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The Holocaust

The Holocaust. Nazis propose new racial order Aryans were “master race” Germans wrongly labeled Aryans Aryan refers to Indo-European people that went to India around 1500 BC Non-Aryans were inferior. Holocaust. Systematic mass slaughter of Jews and other groups

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The Holocaust

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  1. The Holocaust

  2. Nazis propose new racial order • Aryans were “master race” • Germans wrongly labeled Aryans • Aryan refers to Indo-European people that went to India around 1500 BC • Non-Aryans were inferior

  3. Holocaust • Systematic mass slaughter of Jews and other groups • those judged inferior by the Nazis

  4. Persecution Begins • April 4, 1933 • Hitler orders all non-Aryans removed from government jobs • First move toward racial purity of Holocaust

  5. Why the Jews? • Anti-Semitism has deep roots in German History • Jews blamed for failures and frustrations • Germans support Hitler’s blame of Jews for loss of WWI and economic problems

  6. Nuremberg Laws • 1935 – Nuremberg Laws • Deprived Jews of rights of citizenship • Forbade marriages between Jews and non-Jews • Strip Jews of civil rights and property if they try to leave Germany • Jews over age 6 have to wear yellow Star of David on clothing

  7. Night of Broken Glass • Response to assassination of German diplomat in Paris • Kristallnact • Nov. 9, 1938 • Nazi storm troopers attack Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues • Murder close to 100 Jews

  8. Nazis blame Jews for destruction • 20,000 arrested and sent to concentration camps

  9. A Flood of Refugees • Jews realize violence would increase • Flee Germany • Hitler favored emigration as solution to “the Jewish Problem” • Countries began turning Jews away • US, GB, France

  10. Isolating the Jews • Hitler ordered Jews in countries he controlled into designated cities • Division of the SS called the Einsatzgruppen • Nazis herded Jews into ghettos • Overcrowded, segregated areas • Sealed off with barbed wire and stone walls • Hoped Jews would die from disease or starvation

  11. Final Solution • 1942Nazis adopt new policy • Genocide • Systematic killing of an entire people • Hitler believed conquest depended on purity of Aryan race • “Subhumans” must be eliminated

  12. Jews not the only group targeted • 1933 – Nazis focus on silencing political opponents • Communists, Socialists, Liberals • Gypsies • Freemasons • Jehovah’s Witnesses • Homosexuals • Mentally retarded • Insane • Disabled • Incurably ill

  13. The Condemned • 1939 – German gov’t rounds up “undesirables” • Shipped to “special treatment” facilities • Experimented on and studied • Offered “mercy death” • Movement east adds other groups • Poles, Ukrainians, Russians • Land taken from groups and given to wealthy Germans (lebensraum)

  14. The Killings Begin • SS go from town to town hunting Jews • Brought to secluded spots • Shot prisoners in pits - become mass graves

  15. Concentration Camps • Located mainly in Germany and Poland • Life in camps • Hunger, humiliation, work • Cramped barracks • Meager meals • Work from dawn until dusk, 7 days a week • Those too weak to work - killed

  16. The Final Stage • Extermination • Overwork, starvation, beatings and shooting not quick enough • 1942 – 6 death camps created • Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno, Belzec, Majdanek • Huge gas chambers • 6,000 killed per day • Auschwitz is largest camp • Disposal of bodies • Buried in giant pits – too much evidence and smell • Nazis install crematoriums to burn bodies

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