铁计划喻为“创造就业的发电厂”,并称其可与50年前的美国高速公路网络建设相媲美。 • President Obama will use the high-speed rail plan as the "power plant to create jobs," adding that to the 50 years of previous U.S. government initiated highway network construction
美国高铁网络规划图 U.S. High Speed Rail Network Plans 至2030年,美国将修建高铁约1.7万公里,连接全国80%的城市,总投资额达5000亿美元。 By 2030, the United States will build about 17,000 km high-speed rail to connect 80% of the major cities The total investment is projected to be 500 billion U.S. dollars. Experts have said the cost could actually be 1.2 trillion dollars.
美国高铁网络规划图 U.S. High Speed Rail Network Plans 波士顿 Boston 水牛城 Buffalo 优势利用高速铁路,拉近纽约市和哈里斯堡和匹兹堡,其他重要城市的差距答缩短他们与芒特维斯塔与阅读项目的距离,以改善可访问性和吸引力。 The advantages of using high-speed railway is that it narrows the gap between major cities and links other important cities such as Tremont and Reading Pennsylvania, improving the accessibility between the major cities and MountVista and RiverView projects and their appeal, : 阅读 Reading 纽约城 New York 芒特维斯塔 Tremont 匹斯堡 Pittsburgh 费城 Philadelphia 哈里斯堡 Harrisburg 全长2350英里,投资约4亿美元,奥巴马政府拨款2600万美元。Fully built out, the system will be 2,350 miles, about 500 million U.S. dollars of investment, of which the Obama government has granted and proposed 58 billion U.S. dollars. 华盛顿 Washington
我公司在美国开发高铁项目的优势: • We have the advantage in a development of a high-speed rail project in the United States: • 强大的集团实力;The strength of a strong group; • 中冶品牌的国际竞争力;China Metallurgical brand's international competitiveness; • 项目开发整合能力:Project development integration • 现阶段,我公司在美国开发房地产项目存在的问题: • At this stage, for MCC to develop real estate projects in the United States there are these a problems: • 缺乏社会关系;Lack of social relations • 缺乏实战经验;The lack of actual construction experience • 缺乏国际竞争力。The lack of international competitiveness 宾州政府开发高铁项目存在的优势: For Government supported development projects in Pennsylvania, there is the advantage of high-speed rail: • 官方背景 Official Background • 社会关系 Social Relations • 政府信誉 Government Credit 宾州政府开发高铁项目存在的问题: Pennsylvania State High Speed Rail project development problems: • 技术上:因美国缺乏相关硬件、技术、营运管理等专业高铁技术,因此需要依赖国外公司的技术支持; Technical: because the United States lacks the hardware, technology, operational management and other professional high-speed rail services, foreign companies are needed to provide technical support; • 资金上:除了联邦和州政府的财政拨款,高铁项目迫切需要来自海外的第三方投资。 Funding: In addition to federal and state government's financial allocation of approximately 30%, high-speed rail projects urgent need third-party investment from overseas.
从长期战略考虑,我公司与美国州政府可优势互补,在高铁建设领域建立合作,实现双方互惠双赢;从长期战略考虑,我公司与美国州政府可优势互补,在高铁建设领域建立合作,实现双方互惠双赢; • From long-term strategic considerations, we can state that with the United States, the parties will complement each other in the field of high-speed rail construction to establish cooperation to achieve mutually beneficial win-win; • 通过高铁建设,可带动地区经济发展、提升地产价值、建立良好政府和社会关系、积累海外项目经验、提升企业品牌国际知名度,并为后续的莫特维斯塔新城开发项目打下良好基础,从而推动我公司成功进军美国房地产市场。 • Through high-speed rail construction, we can drive regional economic development while raising property values, develop good government relations, accumulate overseas project experience, enhance brand international recognition, and the inclusion of the MountVista and RiverView projects will obtain a good return and thus promote the success of our company into the U.S. real estate market.
