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Introduction to Java

Introduction to Java. Classes and Objects Bank Account Program. Write a simple banking application that allows bank customers Open accounts Deposit money into their accounts Withdraw money from their accounts Check their account balance View their account transactions

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Introduction to Java

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Java Classes and Objects Bank Account Program

  2. Write a simple banking application that allows bank customers • Open accounts • Deposit money into their accounts • Withdraw money from their accounts • Check their account balance • View their account transactions • The bank can have many accounts • Each account has one owner • For a transaction, the owner only provides his/her account number, and the type and the amount of the transaction • After the account is provided, the bank greets the customer with his/her first name

  3. The bank conducts business only when it is open • When the bank closes, all the account information is written to the file, “data.txt” • When the bank opens, all the account information is read from the file, “data.txt”

  4. Person fName lName getFirstName getLastName Account owner balance acctNumber transactions deposit withdraw getAcctNumber getBalance getOwnerFirstName getTransactions * Bank accounts openAccount deposit withdraw getBalance getTransactions openBank closeBank

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