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NCPTS End User Training Enforced Collections Pilot. August 8-9, 2013. Legal Action Lifecycle. Legal Action Creation. Create Manually. Legal Action Management. Legal Action Management. It’s Day 2 Let’s Review!. Debt Setoff Creation and Flow. Payment Arrangement Process.
NCPTS End User Training Enforced Collections Pilot August 8-9, 2013
Legal Action Creation Create Manually
Legal Action Management Legal Action Management
Sheriff Legal Actions • Pair of batch jobs: first identifies the delinquent bills with an Interest Begin Date inside a specified date range • Using an algorithm, randomly selects a set number of bills and creates a Letter 4 (Delinquent DMV) • A second batch job should be set to run a set number of days after the Delinquent Notices go out • If lockbox or credit card payments are received after the warrant is issued, release the Legal Action and notify the sheriff promptly
Mass Wage Garnishments • 3 Step Process • Employee Match File run; employees appear in under their employer after the match (batch). • Verify and submit matches. • Employer selected on the Mass Wage Garnishment page (online). • Mass Wage Garnishment job runs and creates the legal actions (batch).
The Employer Match File • NCPTS uses a corporation’s employee file to match taxpayers in the system. If the match is made, the employer information is updated against the taxpayer in a potential match table. • NCPTS matches on • Social Security Numbers • Taxpayer name & address combinations • Potential matches are put into a Match file • A flag appears on the taxpayer record to indicate the potential match • An icon displays on both the delinquent bill and delinquent queue screen
The Employer Match File (cont.) • If the taxpayer record already includes an employer, NCPTS allows you to override the existing entry • If the employer is not listed on the taxpayer record, NCPTS allows you to add a new one • Verified matches are removed from the potential match file • Enhancement in the next release: A new employer upload can clear prior relationships (optional)
Mass Bank Garnishments (new!) • Ability to create Bank Garnishment LAs in mass • Uses existing NCPTS relationship of bank to taxpayer (Routing Number/Bank Name Table) • System finds all delinquent taxpayer bills by bank • Relationship established by most recent check payment • Finds bills for the taxpayer by SSN, driver’s license #, name & address
Mass Bank Garnishments (new!) • All banks with identified delinquent taxpayers appear on Mass Bank Garnishment page • Shows total unpaid amount by bank and number of taxpayers by bank • You select one or more banks and add them to a “queue” • Batch process picks up banks in the queue and creates the garnishment records
Identify Foreclosure Candidates(new!) • Uses existing delinquent bills to identify potential foreclosures • Start with candidate search • Find unpaid bills for REI properties • Exclude bankruptcy, foreclosure, arrangement (automatically) • Candidates are identified by parcel
Identify Foreclosure Candidates(new!) • Add parcels to a queue (can reject entire parcel once in the queue) • Queue allows tracking with status changes and appraiser assignment • Foreclosure Candidate Detail page shows delinquent bills by parcel, offers remove bill and find additional bill functionality • Cannot directly create Foreclosure LAs from this page as of yet; details still being worked out
Reports • Outstanding Levy • Delinquent Bills • Enforced Collections Activity • Debt Setoff • Insolvent
Opens Q: If a payment comes in for a Bank Garnishment (single payment), that is not in full, it automatically concludes the arrangement even if it’s a partial payment. What do you do? A:Be sure payments for bills under bank garnishment have approval turned on. Review the payment. If it’s from the taxpayer, do not take the payment.
Opens Q: When reapplying a reversed payment, you can’t change the interest end date to before the most recent LA payment. What do you do? A:Reverse payments until you reach the correct point of the error, then reapply payments in order. Correct interest date as you go.
Opens Q: A bill is delinquent as of Jan 2013 and is sold in March. The statute states that the owner as of the date of delinquency and all subsequent owners are then liable for the outstanding property taxes. How would you create a legal action to go after both the original owner as of the date of delinquency and the person who bought the property in March? A:Under research