高铁建设带来房地产行业新机遇 High-speed railway construction brought new opportunities to the real estate industry 案例:高铁改变中国 Case: High Speed Rail Changed China 2
全球高铁时代的来临 The Era Of Global High-Speed Rail • “高速铁路”是指营运速率达到每小时250公里以上的先进铁路交通工具; "High-speed rail" refers to the operating speed of 250 km per hour or more advanced rail transport; • 高铁优势:High Speed Rail advantages: • 大容量、快速、安全、舒适;Large capacity, fast, safe, comfortable; • 低碳环保:高速列车是靠电力牵引,因此高铁的排碳量比飞机少10倍,比汽车少3倍; Low-carbon green: high-speed train is by electric traction, so the row of iron 10 times less carbon than planes, cars less than 3 times; • 减少大气污染、水污染、噪声污染等。 Reduced air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution. • 自90年代中期至今,世界范围内掀起建设高速铁路的新热潮。第一,修建高速铁路得到了各国政府的大力支持;第二,修建高速铁路的企业经济效益和社会效益,得到了更广层面的共识;Since the mid-90s now, the world set off a new wave of high-speed railway construction . First, the construction of high-speed railway has been the strong support of governments; second, to build high-speed railway economic and social benefits, has been a broader level of consensus; • 目前,世界已拥有多条时速高达300公里的高速铁路;如:日本新干线,法国TGV ,英国、法国、比利时的“欧洲之星”,德国ICE,西班牙AVE,韩国KTX等; Currently, the world has a number of up to 300 km per hour high-speed railway; such as: Japan's Shinkansen, France TGV, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium's "Star of Europe", Germany ICE, Spanish AVE, Korea, KTX, etc.; • 各国政府仍在纷纷颁布高铁计划,高铁建设已成为经济社会发展的必然趋势。 Governments still have promulgated high-speed rail plan, high-speed rail construction has become the inevitable trend of economic and social development.
中国快速步入高铁时代 China Moves Rapidly Into The Era Of High-Speed Rail • 标志1:2008年8月1日,中国第一条具有完全自主知识产权、世界一流水平的高速铁路—京津城际高铁通车运营; August 1, 2008 - China's first fully independent intellectual property rights, world-class high-speed railway - the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity High Speed Rail System; • 标志2:2009年12月26日,武广客运专线创世界纪录,成为全世界运行速度最快(平均时速350公里) 、运营里程最长的高速道路(1068公里); December 26, 2009 - Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated world record as the world's fastest (average speed 350 km), high-speed operation up the road miles (1068 km); • 目前我国已投入运营的高速铁路6920公里(11条高铁专线),成为世界上高速铁路系统技术最全、集成能力最强、运营里程最长、运行速度最高的国家; At present, China has put into operation 6,920 km of high-speed rail (11 high-speed rail lines), has the world's most complete high-speed rail system technology, integrated the strongest, longest operating mileage, which has speed up the growth of the country;
中国未来高铁规划 China Moves Rapidly Into The Era Of High-Speed Rail • 根据《中国铁路中长期发展规划》,未来中国高铁系统将由“四纵四横”的客运网络组成; • According to "long-term development plan of China Railway," China's High Speed Rail system will consist of a "four vertical and four horizontal" passenger network grid; • 预计到2012年,我国高铁营运理程将达1.3万公里。到时我国将超过日本和德国,成为全球营运里程最长的国家; • By 2012, China's high-speed rail operations under management will reach 13,000 km. By then China will surpass Japan and Germany as the world's longest national commercial mileage; • 预计到2012年,我国除了乌鲁木齐、拉萨等少数城市外,其他所有省会城市都将在以北京为中心的“1-8小时交通/经济圈”范围内。 • By 2012, China will add Urumqi, Lhasa and a few other cities, and all other capital cities will have Beijing as the center of a "1-8 hours of travel / economic zone" range.
高铁时代对中国经济的影响 China's Future High-Speed Rail Plan • 城市发展理念的变化 Changes To Urban Development Concept • 铁路将城市连点成线,带动城市间人员、资源和信息的流通;“N小时经济圈”使单一城市体的概念被区域城市群的概念所取代,产生同城效应; The Railway of the city forms a line, leading personnel, resources, and the flow of information towards the city; “X”-hour economic circle around a single city as the regional headquarters, and the concept of urban agglomeration is replaced, creating effect one larger city; • 例如:武广高铁的建成,大幅度拉近湖南、湖北与珠三角的经济距离,珠三角地区的市场经济理念北上对长株潭城市群和武汉城市圈进行扩散; For example: In the completion of Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway, a significant reduction of Hunan, Hubei and the Pearl River Delta travel duration, the Pearl River Delta region to the north became the economic center, and the Urban Agglomeration spread to the Wuhan City Circle;
高铁时代对中国经济的影响 High-Speed Rail Age And The Impact On China's Economy • 对沿线区域经济的提升作用 How the upgrade played a role in the regional economy: • 此前铁路站点建设只重点考虑大站,小站被放在次要位置。而高速铁路则改变了这种做法,将快捷的铁路交通输送到了中小城市,从而促使更多的生产要素向中小城市集中,拉动沿线地区经济; Prior to construction of the railway, development focus only considered the major stations. Small stations were left by the wayside.The high-speed railway changed this practice. The rapid rail transportation to medium and small cities contributed to greater concentration of production to the medium and small cities, driving the regional economy;
高铁时代对中国经济的影响 High-Speed Rail Age And The Impact On China's Economy • 经济产业结构的变化与转移 Changes and shifts in economic structure • 高铁建设为第三产业的进展提供了前所未有的机会。此前第三产业主要集中在大城市,并且商务成本较高。而高铁的建设,打破中小城镇之前的交通条件限制,且较低的商务成本和人力成本优势,为中小城镇的第三产业带来了发展契机; High-speed railway construction progress provided an unprecedented opportunity for the service industry. Prior to that the service industry was mainly located in large cities, and resulted in higher business costs. The high-speed rail construction, before relieved the small towns of traffic concerns, and lower business and labor cost advantages for small and medium towns has brought opportunity for development of the service industry; • 另外,为追求更大的辐射面,大量国内外大企业将区域总部或厂区设在高铁沿线城市。例如:武广高铁开通之后,湖南省已承接1600余产业转移项目。 In addition, the pursuit of a greater market a large number of major domestic and foreign enterprises will locate the regional headquarters and factory in high-speed railway routes to the city. For example: After the completion of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway, Hunan Province has gained more than 1,600 industrial business relocations.
高铁时代对中国经济的影响 High-Speed Rail Age And The Impact On China's Economy • 高铁加速人口流动,带来人才的汇聚和人群结构的变化,从而促进就业; High-Speed Rail enhances mobility, bringing together professionals and changes in population structure, thereby promoting employment: • 例如:郑州高铁客运站借助其区位优势,引国内500强企业、央企、跨国公司企业竞相进驻,创造了大量的就业机会; For example: Zhengzhou High Speed Rail Terminal with its geographical advantages, cited domestic top 500 enterprises, the central enterprises, and multinational companies competing for presence, creating a large number of employment opportunities;
高铁时代对中国房地产业的影响 High-Speed Rail Age And The Impact On China's Economy • 加快城市发展:高铁交通网络缩短了城市间的距离,令公共设施的覆盖半径迅速扩大,吸引更多的人到中心城市购物、娱乐、工作,从而加快城市建设的进程; Speeds up urban development: high-speed rail transportation network shortens the distance between cities, so that the radius of coverage of public facilities expands rapidly, attracting more people to the center city for shopping, entertainment, jobs, thus speeding up the process of urban development; • 推进新城建设:高铁所带来的巨大价值已引起各地方政府的高度重视,纷纷以新火车站作为依托,打造高铁新城;如2010年长沙县政府策划的48平方公里的长沙高铁东部新城项目; Promotes town building: the enormous growth high-speed rail has added to the value of the local government creates a great importance for it to have a new train station as the basis to build high-speed rail terminal; as shown by the planning of Changsha County, Changsha in 2010, 48 km east of the High Speed Rail Park projects;
高铁时代对中国房地产业的影响 High-Speed Rail Age And The Impact On China's Real Estate Industry • 购房思维的转变,“高铁地产”快速发展 The change to rapid acquisition of "High Speed Rail development property,” • 以上海为例:沪宁高铁通车后,上海到苏州仅需15分钟左右,至无锡仅需30分钟,从而唤起了人们完全崭新的购房思维,促使苏州、无锡、镇江、南京等沿线城市的楼盘开始升温,楼价与供求明显普涨; The Case of Shanghai: Shanghai-Nanjing High-Speed Rail, 15 minutes from Shanghai to Suzhou, about 30 minutes to Wuxi, which evoked a completely new thinking by buyers, which encouraged prices in Suzhou, Wuxi, Zhenjiang, Nanjing and other cities along the route to begin to heat up, EADS and supply vs. demand obviously were mixed;
高铁时代对中国房地产业的影响 High-Speed Rail Age And The Impact On China's Real Estate Industry • 开发商战略转移: Developer strategic shift: • 在国家的强力调控下,未来一线城市的房地产市场有望进入一个稳定期,而二、三线城市经历多年酝酿势必迎来黄金发展阶段。开发商借助高铁效应扩大拿地半径,慢慢转向二三线城市发展。 Those strong in the country who control of the future are expected to stabilize the city's real estate market, which has entered a stable phase, while the second and third tier cities after years of deliberation are bound to usher in a premier development stage. Developers with high-speed rail property to take advantage of the expanding radius of effect, and development has slowly turned to second and third tier cities. • 例如:“碧桂园”在武广沿线布局的站点城市韶关、长沙、咸宁、武汉等城市,开发项目达8个之多。 For example: "Country Garden" In the military wide distribution of sites along the cities of Shaoguan, Changsha, Xianning, Wuhan and other cities, contain up to 8 development projects.
中国高铁技术“走出去”China High Speed Rail Technology "going out" China's output of high-speed rail technology to the world the time has come • 高铁技术被称为“大国技术”,在过去三十年,全世界走在这一技术前沿的国家只有法国、日本和德国;中国用6年左右的时间跨越了世界铁路发达国家一般用30年的历程,形成了具有完整自主知识产权的高速铁路技术体系; High-speed rail technology is known as the "great power technology", in the past three decades, the only others in the world with this pioneering technology are France, Japan and Germany; China in only about 6 years has brought this technology throughout the world, developed countries generally use the 30 Chinese railway companies. In the process, China has formed completely new independent intellectual property rights for high-speed railway technology systems; • 中国高铁技术拥有诸多优势: China's high-speed rail technology has many advantages: • 提供一揽子交钥匙服务;Turnkey package of services; • 中国高铁技术层次丰富,既可以进行250公里时速的既有线改造,也可以新建350公里时速的新线路; China's high-speed rail technology has many options, both for the existing line of 250 km per hour transportation, but China can also manufactuer the new line of 350 km per hour trains; • 中国高铁具有成本优势,比其他国家低20%左右; High-speed rail has a cost advantage in China, being about 20% lower than other countries; • 基于中国高铁技术的诸多优点,许多国家纷纷到访我国寻求技术合作。中国高铁技术向世界输出的时代已经来临。 China's high-speed rail technology based on the many advantages, many countries have visited China to seek technical cooperation.
中国高铁技术“走出去”China High Speed Rail Technology "going out" China's output of high-speed rail technology to the world the time has come • 目前,我国铁道部已派出项目协调组到美国、俄罗斯、巴西、沙特、波兰等国进行高铁项目考察,并组织相关企业积极参与项目竞标。; • At present, China's Ministry of Railways has sent a Project Coordination Unit to the United States, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Poland and other countries to study high-speed rail projects, and organize relevant enterprises to actively participate in project bidding. • 2009年10月,中俄总理会晤期间,两国签署谅解备忘录,就在俄罗斯境内建设高铁项目合作达成共识; • October 2009, Russian Prime Minister during the meeting, the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding on construction in Russia reached a consensus on cooperation in high-speed rail project. • 2010年4月,中国铁道部与通用电气、美国加州政府签署了初步合作协议,由中方为加州的高速铁路建设提供技术设备及人员支持。由于目前加州高铁计划存在300亿美元的资金缺口,中方还有可能对该州的高铁项目提供融资帮助。 • California High Speed Rail program as currently there is 30 billion U.S. dollars of the funding gap. The Chinese Government may also provide financing to help high-speed rail project.
我公司开发高铁项目的初步构思 Our Concept of a US High-Speed Rail Project 3
开发美国高铁项目初步构思 -开发模式 1 1U.S. High-Speed Rail Project Initial Concept - A Development Model 高铁项目 High-Speed Rail Project 开发&总承包 Development & General Contracting 美国地方政府 U.S. Local Governments 中冶置业 MCC Real Estate 以发行债券的形式对项目进行融资 Issues Bonds Financing 购买美国政府发行债券 Purchases U.S. Government Bonds 对高铁项目进行投资 Invests In High-Speed Rail Project 中铁海外 China Railway 中投 CIC 高铁技术支持 Support High Speed Rail
开发美国高铁项目初步构思 -开发模式 2 2 U.S. High-Speed Rail Project Initial Concept - The Development Mode 高铁项目 High-Speed Rail Project 总承包 General Contracting BT模式合作开发 BT Development Model 美国地方政府 U.S. Local Governments 中冶置业 MCC Real Estate 分包 Sub 中投 CIC 中铁海外 China Railway 资金支持 Financial Support 技术支持 Technical Support
中国投资有限责任公司成立于2007年9月,是从事外汇资金投资管理业务的国有独资公司;中国财政部通过发行特别国债的方式筹集1.5万亿元人民币,购买相当于2000亿美元的外汇储备作为中投公司的注册资本金;中国投资有限责任公司成立于2007年9月,是从事外汇资金投资管理业务的国有独资公司;中国财政部通过发行特别国债的方式筹集1.5万亿元人民币,购买相当于2000亿美元的外汇储备作为中投公司的注册资本金; • China Investment Company Ltd. (CIC) was established in September 2007, is engaged in the investment management business of foreign reserves; formed by China's Ministry of Finance through the issuance of special treasury bonds to raise 1.5 trillion Yuan as a way to buy the equivalent of 200 billion U.S. dollars in foreign reserves in the investment of the company's registered capital; • 近年来,由于我国巨额贸易顺差、外国直接投资流入大幅增加等因素,外汇储备迅速增长。为了缓解外汇储备过多带来的负面影响,国家大力鼓励和支持投资者进行海外投资; • In recent years, China's huge trade surplus, increased foreign direct investment and other factors has resulted in the rapid growth of foreign exchange reserves.In order to alleviate the negative impact of excessive foreign exchange reserves, the state strongly encourages and supports investors to invest overseas; • 2009年,中投公司的投资组合主要集中在全球公开市场股票和债券上,并对一些资质优秀的公司进行直接投资,投资领域包括基础设施;截至到2009年底,中投持有美国股票的总市值约为96.27亿美元; • In 2009, the China Investment Company's investment portfolio focused on global stocks and bonds on the open market, and some of the companies qualified and for a direct investment, including infrastructure investment; at the end of 2009, their total investment holdings of U.S. stocks had a market value of about 9.627 billion U.S. dollars; • 中投公司认为:随着经济的逐步回暖,投资美国基础建设领域,有望获得较稳定的回报,有利于降低通胀预期所带来的风险,而美国也急切需要大量国外资金投入到美国的高铁建设之中。因此,中投有意进军美国高速铁路建设从而进一步扩大公司的投资范围。 • China Investment Company believes that: With the economy gradually pick up, the U.S. infrastructure investment market will likely produce more stable returns and is conducive to reducing the risks of inflation, while the U.S. urgently needs a large number of foreign investment into United States High Speed Rail construction. Therefore, CIC intends to enter the high-speed railway construction market in the United States to further expand the company's investments.
中国中铁做为我国铁路建设市场最大的承包商,参与过我国所有主要铁路的建设,在我国铁路建设市场处于领导地位;中国中铁做为我国铁路建设市场最大的承包商,参与过我国所有主要铁路的建设,在我国铁路建设市场处于领导地位; • China Railway Engineering Corporation (CREC) is China’s largest civil contractor, involved in all the major railway construction in China, and is China's leader in the railway construction market • 由中铁修建的武广高铁创造了世界最长、世界最快的高铁纪录,公司的高铁技术获得国际认可; • By Construction of the Wuhan-Guangzhou Railway, China Railway has created the world's longest, and the world's fastest high-speed rail on record, the company is internationally recognized in high-speed rail technology. • 目前,中铁的国际业务仅扩展到中东及港澳地区,并正在非洲和东南亚市场加大开发力度,但美洲市场尚为空白。中铁希望借美国高铁建设的机会提升公司在欧美市场的知名度。 • At present, the expansion of international operations of CREC is limited to the Middle East and Hong Kong and Macao, and is increasing in Africa and Southeast Asia market development efforts, but the American market is still open. CREC will give the United States the opportunity to enter the high-speed railway construction market in Europe and give the United States a reputation in the field.
我公司参与美国高铁项目建设的意义 The Significance Of Our participation In The United States High-Speed Rail Program • 响应国家战略:面临当今的转型经济时代,中国企业走出去,必须依靠国家战略层面的支持、鼓励、引导和推动; Response to national strategy: Because of the fluctuation of today's economic times facing Chinese companies going global, we must rely on support from the national strategic level, to encourage, guide and promote; • 国家战略1:海外投资,融入国际市场,参与国际竞争; National Strategy 1: overseas investment, integration into the international market and international competition; • 国家战略2:向国际输出高铁技术,中国高铁已具备参与海外高铁建设项目的竞争优势; National Strategy 2: export of high-speed rail technology internationally, the Chinese already have a competitive edge in high-speed railway construction projects • 有利于企业发展:中冶置业作为中冶集团地产板块的旗舰企业,可借助美国高铁建设,带动后续的沿线新城开发项目,从而正式进军美国房地产市场; Conducive to enterprise development: the oversight by China Metallurgical Group's parent property company, take the lead in U.S. high-speed railway construction, lead integrated development projects along the rail line and enter the U.S. housing market; • 企业品牌建设:高铁项目高度的社会关注度,可打造中国新形象及企业国际品牌竞争力。 Brand-building: high-speed rail project fulfills a high degree of social responsibility, and help to build China's new international brand image and corporate competitiveness.
美国高铁项目建设为集团带来的利益 Significance Of The United States High-Speed Rail Project • 在铁路及高铁基建方面,中国中冶已有业务参与; High Speed Rail - China Metallurgical has business participation in railway and infrastructure • 高铁建设领域可作为未来集团的战略资源储备; High-speed rail construction field labor can be used as a strategic resource reserves of the Group; • 同时带动工程总承包、机械装备、材料供应、配套设施、房地产等集团产业链的发展,创造企业效益。 At the same time, it promotes MCC’s businesses of general contracting, mechanical equipment, materials, supplies, facilities and the real estate development group of the industrial chain to create business benefit.
美国高铁项目建设为集团带来的利益 Significance Of The United States High-Speed Rail Project • 2009年,上海宝冶承接京沪高速铁路上海虹桥站、济南西站的钢结构加工制作; • In 2009, Shanghai Bao Ye Shanghai Hongqiao undertook construction of the railroad station, Jinan West Point steel manufacture; • 2010年7月,中冶京诚与辽宁紫竹集团签署战略合作框架协议。双方将在生产轨道、铁路零部件的产品制造、海外铁路工程总承包等方面业务进行战略合作; • July 2010, China Metallurgical Group in Beijing Zizhu Liaoning Cheng signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement. The two sides will produce track, railway parts manufacturing, overseas project contracting and other aspects of railway operations in the strategic cooperation; • 2010年8月,中冶建研成功中标云桂铁路混凝土外加剂的供应商; • August 2010, in Ye Jian Gui Railway Institute won the bid as supplier of concrete admixtures; • 中冶赛迪工程技术股份有限公司的自动化技术也已涉足高铁机车运行的铁路信号领域。 • CISDI Engineering Co., Ltd. has been involved in the automation technology to run high-speed rail locomotive field railway signals.
总 结 Conclusion • 我公司以通过参与美国高铁建设项目的方式进入美国房地产市场有以下战略意义: Our participation in the United States through high-speed rail construction projects and the U.S. real estate market, has the strategic significance of the following: • 城市:高铁沿线的城市发展肯定会比非高铁城市要快; City: High Speed Rail communities will have higher density than non-urban development along the High Speed Rail • 地产:高铁是新城建设的加速剂,地产价值将随之提升; Real Estate: High speed rail is a new city building agent, property values will rise with it; • 战略:从持续发展的角度看,高铁地产长期利好; Strategy: From the perspective of sustainable development, there will be a good long-term high-speed rail real estate market; • 项目:我公司发挥整合各种资源的优势,联合多方共同进行美国高铁项目建设,可使美国州政府、中冶集团、中投、中铁多方获利;同时也为我公司进军美国房地产市场打下坚实的基础。 Project: Our company has the integrated resources to play off the advantages of a multi-business unit U.S. high-speed rail project. It will enable the United States state government, China Metallurgical Group, our associates, CREC to all profit; and at the same time for me to enter the U.S. real estate business market and lay a solid foundation.
汇报完毕 The End 谢谢 Thank you